Balancing Desire and Intention: Determine which chakras are dominant for your birth card and analyze their influence on your desires and intentions.


The balance between desire and intention is a complex interplay that can be understood through the lens of the chakra system and psychological functions. This article explores how desire and intention manifest in different chakras, specifically focusing on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th chakras, and their roles in our psychological and spiritual development.

The Judging Functions: Feelings and Desire

2nd Chakra: The Feeling Body
  • Location: Sacral Chakra
  • Characteristics: This chakra is dominated by the feeling body, where tangible desires become most prominent. Although these desires are often seen as lower or more primal, they are not inherently unhealthy. Instead, they serve as expressions of unconscious feelings and are connected to past life karma or the collective unconscious.
  • Desire and Sexuality: Sexuality is a major phenomenon associated with the 2nd chakra. Desire here is influenced by the impressions received through the 6th chakra (Third Eye), which shapes our sexual nature. The intention behind our motivations transforms these desires into emotions.
6th Chakra: The Third Eye
  • Location: Third Eye Chakra
  • Characteristics: The 6th chakra sets the tone for the feeling body, acting as a reflective sounding board. It reveals the original desire that influenced the current life stream. The dance of light at the Third Eye reflects the divine masculine’s actions, while the backdrop of the mind, resonating with the divine feminine, holds the true essence of desire.
  • Integration: To access this essence, one must set an intention to prioritize it. The journey involves integrating opposites (male/female, yin/yang) through practices such as tantra, where sexuality becomes a path to experiencing divine desire rooted in love.

The Judging Functions: Mind and Intention

3rd Chakra: The Rational Mind
  • Location: Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Characteristics: The 3rd chakra is the seat of the concrete, rational mind, where the ego is self-serving. Decisions here often stem from conditioning and habitual responses, forming early life patterns that define our perceived identity.
  • Repatterning the Mind: To realign with our true self, we need to set the intention to repattern our mind. This involves listening to our inner voice, forgiving others, and accepting them as they are. By doing so, we create a feedback mechanism that allows us to consciously choose our responses.
5th Chakra: The Soul’s Seat
  • Location: Throat Chakra
  • Characteristics: The 5th chakra is the evolving seat of the soul, which retains the history of all our experiences. The soul, an aspect of the creator, makes a request for a body at birth, bringing with it debts and karma.
  • Ego and Soul Connection: For the soul to guide the body, the ego must be willing to listen. When the ego pays attention to its patterns, the soul becomes enlivened, acting as the conscience. This builds a bridge between the realms of spirit and matter, allowing the intuitive language of the soul to influence the ego.

Practical Application and Interpretation

  1. Identify Your Chakra Influence:
  • Determine which chakras are dominant for your birth card and analyze their influence on your desires and intentions.
  1. Reflect on Desire and Intention:
  • Regularly assess your desires and the intentions behind them. Use this reflection to align your actions with your deeper motivations.
  1. Integrate Opposites:
  • Engage in practices that integrate the opposites within you (e.g., tantra, meditation) to achieve a harmonious balance between desire and intention.
  1. Listen and Repattern:
  • Develop the habit of listening to your inner voice and consciously repatterning your responses to align with your true self.


Intention-Dominated Cards

If you select a card like the Ace of Spades located in row 1 and column 7, all four related cards will also have an intention polarity. People associated with these cards may need to seek relationships that bring in the desire component to balance their strong intentions.

Desire-Dominated Cards

Conversely, a card like the Two of Hearts located in row 2 and column 6 will have all four related cards with a desire polarity. These individuals would benefit from engaging with people who emphasize intention to complement their strong desires.


Understanding the balance between desire and intention through the chakras and psychological functions offers a pathway to personal growth and spiritual development. By integrating these elements, we can achieve a harmonious existence where our actions are guided by both our deepest desires and our highest intentions. This holistic approach leads to a more fulfilled and balanced life, connecting the physical and spiritual realms.