The Three of Wands is a card of growth, stability and success. Whatever the question is – personal relationships, career, spiritual growth – 3 of Clubs says that we must continue to move forward and go beyond the current boundaries.
Ideas are inspired and realized; ideas take shape and receive direction. Three of Wands promises a successful outcome of the case, regarding which the question was asked. A stable position, strong support and further prosperity, excellent prospects – these are meanings of this card. The Three of Wands is considered a decoration of the spread because the Three of Wands reflects a positive course of events and gives a favorable forecast.
The Three of Wands says that a person has already achieved certain heights and will achieve more in the future. Hope for the best and breathe deeply.
The Three of Wands means the primary order, a solid foundation and success. The Three of Wands not only speaks of a stable state of affairs at the moment, but also promises further prosperity.
The Three of Wands describes small problems in business that can be easily solved. This is a small test, which the questioner is quite capable of overcoming through sound and responsible actions, as well as with the help of friends. In any case, this card says: “Everything will be fine!” If before that there was a black streak in life, the Three of Wands heralds the end of troubles.
The Three of Wands emphasizes the importance of preparation before taking a step into the future.
You feel optimistic!
The period of doubt and reflection has come to an end, and you is are make a decision, and to seek its implementation.
The Three of Wands gives a positive perception of reality, planning activities followed by optimism and self-confidence. Harmonious spring mood, no destruction. Strength and hope. Creative inspiration, realization of the plans.
Willingness to build a new happy life.
New activities and interests, spirit of wandering, initiative.
A vast world lies ahead and the wisdom within is now strong to cast aside any anxieties and doubts.
Gloomy reflections and scrupulous calculations lose their meaning when you are full of vitality, light and sincerity. Awareness of one’s abilities and development of self-confidence.
Ancient interpretations are power, determination, firmness, audacity, self-confidence; integrity, honesty, uncompromising virtue.
We call it “personal growth.”
The card also carries the growth of insight, intuition, the ability to foresee the events.
The Three of Wands brings understanding and awareness. Creative energy is directed towards new goals in a powerful triune stream. A vector of social activity and the ability to widely disseminate one’s ideas are formed.
The Three of Wands says that life provides us with the opportunity to realize our ideas (but we need to leave behind everything that depletes our precious energy).
The Three of Wanda depicts a man who has made his way up to the top. Now he can see a wide view of the world around him, it’s not just a view, but visions for the future!
The Three of Wands means the ability to foresee as a result of spiritual development. You find luck on a spiritual level.
Being dressed in aristocratic, almost royal clothes, the person on the Arcana is barefoot. Perhaps he does not know his origin, he came from obscurity – but his fate is to be a legendary hero.
Astrological Associations
The second decade of Aries is ruled by the Sun and symbolizes confidence, positivity and joy of life.
The choice is conscious: the source of enthusiasm is a conscious idea.
A person finds all the necessary energy resources in himself: he finds the light of reason. Compliance with the internal law gives him the opportunity to exercise his free will.
In order to realize your ideals, you need to find support among the environment: you don’t go on a ship alone. To do this, it is important to overcome the excessive desire for risk and material selfishness. A reasonable understanding of all opportunities of the world, where friendship and love will be the key to success.
Tip: explore new frontiers! Act smart and hope for the best. Do not under any circumstances be discouraged. Feel free to accept the help of others. Be absolutely confident in the success of your endeavors.
We must do everything we can to make our dreams have come true! Actions at the moment in no way contradict the plans of fate. Now it is possible to overcome almost any difficulties, you know perfectly well what needs to be done.
Warning: valiant prowess is a sacred thing, but now it’s out of place!
Recklessness and haste, the tendency to “run ahead of the train”, ahead of events (“in the life of every person there comes a moment when he mercilessly breaks with his past, and tears off the mysterious cover of the future!”
excessive arrogance and overly ambitious plans that can lead to serious difficulties. Excessive optimism and frivolity. Disregard for useful advice and guidance. Sometimes (in old manuals) an indication of a hidden plot, an ambush.
“Perspective” is the key word of the Three of Wands. Joint ventures are built, a company is created, support is provided, and business ties are strengthened.
Cases have a solid foundation and bear tangible gains. Insight in business and as a result – success. Moreover, this is the success of jointly undertaken efforts (cooperation as a key to successful actions).
Expanding the circle of business partners. Stable position and further prosperity. A person has reached a strong position and further advancement awaits him, both in the near and in the distant future.
Three of Wands is successfully cooperating with experts and consultants, productive negotiations, getting help from a business partner, having like-minded people.
This card embodies a persistent desire to move forward, and therefore is closely related to advertising, promotional activities, product promotion. Talents are recognized, well-deserved fame is gained.
The card favors trade, commerce, foreign transportation.
This is one of the significators of a business trip.
