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Category: Happiness

Soulmates – the Eternal Tenderness of One Another

A native soul is one that was one even before the two soulmates meet. Not half, but the Divine Complement. “We, soulmates, are the eternal tenderness of one another.” Expansion of magnetic field of each other and strengthening of light, which soulmate shine. Understanding each other at a…

Living a Moment is a Secret to Happiness

Here, you start living moment to moment, entirely and intensely, joyfully and playfully. You will notice that nothing goes out of control:  your intelligence becomes sharper;  you become younger;  your love grows deeper. “And when you go out into the world” (William James, What Makes Life Significant), wherever…

When Relations Are Falling Apart

1. Resentment You constantly resent your partner but do not say anything, delaying that unpleasant moment when all the accumulated negative will break out. Resentment does not go anywhere, because if the factors that cause it do not disappear. the insult goes inside, and this causes stress and illness. Well…

How do you Know when you are Compatible with Someone?

In my experience, the answer is: you talk. You talk a lot. About everything. You talk about goals. You talk about dreams. You talk about what you want your relationships to look like. You talk about what you want your life to look like. You talk about values. You talk…

Amazonite – a powerful talisman of healing and prosperity

Called the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, Amazonite empowers one to search the self and discover one’s own truths and integrity, and to move beyond fear of judgment or confrontation with others to live in alignment with those beliefs and values. It provides the freedom to…

The Art of Relations – What It Takes to be a Good Partner and a Friend

No dog in the world consider an ordinary devotion as something unusual. However, often people come to extol feelings of a dog as a feat only because not all of them have a devotion to duty and faithfulness to a friend as the roots of life,  as the natural foundation…

Is It Possible to Hypnotize a Person to Feel in Love with You

Smile at a person. Never reveal your dark secrets and any of your hesitations. Everybody loves the big happy smile. What you believe inside you can persuade others to believe. You have the power to send your love a subconscious message, “I’m the one you’re…

Compatibility – Mirrors of Who We Are

Friendship is the continual process of awakening yourselves. Synastry is an art of comparing two birth carts. Here we look for dynamics of relations. We place one wheel on the other and see how the planets in their signs and houses are aligned and match up. Into relations, a little…