Destiny Cards – Queen of Hearts – Love and justice toward the Family – Magnet for Family and Friends – Birthdays – July 29, August 27, September 25, October 23, November 21, December 19

Queens of Hearts are feminine archetypes of the perfect heart. You need to create impeccable perfection of love. In other words, you have to be an example for all of humanity how to love. You need to apply extraordinary emotional intelligence. Your patience is constantly tested especially when people do not meet your expectations. You have King of Spades in Mars. It means either you can achieve any dream with your efforts, and if the anger overpowers you, it can lead to uncontrollable emotions of anger that can create lots of damage.

You need to take fewer responsibilities because you can go easily into emotional exhaustion or even breakdown. In many instances, you do everything for everyone – you care like a mother for your friends, dogs and cats, your lovers and family. You need to let others do more things for you and empower them and delegate the responsibilities.

You need to learn to express your raw emotional forces to life which will benefit you as well as people around you. You need to stay away form caretaker rose and step into authority leadership role.

You need to learn that the gift of love you have shall not be misused. You need to express your desires with compassionate awareness. You will see that it will work to the benefits of your love and your heart and your desires will be fulfilled.

The Neptune Card in the Neptune Line displaces 10 of Spades

You also need to be aware of your dreams. Your dreams have come true, yet you often can be disappointed in your dreams when some underlying factors come up. You realized that you need to be very careful what you wish for.

Queen of Hearts is the card of beauty, magnetism, affection, and idealism which is so much wanted and needed in the world. The women present much-loved perfect mother, the sweetheart, the loyal sister, or respectful daughter.

The men born under the influence of Queen of Hearts are generally sensitive and creative, sympathetic and understanding. Unfortunately, both men and women of Queen of Hearts need to deal with much inevitable negativity around them and constantly apply emotional intelligence.

The women are very attractive and are magnets for love from the opposite sex. Sometimes they can become spoiled and take attention and love for granted requesting attention, flattery, good clothes, and good times, which can make them become lazy and frivolous.

The men are too gentle to the point of spinelessness, too feminine, too unbalanced, and sexually indeterminate.
The escapists form both sexes may have drinking problems.

All Queens of Hearts are popular and hospitable, socially-minded, cooperative and appreciative; generous and faithful; honest and just. They are also very talented in some artistic line. If they cannot express themselves in poetry and art, they appreciate art. They are intense and dramatic and capable of deep devotion and friendship.

They are attracted to a professional type of work, as well as they are attracted to marriage. Sometimes it is easier for women either go toward professional life or stay-home mothers. Combining both may be complicated because of too many responsibilities and pressure. Contacts and friends are very important. It is advisable for both men and women of Queen of Hearts to never live alone and have always a partner.

They are interested in foreign lands and travel, and they love to make friends in foreign lands. They are very open and take their friends to their hearts readily and easily. They love to learn about other customs, ideas, and modes of life. They always shine and radiate enthusiasm and optimism; friendly and comforting.

Their true place of Queen of Cups is the Saturn Card in Venus line, which means that they never cause the heartache or distress to other people and their flirtations are not harming in any way.

They have a privilege of a choice. They have a psychic gift, and many are can be mediums. They also have strong ties to religious and believes. People never find faults in Queens of Hearts because Queen of Hearts is loving and desirable.

The Challenge for Queens of Hearts is the Emotional Disconnect and Flashes of Enger When Expectations are not Met.

Planetary Sequence for Queen of Hearts

10 of Clubs – Mercury Card

You have curious minds since early childhood and show smartness and talents. There is a need for a good education and mental discipline. Mental discipline calms your minds and it makes easier to achieve success. You have great ability to express your thoughts in words, can be great writers, educators, and entertainers. Everything around you goes smoothly and pleasantly.

10 of Diamonds – Venus Card

You need to make money in Venus occupations – art, beauty, fashion, adornments. Money, if made easily, are taken for granted. You immediately spend your money on surroundings, good clothes, and travel to keep things interesting. You are never snobbish. You usually have the luck to attract those with means and in good standing and without financial limitations. Even if money does not arrive directly via your efforts, you will be provided by family or acquired by marriage.

You are a torrent of energy and healthy sexual drive. You have perfect love relations, as long as your lovers stand in the same flame as you, have similar spiritual goals and be helpful to your cause.

