Destiny’s Tapestry: Pathways of the Soul’s Journey

The Matrix of destiny is a framework that delineates the voyage of our souls. During this odyssey within our physical vessels, the soul accrues myriad experiences and impressions, akin to embarking on a journey while already on vacation. Each of us has ventured somewhere at least once in our lives. Hence, drawing a parallel between the soul’s journey and the body’s expedition seemed amusing. As above, so below.

Destiny is the path, unique to each traveler. Some walks upon ancient maps, unaware of the nearby highway and the navigator in every vehicle. Others seek companions for a travel companions, prioritizing the suitability of the company over the destination. “It does not matter where I am going, it’s important with whom I am going. Some have long been lost in a perpetual loop, walking same vicious circle over and over again, while others continuously alter their destinations.

The Destiny Matrix proposes that

Life Purpose to Find Happiness

For each of us, there exists our own purpose, our own destination (one or many, as long as we find happiness there). When we think about vacation, we always dream of distant lands – we choose where to go – where we will truly feel good. Everyone picks their own – hundreds of flights depart from Los Angeles every day in various directions. The more travel experience we have, the more accurately we understand where we truly want to go (and it doesn’t matter if we’ve been there before or not, we go there again because it’s our own “Paradise”). From the soul’s perspective, this is what we call the purpose of life, the mission, the destiny. It’s the answer to the question of why I was born. For each person, this answer is unique. The main thing is that IT EXISTS! Some are so afraid they won’t find the answer to this question that they don’t even dare to ask; they sit at home with their suitcases, wondering how not to make a mistake in choosing their life purpose.

In the matrix of destinies, the concept of the purpose of life has three basic points:

  • Primary purpose (where it all began)
  • Point of realization (when you realize along the way that the purpose needs adjustment)
  • Ultimate purpose (favorable for your spiritual development)

Wherever You Travel, it is Useful to Take a Map

No matter where you’re headed, it’s wise to bring along a map. Just as we navigate the physical world with geographic knowledge, our spiritual journey benefits from understanding. While there are still uncharted territories, most opt for familiar paths. Similarly, achieving happiness and success in life is akin to traversing Europe—accessible with the right guidance and mindset.

A Map is not a Territory

A map is merely a guide, not the actual terrain. While using the same map, each of us embarks on a unique journey, acquiring our own distinct experiences. Having a map doesn’t diminish your uniqueness; you remain special. Your outcomes are always your own – the ones you’ve earned. Millions of tourists flock to Paris from around the globe, each buys a map of the city. Yet, behind every tourist lies their personal choice – where to go, which paths to take, and how much time and efforts to invest. Some don’t venture more than 200 meters from the hotel, lingering in nearby taverns. Some end up in Brussels. Some spend a week wandering the city but never make it to the Eiffel Tower. And for some, Paris becomes home indefinitely – a year passes, and where does their map end up? Perhaps it finds its way into the hands of a lost traveler in the city center.

Having a map doesn’t absolve you of responsibility or the need for extra effort. Once we traveled by car through Cuba – we had a map, but nobody spoke Spanish… and understanding the signs was impossible. Instead of the 5 hours we anticipated, we spent eight. But that wasn’t the worst outcome! Our acquaintances in a similar situation spent three hours searching for the right route and ended up turning back. They lost a lot… even though they had a map too. A map is just a tool. It’s utterly useless if a person doesn’t apply their mental abilities to it. Give a monkey a map and see what it does with it. Initially, people were given equal opportunities, but they used them differently. Reincarnation erased the memory of the past, but those who remember know that they themselves are to blame for all their problems. It’s time to engage your brain. Instead of transitioning from one life to another like a patient who’s had a lobotomy, you need to learn from your past and make up for lost opportunities. You must know how to use any tool! Spiritual knowledge isn’t given for entertainment; it’s only necessary for those sincerely striving for happiness, willing to be honest with themselves, and overcome the difficulties of their character.

Having a map doesn’t exempt you from responsibility or the need for additional effort.

Having a map doesn’t absolve you of responsibility or the need for extra effort. If you travel by car through Nicaragua – you have a map, but you do not speak fluent Spanish… and understanding the signs on the road is impossible. Instead of the 5 hours you anticipated, you spent eight. But that is not the worst outcome! Other people in a similar situation could spend all day searching for the right route and end up turning back. They lost a lot… even though they had a map too. A map is just a tool. It’s utterly useless if a person doesn’t apply their mental abilities to it. Give a monkey a map and see what it does with it. Initially, people were given equal opportunities, but they used them differently. Reincarnation erases the memory of the past, but those who remember know that they themselves are to blame for all their problems. It’s time to engage your brain. Instead of transitioning from one life to another like a patient who’s had a lobotomy, you need to learn from your past and make up for lost opportunities. You must know how to use any tool!

Spiritual knowledge isn’t given for entertainment; it’s only necessary for those sincerely striving for happiness, willing to be honest with themselves, and overcome the difficulties of their character.

