3 of Clubs – Ships Ahoy: The Confident Planners’ Guide to Future Success

Three of Wands

“Lord of Established Strength”


The second decan of Aries (1st to 9th April). Astrological correspondences: Mars and Jupiter in Libra, with the Sun shining confidently in Aries. And let’s not forget the charming Mercury in Leo, giving us that glorious certainty about tomorrow, while Saturn, the dependable one, provides a solid foundation beneath it all.

Picture it: You’re standing there, gazing out at the horizon, knowing the future is bright, mostly because you’ve laid the groundwork like a well-organised to-do list. The Three of Wands is the card of momentum—it’s like booking a non-refundable holiday after carefully comparing every flight. You’ve done the hard work, you’ve set things in motion, and now you’re waiting for those metaphorical ships to come in (probably with duty-free).

There’s a wonderful balance between confidence and stability here—your ambitions are fired up, but you’re not charging ahead blindly like some headstrong Aries. No, you’re more the Aries with a plan, ready to grab the future by the horns (and probably a stylish satchel while you’re at it).

So, the vibe is clear: you’ve got the foresight, you’ve got the backing, and now all you need is a little patience. Just don’t stand on the dock too long—you’ve got more adventures to plan!