Here where our dreams merge with dreams of society and high leaps possible. Its natural sign of Aquarius, and its natural ruler, Uranus where each person’s autonomy is respected. This house sparkles out simultaneously the collective awareness.
The Polarity of 11th house is the 5th house of Personal Self-Expression turns creativity into collaborative art. Planets in the 10th house near 11th house bring fame through an ability to sway masses.
The Eleventh House akaks to destiny — in simple terms, our hopes and dreams, what we desire and what we want to achieve; aspirations and capacity for happiness through the fulfillment of desires. Our creative vision is highlighted, the simple act of working toward our maximal selves.
The Eleventh house is also known as the ‘The House of Good Fortune’.
The 11th house is a keeper of all mysteries around and how we are linked and our effect on evolution forward within our realm of friends. We can find a spirit of a revolution here with our liberations of our status quo and ability to experiment what is possible. It is our energies and chemistry how we pick up vibes. 11th house uncovers how you select friends and extend your networks and shows what your attitude is staying connected is. Here is your drive to work for human good and help others.
Planets in the 11th house show how you collaborate with like-minds to achieve goals. It shows how to shape your attitude to make your ideas into reality. It shows the way you experiment and innovate.
Transits to the 11th house show what you bring into a public arena and how you share your ideas. Mars transit brings vitality to your social life or can even make you a champion. Jupiter and Venus transits can bring you exciting friends who match your way of thinking.
The 11th House also signifies – friendships, older siblings, recovery from illness, elevation of husband, the longevity of mother, spiritual accomplishments, financial stability, recognition, fructification of one’s efforts, social affairs, place one occupies in a group.
It is income, fulfillment of wishes, abundance, delight, ability to implement ideas into tangible form.
Eleventh House is a house of acquisitions. It represents revenues and profits, all that we possess in sufficient quantities, and that gives us a multiplication of income. Eleventh house points to the goals, desires, and aspirations. On the one hand, the eleventh house determines the strength of our individualistic impulses. On the other hand, it symbolizes the embodiment of our ideals and realization of desires. Regarding family relationships, Eleventh House can represent older brothers and sisters, their fate and character.
Eleventh House is a house of abundance. All the planets that dwell here become benevolent, even those planets that have negative aspects. Any planet in the eleventh house is prone to maximize its potential. Venus here can indicate that an owner of a horoscope might have a few marriages. Mercury gives people good intelligence and ensures success in all matters relating to communication. Sun promises fulfillment of important goals that we set for ourselves in life.
The Eleventh House is also referred to as the House of Friends. Through our friends, we find strength in numbers — we see the power of the collective and the group. The focus here is on the activities we undertake within these groups, how we can make a difference and as a result, how we grow and actualize our true selves. Further, it’s the group, by its collective strength, which helps to define what we as individuals will do.
As we grow, we have more opportunities and possibilities available to us. Our interactions and efforts can enhance our lives. A labor of love. Through our friends and group activities, we add substance and meaning to our lives and society. The power of collective creation we create greatness.
In joining with our friends, we not only accomplish more, but we can also enjoy the fruits of our labor. The House also addresses what kind of friend we are: what do we do for others? How do we view our friends? How do they see us? To a great extent, the house of friends defines what friends and groups we choose.
Our intimate relationships are associated with the 4th, 5th, and 8th houses. Eleventh house associates are friends with whom we have links that are more relaxed and more objective. With these people, there is sympathy, understanding and sweet feeling of fellowship. With little or no emotional involvement, there is less ego and co-dependency. Our social circle is a network of unrelated individuals whom we encounter beyond the level of our inward struggles and the security and entanglement issues of family and marriage. It is often a blessed respite to spend time “hanging out” in the 11th house!
The 11th house is where we experience belonging and being loved. The 5th house is where and how we give love. From the 11th, we see how we receive love and the feeling of being loved by others. It shows the characteristic qualities of attitude and behavior that we tend to interpret or misinterpret as loving. If poorly aspected planets such as Mars or Saturn tenant the 11th, our ideas of friendly behavior may be dysfunctional. Anger, cruelty, harshness, and rigidity may ‘feel’ like love.
The wealth of a person is judged by studying the Second and Eleventh Houses. The Second House indicates fixed assets or family assets like property, land, business, etc. The Eleventh House Shows a capacity to generate wealth.
Presence of exalted Sun in the Eleventh House brings a person a substantial income and plenty of opportunities. Some of the well-known personalities with Sun in Eleventh House are – Robert Pattinson, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Bill Clinton, Nietzsche, Shakespeare, Michael Jordan, George Washington, Cher, Elizabeth Taylor.
Presence of Moon in the Eleventh House will make a person highly educated and will possess praise noble qualities. The Moon presence will also allow the flow of wealth without much effort. Presence of Mars in the eleventh House will make a person famous. If strong Mercury occupies the Eleventh house of a person’s Birth Chart, it will make a person wealthy through virtuous deeds.
The planetary combination of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Moon in the Eleventh House bestows Raja Yoga (a person will be wealthy, honored and famous). A strong Saturn in the Eleventh House would make a person enjoy comforts of all kinds. A person with Rahu in the Eleventh House enjoys a long and prosperous life. Presence of Ketu in the Eleventh House makes a person versatile, learned and wealthy.
At a high level, the eleventh house is connected with the spiritual growth, as well as the breadth and clarity of mind. In this respect, Eleventh House is similar to an opposing Fifth House of the horoscope. However, the Fifth House represents the intellect as such, and the Eleventh House serves the ability to translate ideas into tangible form. And if the Fifth house is related to the creation of literary works, the Eleventh House is doing their publications.
The strength of the 11th House is evaluated by
The Eleventh house is ruled by Aquarius and Uranus and is a succulent house.
A person feels an acute sense of his or her participation in a work of a group. A person feels like he needs it, and that all the other members of the group feel the same and it would not trade him for anyone else, and similar sensations he thinks about the other members of the group. It could happen a specific friendly conversation when a team can tell a person their assessments and claims that he would never accept from any individual, and he will allow it. It will be fundamental importance – openness and honesty of group members and the opinions of a group happen to like a fresh stream and healing.
A person has a sense of personal self-expression in a group. He feels good whatever the group is doing – where it is a fair or a gala concert initiative, – a person the feeling that he is everywhere and everyone; he is a seller and a buyer; a buffoon and a puppeteer; a musician, and a poet.
The first lesson of Eleventh House is the correct allocation of duties and responsibilities which help in the evolutionary development of its members.
Strong Eleventh House depicts a person who can not live without a team. Wherever this person goes, social life begins around him, and he takes the most direct participation. This person is a public figure by nature. If a person has weak Tenth House, he would rather be interested in the inner life of a group, than engage in achievements of specific objectives.
People come and share their problems with a person of strong Eleventh House; and his actions are carefully coordinated with the entire group life, while a person with a strong Tenth House likes to be in command and be a mighty leader.
If a person has a Strong Elevens House, but Weak Fifth House, a person can be too shy to play a role, but a person always prefers to orchestrate other and look at their game and work. Deep in his heart, a person has a desire to stand in front of a team, so that a group would appreciate his contribution. However, to go on stage, a person needs to overcome his complexes and a sense of dissatisfaction, failure of personal expressions and resentment on a team. A person needs to change his attitude toward a group and stop thinking that “you are completely ungrateful lazy and parasites.”