All people are different – some are meant to travel alongside us, while others are not

Everyone is unique – some are meant to accompany us on our journey, while others are not (not because someone is good or bad, but simply because it’s not meant to be in this lifetime). Most of us have different aspirations, so we’re merely fellow travelers on various segments of the path. With some people, we’ll share half a lifetime on the road, while with others, just a few fleeting moments. Often, the question isn’t “How long?” but rather “For better or for worse?” Some people are simply “ballast” on the journey. And it’s better to be alone than in bad company. With some, it’s nice to have the opportunity for rest and fun. With others, it’s during difficult times – when support and experience are needed. Some end up nearby purely by chance… Anyone who’s been lucky enough to have good companions knows what a blessing it is. Sometimes, it becomes more important than the goal itself. Sometimes, it even changes the goal entirely.

For each leg of the journey, there’s an ideal route and a fitting mode of transportation

For every stretch of the journey, there’s an optimal route and a suitable mode of transport (sometimes you have to walk, while other times flying is preferable). The best route isn’t always the most expensive. Regardless of your budget, there’s always a choice. Many dream of traveling for years but have yet to venture beyond the city limits. Most complain about not having enough money. If it’s meant for you to be where you’re headed, the Universe will provide you with the opportunity; just start moving – let it know that you’re already on your way.

There are peaks reserved for daredevils. Only the highly prepared or incredibly fortunate survive there

There are peaks for thrill-seekers. Only the highly prepared survive there. Or the incredibly lucky (who typically don’t know where they’re going, they just find themselves at the top, and when asked how they got there, they sincerely don’t know what to say, they start inventing various beautiful explanations, but the truth is that they were just lucky – it’s statistics: three broke their necks, four – their arms, one – got away with a light scare). If you don’t consider yourself a “favorite of fate,” prepare for the peaks seriously or change your goal – otherwise, there will be no one to blame but yourself. Only a few become “stars.” Therefore, assess your strength in advance – be honest with yourself. Those who achieve much have invested a lot and have given up much. Those who overestimate their abilities, err in their goal, and pay a dear price for it. Spiritual growth is within everyone’s reach – it’s as possible as enjoying an annual vacation. But reaching the summit – becoming a saint, an enlightened being – is incredibly difficult. If you are not ready for it, you will be pushed back. It’s like going on vacation to have fun and ending up as hostages of terrorists (and yet you were warned that this country isn’t safe!).

Intervention of Higher Powers

Sometimes anything can happen – no predictive system is 100% accurate. In the Matrix of destinies, this is reflected in the symbolism of the Joker. Essentially, the Joker signifies the intervention of higher powers, which can be pleasant or otherwise. But such is life. That’s why wanderers often have their omens, talismans, spirit guides, and so forth. There’s room for magic in our lives, and your ultimate outcome often depends on your relationship with those forces greater and mightier than yourself.

Force Majeure and Rescuing

When a person strays from the path or encounters a force majeure situation, rescuers are called (ambulance, police, emergency services, Red Cross, etc.). And when the helpers arrive, no one even considers refusing help. Or, for example, getting lost in the woods and instead of calling the rescue service on your mobile phone, spending a week wandering around the forest, eating berries, and waiting for the phone battery to die. We’re not the coolest and strongest in the Universe. Those “above” have more opportunities and experience (they’re like emergency services: helping is their job, they’ve been trained for it, and they have special tools). When a firefighter carries a child out of a fire, it’s as much of a miracle as the help of higher powers. It requires selflessness. To the layperson, this seems unreal. But for those who do it, it’s just another day’s work.

Laws and Boundaries in a Spiritual Realm.

There are boundaries. There are laws. In the spiritual realm too – just like in any country.

There are rules in the spiritual world, just like in any country. Some are strict, some not so much. The main rule is to show love for all living beings in everything we do.

All our actions, words, and deeds (even in our thoughts) should demonstrate the highest spiritual qualities compassion, mercy, kindness, sincerity, faith.

So, the idea of Hell as a place of punishment after life is actually just living in negativity now. If we’re not doing well, it’s like we’re being punished. We are to blame.

As soon as we start behaving well, we’ll be transferred to a place where the regime is easier, sooner or later we’ll be completely released. The weight of our actions is equivalent to punishment and carries over from one life to another (this is what’s called “burning eternally in fire,” meaning not residing in goodness, but living in passion – in greed, lust, anger, sloth, deceit).

People think they suffer their whole lives, but in reality, they suffer more than just one lifetime – many and many lifetimes. Therefore, instead of “tomorrow,” we should start thanking the higher powers “today” for giving us the opportunity to redeem our guilt. To rejoice in all life’s trials and to do good.

Keep Your Soul in Celebration

On the journey towards your goal, you can find abundant joy in life.

Some stretches of the journey are so delightful and awe-inspiring that you might forget where you were headed… until one morning you wake up and realize that the goal has been reached, and you didn’t even notice how it happened. It’s not just about the goal; it’s about experiencing continuous happiness. Wherever you find yourself, the sun illuminates your path, the weather is always favorable, and you encounter precisely the people you wish to see. Every step holds purpose and meaning, and even someone “up above” sends you greetings and lavishes you with gifts.