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Category: Astrology

North Node – Your Calling Destiny

The North Node is a mysterious thing. It comes when we are ready to awaken something new. South Node can give us a very satisfying life where everything is familiar and known, so why even look for a new way. Just because we’re good at something—or it comes…

How to Seduce Aries Man? Compatibility Aries-Taurus

Aries Man and Taurus Woman Both Aries man and Taurus woman naturally maintain their personal space and do not disclose to each other completely; there will always be passion, respect and mutual interest. And those two longer always stay beautiful and young because they keep themselves in shape even at…

1st House – Your Personal Veil and Self Image to the World

The first house is the house of our identity, appearance and social mask that is on display for all to see. Here is your public persona and how people are to look at you. The planets here in a rising sign even give you natural looks and attributes and have…

Vesta – the Goddess of the Hearth and Prosperity

  Vesta is the brightest asteroid in space. In the mythology, Vesta is the first child of Chronos. She refused to Poseidon and Apollo and vowed to remain a virgin. For that Zeus gave her a gift to stay in the center of the house. Vesta worshiped in all the temples…

New Moon in Conjunct Chiron in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces on Saturday, March 17th, 2018 is the last new moon in a year cycle, while the following  New Moon in Aries opens a new cycle. ‘It is darkest before the dawn’ brings on the dark and intense energies. Excellent time is for meditation…

6th House – the Quest for Balance, Healing and Productivity

The 6th house just like 2nd and 10th is a “workhouse.”  It often refers what we do to get by. It points the work environment we seek and our communication with colleagues. If your job happens to be your career, pay or not pay, you work happily as…

8th house – the Gates of the Almighty

The 7th house reaches the top of an intimate relationship between the people in the area of commitments and promises. It is one thing to promise to “love, respect, cherish,” and quite another thing is to fulfill what is promised. If the 7th house can be viewed as…

Chiron is a Golden Key

Chiron is called after the centaur in Greek mythology who was a healer and teacher who, strangely, could not heal himself. Enough “Chiron-ish” is an image of a centaur. On the one hand, he has the animal’s body; on the other hand, he possesses superhuman…