The enchanting tale of Halloween traces back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in), a time steeped in mystery and magic. Over 2,000 years ago, the Celts—who roam the misty lands that now form Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France—mark the 1st of November as their New Year. It is a time when the veil between the living and the spirit world thins, and on the eve of this new year, October 31st, the boundary between worlds blurs.
During Samhain, the Celts believe that spirits of the dead return to wander the earth, and so they light bonfires and don costumes to ward off any mischievous ghosts that might come calling. The air is thick with the magic of transition—summer fading into the chill of winter, light giving way to the darkness. This mystical night, filled with both reverence and celebration, lays the very foundations of what we now call Halloween.
Halloween is a night when the ordinary world fades, and the mysterious takes over.
The Wisdom of Spirits
The Celts believed that on this magical night, the presence of otherworldly spirits made it far easier for the Druids, their esteemed priests, to peer into the mists of the future. For a people so deeply reliant on the whims of nature, these prophecies brought a much-needed sense of comfort as they prepared to endure the long, cold winters. After all, when faced with the wild temper of the natural world, who wouldn’t want a glimpse of what was to come?
Bonfires and Offerings
To mark the occasion, the Druids built towering bonfires—sacred blazes that illuminated the night sky. The people gathered around, bringing with them crops and livestock to offer as sacrifices to the gods. It wasn’t just a matter of survival, but a grand show of reverence for the divine forces that governed their world. Picture it: flames crackling, shadows dancing, and a community coming together, making their offerings in hopes of favourable fortune.
Costumes and Fortune-Telling
No Celtic celebration would be complete without a bit of theatrical flair. During Samhain, the Celts donned costumes, often fashioned from animal heads and skins. Hardly the high fashion of today, but it certainly set the tone. As they circled the sacred fires, they would attempt to tell each other’s fortunes, perhaps with a bit of mischief in the air. Nothing quite like a bit of costume-clad fortune-telling to keep spirits high during the chilly autumn night!
Divination and Daring: The Fortune-Teller’s Feast
Divination—the art of glimpsing the future—is a cornerstone of Celtic life, and it plays a starring role in the Samhain festivities at Tlachtga. It’s not just a matter of curiosity; it’s woven into the very fabric of their everyday existence. Fast-forward to today, and echoes of this mystical practice remain, especially in the peculiar Halloween tradition of visiting the church porch at midnight. Here, the brave soul who dares to look closely might just see the spirits of those destined to pass in the coming year. However, there’s a little catch—if one’s too bold, they might catch a glimpse of their own spectral self. Not exactly the vision one hopes for!
For those with romance on their mind, ladies staring into mirrors on Halloween night may see the face of their future suitors, though they always run the slight risk of encountering the devil instead. It’s a gamble, really—find love or face a sinister surprise—but where’s the thrill without a little risk?
Samhain and the Heroes of Irish Legend
In Irish mythology, when the great storytellers want to announce the arrival of legendary figures like Fionn MacCumhail, Lugh, and Cuchulainn—Meave’s rather unfortunate opponent—they choose none other than Samhain. There’s just something about this festival, isn’t there? The air is so thick with magic, you could cut it with a sword. Samhain provides the perfect backdrop for epic entrances and heroic deeds. Even the legendary Battle of Mag Tuired, supposedly fought in County Mayo, unfolds under Samhain’s mystical night sky. When early writers wanted to sprinkle a bit of otherworldly charm over their tales, they naturally turned to Samhain. After all, nothing says “legendary” like a battle during a festival for the dead!
Samhain: The Celts’ Night of Magic
Samhain clearly held a central place in the Celtic imagination, with festivities involving local gods intertwining with the feast of the god of the dead over the course of perhaps a thousand years. Who knows, maybe Halloween is still a time of magic—a kind of Cinderella moment for writers to make their mark or publish a work destined to be well-known. There’s something about this season, with its ghosts and mysteries, that seems to pull out the best stories. One can’t help but wonder if, for writers, Samhain is still a time when magic lingers in the air, just waiting to be captured in the pages of a new tale.
