2024 October Moon of Thresholds: Stepping Into the Unknown

The Curtain Lifts: Embracing the Mystical

Ah, October! The time when we all realize we’re on the other side of the seasonal curtain. It’s a month of glorious transformation, both exhilarating and, well, perhaps a bit melancholic as we descend into the darker half of the year. The veil between worlds? Oh, it’s thinning faster than your patience in a long queue, and you may just feel the tendrils of the otherworld gently poking through the fabric of reality. This is when magic brews, and mysteries unfold—time to reflect, shed what’s no longer useful (like that coat you haven’t worn since 1998), and get cosy with a cup of tea as the Crone makes her dark, wise appearance.

The Mystical Names of October’s Full Moon

October’s Full Moon, also known as the Hunter’s Moon, was traditionally the time when people in the Northern Hemisphere prepared for winter by hunting and preserving meats. Every three years, this moon also doubles as the Harvest Moon. The moon’s varied names reflect different cultural perspectives: Native Americans called it the Rice Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, and Freezing Moon, while the Celts dubbed it the Seed Fall Moon. The Pagan Blood Moon, or Sanguine Moon, adds even more colour to this mystical month, though it’s important not to confuse it with a total lunar eclipse—now that would be the actual Blood Moon!

Lighting the Incense: Meditative Magic

Under the luminous glow of October’s Full Moon, it’s time for a little acceptance (and maybe a little rebellion, but in a meditative way, of course). Grab your favourite incense blend – the one that transports you to a magical forest or perhaps just covers the smell of last night’s takeaway – and honour the Crone’s energy. She’s all about the deep, dark lessons life’s taught you. So, settle in, light that incense, and reflect on what’s served you well and what, frankly, should be tossed out like last season’s questionable fashion choices.

Essential Oils for Releasing and Transforming

Some Essential Oils to use throughout the day and evening to help release what no longer serves you this Super Blood Flower Moon:
Jasmine, Gardenia, Neroli, Rose, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang.

Oils for releasing, transforming & clearing include:
Thyme, Sweet Basil, Frankincense, Lemon, Lime, Juniper Berry, Sage, Chamomile Roman, Tangerine, and Mandarin.

Embrace October’s duality: it’s both a time of shedding and preserving, and of stepping into the darker days ahead while holding onto the lessons of the past.

Corne Dark Magic: Embracing the Mysterious

Let’s talk Corne Dark Magic – not the spooky, cackling villain type, but the kind that gets you digging into the shadowy depths of your soul, helping you transform into a more empowered version of yourself. It’s more about personal growth than plotting world domination (though, a little bit of self-mastery never hurt anyone, right?).

What on Earth is Corne Dark Magic?

At its core, Corne Dark Magic is all about working with energies most people would rather avoid – the ones hiding in the shadows, like your unresolved fears, long-buried emotions, and, quite possibly, that embarrassing memory from high school. But instead of running from it, you face it head-on, with a cuppa in hand, ready to turn those darker energies into something magical and empowering.

The Magic of Transformation

This isn’t about casting curses or hexing your annoying neighbour (we don’t do that here, darling). It’s about transformation – taking all that messy, shadowy stuff and turning it into a source of strength and wisdom. Think of it as spiritual alchemy, where you’re taking the “lead” of your life and turning it into gold (or at least something shinier).

Shadow Work – Not as Scary as it Sounds

One of the key elements of Corne Dark Magic is shadow work. That’s just a fancy way of saying you’re going to confront all the bits of yourself you’ve been ignoring. Those repressed emotions? Those nagging fears? Yeah, they’re coming out to play. But here’s the twist: instead of letting them control you, you integrate them and become the well-rounded, unflappable individual you were always meant to be.

Energy Manipulation (No Capes Required)

Corne Dark Magic involves manipulating energies – but we’re not talking about lightning bolts shooting from your fingertips. Instead, it’s about working with the subtle, hidden forces of the universe. You draw from these mysterious wells of energy to create change, whether that’s in your personal life, your relationships, or just your mindset. And you do it all with a sense of style, of course.

Tools, Symbols, and a Touch of Drama

Every good magician needs their tools. Whether it’s candles, crystals, or herbs, Corne Dark Magic has its own unique set of symbols and rituals. Expect a fair bit of candle-lighting, moon-gazing, and maybe even a dramatic incantation or two (bonus points if you’re wearing something fabulous while you do it). Dark doesn’t mean dull, after all!

Not for Evil Villains, Thank You Very Much

Let’s get one thing straight: Corne Dark Magic isn’t about doing anything malevolent. No curses, no nasty hexes – just good old-fashioned self-discovery. The magic itself isn’t evil; it’s all about the intention behind it. And the intention here is growth, empowerment, and a dash of mystery.

When to Use Corne Dark Magic

Feeling stuck? Battling old patterns? Or just feeling a bit blah? Corne Dark Magic can help you break free. It’s particularly potent during transformational times like eclipses or Full Moons – you know, when the universe is already giving off those witchy vibes. This is your time to confront what’s been holding you back, release it, and step into a brighter, more empowered version of yourself.

In Conclusion

Corne Dark Magic is basically like having a deep, soul-cleansing therapy session – except with candles, incense, and maybe a bit of mood lighting. It’s about embracing the shadow, doing the inner work, and coming out the other side feeling like the powerful magician you are. Just remember: it’s not about being perfect; it’s about being whole.

And don’t forget to have fun with it – magic isn’t all serious business. After all, if you can’t enjoy a little mystery and sparkle along the way, what’s the point?