King of Spades – Mars Card

You are rather stubborn and set in principle, yet you manage to express your ideas and opinions in a nice way. You get your own way by persistently adhering it. You chose to work and be friends with mature, happy, positive and powerful people. You affect others with your aspirations, opinions, and attitudes toward life. You are a good listener and learn a lot from listening. You often win arguments and debates, without making enemies. You prefer to learn by observation and analyzing.

If you are really crossed by someone, you need to learn to control your anger and emotions.

3 of Cups – Jupiter card

Emotions often interfere with business. You can get stuck with helping those who are in trouble. If you get involved with wrong people, you suffer as a result because you cannot see evil until it is too late. You may be undecided about your occupation because of internal family circumstances. You want to be well liked and popular, and this also could attract the wrong people. Being very idealistic could be a gift and could be a curse.

Ace of Clubs – Saturn card

Suffer disappointments when you cannot accomplish their objects for whatever reasons. You often select a complicated career goal and follow the money not having sufficient applications or time to learn the techniques. You end up putting more efforts than anticipated in a first place and much be willing to work really really hard to build a solid foundation.

Your desire is to help others. Your best occupations are found in medicine, nursing, or healing. You always help sick family members even if you did not choose medicine as your occupation.

Queen of Clubs – Uranus Card

You are very intuitive and can be attuned to metaphysics and attain great power in this line.

You best work with intelligent people where you can use your intuition and contribute to your own development. You should choose your associates with care.

You can become leaders in movements and causes to save the world.

10 of Spades – Neptune Card

This is your displacement karma card – 10 of Spades and it gives strong emphasis on your ideas and interests. You people can invite confusions that may stop you from achieving your goals and procrastinating instead. You put limitations on your spiritual development because have issues with trust.

Travel is usually desired and often for educational purposes. Travel and education bring happiness. Old age is usually well provided for. You learn to overcome your difficulties; you power and strength increase with the old age.

Birthdays Ruled by the Queen of Hearts

July 29: Leo. Ruler: Sun

Many of people born on July 29 are sincere religionists and philanthropists. You are kind yet have exaggerated egos and megalomaniacs. You want to rule and have the last word. You likely woe people who dispute your opinions.
You usually hold a position of an authority in religious or educational foundations. You succeed in music, art, writing, selling and acting.

August 27: Virgo. Ruler: Mercury

Mental and critical, but willing to see their own weaknesses. You strive for a good education. You forget yourself working for causes and digging facts. They are good business managers, efficient and executive. You tend to overdo work, care, and services. You can become good writers, publishers, and philosophers.

September 25: Libra. Ruler: Venus

Often talented in art, but have more success and money as art dealers or patrons. Good judges of quality and value. Collectors. Good beauty managers. You can succeed in law and politics. You are most fortunate in family life. Writers, dancers, poets. You like to visit ceremonies – artistic and religious; love culture and traditions.

October 23: Libra. Ruler: Venus

This is the last degree of Libra, and rarely a Scorpio.
The most positive of Queens of Hearts. Stubborn and impulsive. Demand personal freedom. Retain youthful appearance to a long age. Intuitional but inclined to materialism. Good government officials, agents, attorneys. Love art, but rarely make it as a profession. You also can make money via communications and public relations. Dynamic and impressive. Not well adapted for medicine. Like to feel wanted and needed. Can be very emotional, yet let go really fast.

November 21: Scorpio. Ruler: Mars

Mentally keen. You like to discipline others. You may be oversuspicious and have disturbing fears and doubts. You may have low self-esteem and need encouragement to realize your own capabilities. You are better friends, but not always suitable to be good marriage partners. You borrow trouble and can life in denial and self-pity. You should avoid being selfish. You are hard-working if you hold a position of authority. You have talents in music, arts; and well suited for educational work, or high government posts. You can be priests and public speakers. You need to meditate to develop a positive outlook on life and learn to be calm.

December 19: Sagittarius. Ruler: Jupiter

The most difficult date for all Queens of Hearts. You suffer in emotional life and may have physical afflictions to contend with – especially in early childhood. Good recuperative powers and you are often long-lived. Hardship you overcome usually after maturity via your independent efforts. You need to have working positive philosophy to get by. You are well suited for public life. You approach everything forms a scientific angle to get success. You are mental and are attracted to mechanics, science, radio, chemistry. You need to cultivate optimism to be well connected with yourself and others. At times of loss, you feel disconnected and emotional.

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