From Samhain to Halloween
Remnants of these ancient celebrations have found their way into our modern Halloween traditions. Gone are the offerings to gods, replaced by jack-o’-lanterns and trick-or-treaters, but the essence remains. After all, what would Halloween be without a hint of magic, a touch of the unknown, and a bit of drama? Whether you’re a hero facing a battle or a writer penning the next great story, Halloween carries the promise of transformation—perhaps into something legendary.
Samhain: The Shadows—A Dance Between Worlds
The Final Harvest
Samhain marks the end of the harvest season, when the fields stand mostly bare, and the golden haze of summer fades into the long shadows of autumn. These shadows stretch over meadows and even suburban lawns (for the modern-day witch, perhaps). But don’t be fooled—these aren’t just any old shadows cast by the lowering sun. They belong to the spirit realm itself, creeping ever closer as daylight fades into twilight. As night falls, the spirits come alive, moving through these shadows, bringing with them whispers of our ancestors.
A Night for the Ancestors
On this “Night of Shadows,” there’s a special magic in the air. It’s a time to connect with the past, to reach out to those who have walked the path before us. The ritual is simple yet profound: cover your altar in black fabric, a nod to the dark and mysterious energy of the night. Add photos of your loved ones who have passed, and place a red apple in the centre—a token of connection between the living and the dead. Whisper the name of someone dear to you, close your eyes, and open your heart to their presence. Do you feel it? The faintest trace of a voice, or perhaps a familiar scent carried on the wind?
A Ritual to Close
When you’ve said your goodbyes, place the apple outside your door—an offering to the spirits, a gesture of remembrance. The next morning, when the dawn has scattered the shadows, you may leave it to compost, returning it to the earth from which it came. The spirits are always near, but on this night, they are closest of all—resting in the gentle flicker of candlelight, or in the low glow of a jack-o’-lantern as it burns.
Who knows what the shadows hold? One thing is certain: on Samhain, the veil between worlds is at its thinnest, and in the quiet of the night, we might just catch a glimpse of something beyond.
Lighting the Way: The Candle Ritual for a Green Halloween
The Power of Candles
As Halloween draws near, light candles throughout your home to invite healing flames that cleanse your spirit and the soul of your home. The more candles, the merrier—fill your home with their warm glow before the big night arrives. As the flame flickers, it burns away stress, exhaustion, and melancholy, protecting you from winter’s weariness. So, light plenty of candles and let the magic of fire keep you spirited throughout the season.
The Black Flame of Protection
Black candles hold a special power on Halloween—they’re lit to banish unpleasant spirits and negative energies that might sneak into your home or aura during this mystical time. As the dead rise, not only kind souls may wander, but also those with less-than-favourable intentions. A black candle acts as your guardian, warding off any unwanted spectral visitors. Place a black candle near you on Halloween night for extra protection—better safe than sorry! It’s even recommended to light one in front of a mirror, ensuring no pesky spirit can sneak through any hidden portals. Mirror, mirror, on the wall…let no spirit pass at all!
The White Candle of Welcome
On the gentler side of the spectrum, lighting a white candle invites the good spirits into your home. These benevolent visitors might have messages for you, offering guidance from beyond. White candles beckon these wise travellers, bringing light, wisdom, and peace. On Halloween night, just before sleep, light a white candle in your bedroom to keep good company in your dreams.
The Calming Blue Flame
For those seeking visions and peaceful sleep, pale blue candles are your allies. They attract kind souls, who may visit in your dreams and grant you glimpses of what lies beyond the veil. Light a blue candle to invite serenity into your night and peaceful visions into your sleep.
The Vibrant Orange Flame
Orange is the quintessential Halloween colour, representing renewal and soul strength. Lighting an orange candle restores vitality and recharges your energy. It symbolises the spirit’s resilience, glowing with life even in the heart of autumn. So, light an orange candle to fill your home with warmth, energy, and a bit of Halloween magic.
Choosing the Right Candle
Pick your candles with care—each one carries the energy of the herbs, elements, and intention it’s crafted from. Think about what you wish to attract this Halloween: protection, peace, vitality? Choose a candle to match that energy and watch its flame work wonders.
The Ritual of Burning Candles
Candles should be burned from Halloween night, October 31st, through to November 1st. The longer they burn, the more luck and strength they bring. It’s a night to stay up late, letting the flame burn brightly until the clock strikes midnight and the veil between worlds is at its thinnest.