Progress in learning. Professional development is in full swing. Valuable practical knowledge is acquired.
Financial Situation
Stable position and further prosperity. Successful problem solving. Excellent opportunity to further improve the situation.
Financial success through sensible behavior. The Three of Wands is favorable for matters related to material well-being. It means commercial success.
According to the Three of Wands, a house is being built, an apartment is being bought.
The meaning of the Three of Wands can manifest itself in two ways, depending on the context of the situation. If your person’s life do not suit you, then the Three of Wanda has a clear intention to free yourself for a better life and build a new future.
If your relationship is important and valuable, then the Three of Wands describes progress, the successful development for deepening and strengthening trust and mutual understanding.
The partner described by the Three of Wands expects a lot from this relationship, has high hopes for relationship, associates his aspirations with the partner and believes that this is mutual. He strongly believes the relationship has a future.
There is faith and hope here and no room for doubt.
The Three of Wands is a declaration of love, an open and honest manifestation of one’s intentions.
Traditional interpretations include an engagement and even a wedding.
In any case, whether a person is mired in an unhappy relationship, in love or looking for a mate, he knows exactly what he wants to achieve. The Three of Wands is the key to happiness. Sorrows and troubles will be left behind, all opportunities for building a prosperous life are revealed, and everything will be fine in relationships. Spring mood and sexual harmony.
The card has another interesting meaning, which it shares with the Two of Wands. The Three of Wands can speak about nostalgia, longing, an ardent desire to go where the heart is … it is clearly not here, perhaps with someone who is not nearby. You need intuition to guess whether this meaning can work in the situation of the questioner. Of course, the Six of Cups in a spread greatly simplifies things.
Physical and moral strength.
If a direct card speaks of the ability to foresee the future, the reversed Three of Wanda warns of indiscretion, recommends that you think it over again and postpone your plans until better times. Loss of chances of success.
You are not ready to undertake anything new, because you do not feel solid ground under your feet. The Three of Wands means cooperation of codependency and where you don’t feel free.
Help may be provided with some ulterior motive. The most traditional meaning of the reversed Three of Wands is precisely this – a warning against the offered help.
Sometimes the underestimation of the enemy’s forces is emphasized and therefore the neglect of the offered help, or an overly cautious attitude towards the one who offers this help. The traditional meanings of the reversed Three of Wands are gloomy: dependence, duplicity and betrayal, trickery, treason.
The collapse of plans, the “dead season”. Uncertainty, stagnation. Moreover, inconsistency in joint actions leads to such an outcome.
Bad trip.
Hollander believe the Three of Wands has positive meaning: the problems are solved, the difficulties are behind us, and a quiet life is ensured for a while.
With the Fool – opening up new horizons, a new chapter of your life path
With the Emperor – bright leadership
With Justice – an escape from life (from an old interpreter)
With the Moon – fear of changes in one’s own life
With World – the emergence of a new person, communication with whom will bring a lot of pleasant emotions and experiences, as well as interesting and valuable information.
With the Five of Cups – passivity, inertia
With the Eight of Cups – the beginning of the journey, departure
With the Two of Swords – refusal to see the obvious
With the Three of Pentacles – sensible planning, planning the future
With the Eight of Pentacles – righteous works to achieve the stated goals
Keywords: Aries Day, Virtue, Integrity, Straightness, Honesty, Self-Confidence, Restart
Advice: Pay attention to your own being and your inner peace. Focus and win!
Questions: Do you have reason to doubt yourself? Do you still doubt your virtues?
Suggestion: If you are not well collected and have long-standing doubts inside, pull a sheet to illuminate the origin of the work that remains to be done.
Revelation: I have the strength and the values to think and know.
Ji-Ching: 20. Kuan (The Look, Observation)
Drive: Creativity, the will to begin, striving towards a goal
Light: Accomplishment, confidence, harmony of powers, pride, nobility
Shadow: Moodiness, overestimation of one’s self, conceit, rudeness, insolence, obstinacy, treacherypride, nobility
The Three of Wands connects two significant and valuable experiences. It shows that after a long and arduous journey, we reached the top, and from our high altitude we can take a wide look at the glowing horizon. The solid ground under our feet and the welcome view of our future are the main features of this all-positive card.
Conscientiousness is the main motive of the card. A person enjoys what he does. He really enjoys doing the daily work, even if it’s a boring routine.
A very good union that allows you to boldly think about even the most distant joint future. An alliance under the sign of the Three of Wands is positive in all aspects . For single people, the card indicates to be ready for a new relationship, you just need to wait a bit for the right person.
Achieving goals (even small ones) makes us self-confident, which allows us to reach new heights. This is the case when confidence in the successful completion of the case is half the success.
Advice of Three of Wands: the right approach, diligence and honesty are the key components to solving any problems.