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Death Reversed in the Friend Zone: Stubborn Friendships and Delayed Transformations

When Death Reversed pops up in the position of friends, it’s as if your social circle is stuck in a bit of a rut. Here’s what might be going wrong 1. Stubborn Friendships It seems like certain friendships or social dynamics are hanging on for dear life, even…

The Page of Pentacles Reversed: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in Future Position

The Good: Well, let’s start with the bright side—if we can find one! At its best, the Page of Pentacles Reversed could be teaching you some valuable life lessons—albeit the hard way. It’s the equivalent of being handed a rain-soaked manual for life, where each…

Six of Cups Reversed: Full Steam Ahead!”

1. Eyes on the Future When the Six of Cups flips upside down, it’s all about leaving the past behind and charging ahead towards what’s next. This card points to new opportunities on the horizon and hints at something important coming your way. It’s as if you…

Five of Cups Reversed: Moving On and Opening Up

1. A Fresh Outlook The Five of Cups Reversed is all about seeing life with new eyes. It’s that moment when you finally let go of the past, pick yourself up, and realise that better days are ahead. After a time of loss or sadness, this card signals recovery…

“The Lovers: The Crossroads of Freedom and Responsibility”

The Lovers (or The Lovers Arcana) is one of the most complex cards in the Tarot deck, despite its seemingly straightforward appearance. The card carries two distinct narratives. In its classic interpretation, it foretells deep emotional experiences of love, but also highlights that such a step comes with a significant…