A Welcome at the Window
Place candles on your windowsills to invite protective spirits into your home. The burning flames signal to wandering spirits that they are welcome here and that they will be received with honour. Let them know they have a place in your home.
Guiding the Spirits Back
When calling upon spirits through candle rituals, keep the flames burning for seven days. This ensures that the spirits, who may linger a little longer, find their way back to their portal. After all, even the kindest spirits need a little help finding their way home after a night of revelry.
In lighting these flames, you’re not only brightening your home—you’re opening a door to ancient traditions, calling upon the spirits to dance in your flickering light. Happy Green Halloween!
Guiding Spirits: The Seven-Day Candle Rule
When you summon spirits through candles in your home, you’ll need to keep the candles burning for the next seven days. This helps those more leisurely spirits, who might not be in any rush, find their way back to the portal. After all, even the otherworldly can lose track of time!
The Magical Apple: A Fruit of Fortune – traditional Halloween Treat
Apples—symbols of fertility and sources of life-giving energy. These delightful fruits are a traditional treat enjoyed during Halloween, or as the Celts would have it, during Samhain. Apples are transformed into all sorts of magical dishes, pressed into fresh apple juice, or simply eaten as they are, crisp and full of promise.
When you indulge in apples during Samhain, you’re not just having a snack—you’re boosting your vitality, fertility, and even your luck in love for the coming year. Apples are the secret ingredient to attract a bit of fortune on every level. So, make sure to savour an apple (or two) during this enchanted time of year, and who knows what blessings might fall at your feet like autumn leaves!
Sweet Treats and Fruit Pies: Gifts of Prosperity
On Halloween, sweets and fruit pies are generously given to friends, family, and even strangers to invite prosperity and abundance into one’s life. The magic of sharing lies in its ability to multiply your own wealth—what you give, you get back tenfold. So, as you delight in handing out your homemade treats, remember that each pie or sweet could be a seed of fortune. Be kind this Halloween, and happily share your good fortune with others—after all, there’s no better time to spread sweetness than when the spirits are watching!
Rosemary: The Healer’s Herb
Bringing rosemary into the home is like inviting an old herbalist to take up residence, offering health, protection, and love for the year ahead. Whether you bring in the whole plant or just a few sprigs, its energy blesses the space. Some even place rosemary on crystals, helping them to work their magic more swiftly and effectively. But don’t let those sprigs overstay their welcome—be sure to remove them after November 1st. And for an added touch of herbal witchery, burn rosemary essential oil in an oil lamp during Halloween to fill your home with its protective, purifying essence.
Pine: The Protector of Hearth and Home
Pine is a vital symbol of Samhain and makes an excellent guardian of your dwelling. Whether you place pine branches inside your home, burn them in the hearth, or use pine essential oil in a lamp, this evergreen ally enhances your household’s protection. Pine’s strength lies in its ability to clear your home’s aura and shield it from misfortune. For an extra touch of magic, pine-scented candles work wonders, warding off negative energy and keeping your space full of warmth and security as the veil between worlds thins.
The Cinnamon Love Ritual for Halloween
What You’ll Need:
1. An apple
2. A cinnamon-scented candle
3. Cinnamon incense
4. A Rainbow Moonstone
5. A red pouch
6. Matches
7. A knife to slice the apple
Ritual Instructions:
1. Prepare the Space
Find a special spot in your home where the ritual can take place, somewhere you can leave the candle and magical items for several weeks undisturbed. Once you’ve found this place, set the cinnamon candle before you and place the Rainbow Moonstone beside it.
2. Slice and Arrange
Now, take the apple, slice it into pieces, and lay the slices around the candle like offerings. Once everything is arranged, take your matches and light the candle. But here’s where the magic really begins: as you strike the match and light the candle, loudly speak your love wish—be bold, let the universe hear it! This is a wish you’ll want to come true in the next year.
3. Cinnamon Smoke and Circles
After the candle is lit and your wish spoken, light the cinnamon incense. With it, start making circles of fragrant smoke around the candle. Make exactly twelve circles, and with each circle, repeat your love wish aloud. The power of twelve brings completion, after all! Once the twelfth circle is done, leave the incense to burn down entirely beside the candle.
4. Let the Magic Work
Now, allow the candle to burn until midnight. After that, extinguish it, and repeat this process once every week for seven days. As you perform this ritual, watch as the magic of the Moonstone and your wishes work together in harmony.
5. The Final Step
When the ritual concludes, place the Rainbow Moonstone in the southern room of your home until next Halloween. The apple slices, however, have done their part—thank them and discard them thoughtfully.
The Grand Finale
Next year, retrieve the Moonstone and take it to nature, offering it to express gratitude for the magic it helped you manifest. This ritual, you see, channels love’s energy through the spirits, and the results will unfold over the course of the year. By the time next Halloween rolls around, the magic will have completed its work.
May the spirits of love and cinnamon guide your path!
As the veil thins on the eve of Halloween, this cleansing ritual offers you a perfect opportunity to rid your aura of unwanted energies from the past year. The goal is to sweep away misfortune and usher in good luck and health as you step into the new year—clean, refreshed, and open to positive energies.
You Will Need:
1. Sea salt or Himalayan salt
2. Lavender candle
3. Lavender incense
4. Juniper berries
5. Amethyst crystal
6. Citrine crystal
7. A candleholder
8. Matches
9. A violet pouch
Step 1: Find Your Sacred Spot
Choose a quiet corner of your home where you won’t be disturbed. This will be your sacred space for the ritual. Ideally, it’s somewhere you can leave the items for a week or so, undisturbed, to allow the magic to settle.
Step 2: Set the Scene
Place your lavender candle in front of you, sprinkle it lightly with sea salt and juniper berries. Surround the candle with the amethyst and citrine crystals. Light the candle with a match and say softly in your mind, or aloud (as you prefer), the following:
“Let the light cleanse my aura, remove the gloom, the sorrow, the bad.”
Repeat this three times.
Step 3: Invoke the Cleansing Power
As the candle flickers, take your lavender incense and light it from the flame of the candle. Begin to circle the candle three times with the incense smoke, and as you do, say:
“With this smoke, I purify. Aura cleanse, fly high, fly high.”
Say it with a smile—your energy matters! Let the incense burn as you feel the air grow lighter.
Step 4: Let the Magic Do Its Work
Allow the candle and incense to burn until the candle is finished (or for at least an hour if time is short). As you watch it flicker, envision your aura growing lighter, brighter, and free from all burdens.
Step 5: Finalise the Ritual
Once the candle has burned down, take the juniper berries and salt, and place them in the violet pouch along with the amethyst and citrine. Hold the pouch close to your heart and say:
“I carry light, I carry peace. With this charm, my worries cease.”
Carry the pouch with you for the next 31 days—pop it in your bag, under your pillow, or keep it somewhere safe to maintain your newly cleansed aura.
A Chant for Continued Cleansing (Use this as needed)
“Aura bright, aura clear,
Let no harm or ill come near.
In this light, I am free,
Blessings flow and so mote it be.”
Now you’re ready to embrace the new year with a light and joyful heart. The aura cleansing is complete, and you are sparkling like never before!
During Halloween or Samhain, it’s the perfect time to fortify your health and perform rituals that ensure you’ll stay well throughout the coming year. To begin, prepare a meal with three key ingredients:
Use plenty of pumpkin, apples, and sweet potatoes in your cooking. Feast on these foods in abundance on this day to invite health and vitality for the entire year.
Elixir of Healing
In addition to your feast, begin drinking a magical water elixir specifically on Halloween. This elixir will work to heal and revitalise your body. Create this sacred water using Carnelian, Amber, and Red Aventurine crystals. Start drinking this potion on Halloween, and continue for exactly 31 days. The power of these crystals will protect your body from illness and keep your life force strong and untouched by negativity.
Carnelian enhances your energy and vitality, Amber is a powerful healer that purifies the body, and Red Aventurine brings physical strength and overall well-being.
Crystal Protection and Energy Boost
Wear Carnelian to boost your life force for the next six months, all the way to Walpurgis Night. This crystal is known to enhance courage, vitality, and motivation.
For protection, Onyx is your best ally, shielding you from misfortune and negative energies. Known for its grounding abilities, Onyx also promotes emotional strength.
If you wish to maintain excellent health for the next six months, wear Shungite. This rare stone purifies, protects, and grounds the wearer, making it ideal for anyone looking to block harmful energies.
Lastly, wear Orange Calcite to bring good fortune into your life from Samhain to Walpurgis Night. This sunny crystal encourages joy, creativity, and positive transformation, helping you to remain both happy and healthy.
With these crystals and practices, you’ll be set for a year full of health and well-being, guided by the ancient energies of Samhain. Stay radiant and energised as you harness the magical powers of these crystals!
For Carnelian (Life Force and Vitality)
O fiery stone of red and gold,
With strength untold, thy warmth unfold.
Grant me courage, grant me might,
Empower my soul with thy pure light.
From Samhain’s eve to Walpurgis Night,
Let my life force burn ever bright.
For Amber (Healing and Purification)
Amber bright, from earth and sun,
Thy healing work hath just begun.
Cleanse my body, pure and clear,
Banish ill and all I fear.
In thee, the warmth of ancient trees,
Heal my spirit, grant me peace.
For Red Aventurine (Strength and Well-Being)
O Aventurine of scarlet hue,
Fill me with thy strength anew.
Thy steadfast power in me reside,
With thee, in health I shall abide.
Strong of limb, of heart, and mind,
Through thee, great vigour shall I find.
For Onyx (Protection and Grounding)
Onyx dark, with power deep,
Guard me well while shadows creep.
In thy depth, all fear dispel,
Protect me strong with earthly spell.
Ground my soul in peace and grace,
Keep me safe in thine embrace.
For Shungite (Health and Purity)
Shungite black, from earth below,
Shield me from all ill and woe.
Cleanse my space and body pure,
With thee, my health is ever sure.
In thy presence, I am whole,
Thou art my shield, my health, my goal.
For Orange Calcite (Joy and Fortune)
Calcite bright of orange flame,
Bring me joy and fortune’s claim.
In thy glow, let laughter rise,
And fortune’s favour fill mine eyes.
From Samhain’s night to springtime’s bloom,
In thee, joy and luck shall ever loom.
These chants invoke the ancient energy of each crystal, connecting you to their magic as you greet and energize them. May their powers align with your intentions, from healing to protection, grounding to joy.
The Importance of Rest on November 1st: A Day of Quiet Reflection
As the veil of Samhain thins, and October’s whispers fade into the stillness of November, a peculiar day emerges—November 1st, when spirits begin their slow, graceful retreat to the Otherworld. It is a day wrapped in silence and mystique, when the air is hushed, and even the bravest of souls would do well to tread lightly. For on this day, dear one, the spirits’ portals beckon them home, and any commotion in the earthly realm may disturb their sacred passage.
You see, the spirits have been our quiet companions throughout All Hallows’ Eve, and now, as they make their slow, dignified return, we must respect their journey. They are easily startled by clattering pans or the frenzied hum of a vacuum. Best to avoid any unnecessary housework—spirits, it seems, are not fans of domestic disturbances.
On this day of quiet reflection, imagine yourself a woodland creature in an enchanted forest. Every rustle of leaves is sacred, every sigh of wind a whisper from another world. What could be more fitting than a day of rest, a pause from the bustle of life? It’s the universe’s subtle nudge, urging you to do as the wise folk of old once did: sit by the fire, perhaps with a cup of tea, and reflect on the year that has passed, and the one yet to come.
Close your eyes, let the stillness wrap around you, and with each breath, feel the magic of the day fill your soul. The spirits are at peace, and so should you be. Meditation on this day is like weaving threads of calm into the fabric of your being. With each quiet moment, you fortify your spirit, align with the rhythms of the universe, and find strength in stillness.
So, resist the urge to scrub the floors or rearrange the cupboards—those chores can wait. Instead, curl up with a good book, lose yourself in the quiet hum of nature, and allow the world to slow down. Who knows, perhaps the spirits will leave you a gift—a moment of clarity, a sense of peace, or maybe, just maybe, the sweetest dream when you close your eyes that night.
Take heed, November 1st is no ordinary day—it’s a day to rest, to recharge, and to honour the quiet magic of life.
Purpose: This ritual is designed to invite change, luck, and new opportunities into your life…
Ah, Halloween! A night cloaked in mystery and steeped in ancient Celtic traditions. It’s…