Full Speed Ahead: Conquer Life with The Chariot!

Introduction to Chariot

The Chariot: Symbols and Mystical Significance

The Chariot is a powerful symbol of victory, control, and willpower, recurring across mythological and esoteric traditions. It represents the triumph of the individual over challenges through mastery of opposing forces, reason, and emotion.

Key Concepts and Symbolism:

  • Chariot of Hermes: In mythology, Hermes, the messenger god, rode a chariot that symbolized swift movement, intelligence, and communication.
  • Plato’s Chariot: Plato used the metaphor of the chariot to describe the soul’s journey, where reason (the charioteer) must control the conflicting desires represented by two horses—one noble and one base.
  • Charioteer and Victory: The Chariot often represents the individual as a victorious hero, someone who has conquered their inner and outer worlds, symbolizing exceptional power and authority.

Kabbalistic and Astrological Associations:

  • Path 18 on the Tree of Life: The Chariot’s path, from Geburah (Severity, Strength) to Binah (Understanding, Reason), represents the movement from raw power to higher wisdom.
  • Hebrew Letter “Cheth”: Symbolizes enclosure and protection, reflecting the Chariot’s armored nature.
  • Zodiac and Planetary Associations: The Chariot corresponds to Aries (symbolizing the drive and energy of Mars) and Cancer (representing emotional depth and protection). It also links to the constellation Ursa Major and the 21st lunar day.

Esoteric Interpretation: Victory

In occult tradition, the Chariot embodies victory, not just in the external world, but as the triumph of the spirit and will over life’s adversities. The Charioteer must maintain perfect balance between opposites—action and restraint, emotion and logic—to achieve ultimate mastery.

This card’s mystical associations with Mars, Cancer, and Aries further emphasize its theme of controlled aggression and purposeful direction, marking it as a symbol of emergent power and spiritual ascension.

1. Moving Forward: Overcoming Obstacles

When the Seventh Arcana—the Chariot—appears, life accelerates, and everything changes rapidly. It symbolizes a huge breakthrough and overcoming difficulties. The person taps into a second, or even third, wind to progress towards their goal. The Chariot represents moving forward with determination and confidence, despite any obstacles in the way.

2. Courage and Determination

The Chariot pushes us towards actions we may not have dared to take before. This is a time for significant changes and personal breakthroughs in life and work. It predicts victory over enemies and success in achieving planned goals. Even if a problem seems unsolvable, the first step toward resolution has already been made.

3. Beginning a New Chapter

The Seventh Arcana also indicates that familiar and comfortable things have been left behind. The individual is now ready to step into a new phase of life, full of opportunities and discoveries. They feel a renewed sense of strength and determination, which allows them to overcome any challenges and set new goals.

4. Energy and Drive

The Chariot symbolizes energy, enthusiasm, and the desire for new beginnings. The person who draws the Chariot is filled with activity and optimism. This is the perfect moment for discipline and confidence, as there’s a great opportunity for success ahead.

5. Facing Reality

The Chariot forces us to face reality head-on. For those who have long known what needs to be done but have been afraid to act, this card is a signal to take immediate action. It’s time to show willpower, self-control, and determination to overcome the challenges ahead.

6. Transition from Quantity to Quality

This card represents personal growth and progress. The Chariot signifies that efforts are now turning into results, and conscious efforts bring success. This is a card of goal achievement, triumph, and victory over any obstacles.

7. Sign of Destiny

The Chariot, especially in difficult situations, is a good omen. It symbolizes the end of stagnation and the beginning of new opportunities. The Arcana calls for real actions and well-thought-out plans that will help elevate the individual to a new level of success.

8. Onward to New Adventures

The Chariot marks the beginning of a significant phase in life, urging self-improvement and personal growth. It’s the perfect time to take risks, dive into new ventures, and prepare for a life full of exciting adventures. Much like the Seven of Wands, it highlights the active process of overcoming obstacles. The energy of the Chariot is all about pushing forward with strength and confidence.

9. Future on the Horizon

When the Chariot appears as a forecast for the future, it’s a good sign that events will unfold, and the goal will be achieved. However, the surrounding cards will reveal how and at what cost. Sometimes, these cards also indicate what might be holding you back. The determination to drive towards your chosen goals can conflict with external forces, but the Chariot reminds us that success depends on taking the right action at the right moment.

10. Risk vs. Reward

The Chariot isn’t all smooth sailing. There’s always a risk of losing balance and control, especially if decisions aren’t well-calculated. This card warns against rushing blindly ahead without strategy. Watch those neighboring cards carefully! But despite the challenges, the Chariot traditionally signals that you’re on the right track and heading in the right direction.

11. Discipline and Self-Mastery

The energy of the Chariot is one of discipline, diligence, and willpower. It’s like a “boot camp” for life—pushing you to develop new skills and habits that make you stronger. Some authors even suggest this discipline comes from external sources, much like military training, but ultimately teaches inner self-mastery.

12. Leaving the Past Behind

The Chariot often appears for someone who has completed a chapter of their life and is ready to move forward. No regrets, no looking back—just a leap ahead. It symbolizes a significant leap forward and the drive to leave behind past interests and take a bold new path.

13. Brave New World

This card captures the adventurous spirit, ambition, and thirst for self-realization. Unlike other cards that represent farewells with a sense of fear or sadness, the Chariot is all about courage and curiosity. It’s a burst of energy, pushing you to try new things, challenge yourself, and embrace the unknown with joy.

14. Strength and Skill

The Chariot represents both strength (the ability to control the vehicle) and inexperience (the journey into uncharted territory). It also serves as a reminder not to overestimate your abilities or become too confident. It’s crucial to realize that there’s still much to learn along the way.

15. A Journey or Change of Scenery

The Chariot often signals travel or a significant change in environment. It could also represent communication with someone far away. However, in the presence of negative Arcana, it could foreshadow conflicts, arguments, or opposing forces.

16. Ancient Symbolism

Historically, the Chariot has been associated with war, and in some cultures, thunderstorms. In old Russian folklore, thunderstorms were said to be caused by the prophet Elijah riding his chariot across the sky. So if a storm is brewing—literally or metaphorically—the Chariot might be a signal to brace yourself for a challenge.

The Way the Questionnaire Feels

1. Riding the Wave of Success

If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, then he’s already driving toward it! The Chariot often describes someone who is “riding the wave,” full of big plans and courageously overcoming obstacles. It’s the card for someone in charge, confidently steering their life, and perfectly matches the phrase: “This person is really in control!” The Chariot can indicate someone with power, ambition, and the ability to manage any situation.

2. Courage, Willpower, and Control

The qualities of this card are courage, honesty, perseverance, focus, willpower, and self-control. It represents determination, self-confidence, and independence. The Charioteer moves unwaveringly towards their goal (doubt is out of the question, as the previous card indicated the choice was made). They remain fully focused on their target, making conscious efforts without distractions.

3. Conscious Action and Control

The Chariot is all about taking deliberate steps to move forward and taking control of the situation. The Charioteer is fully aware that any doubt, contradiction, or internal conflict weakens their position, so they maintain focus. The armor they wear symbolizes protection from external distractions.

4. Dynamic Control

Unlike cards that suggest relaxation, the Chariot requires action and effort—sometimes even heroic ones. It’s not a card of rest but of continuous management, like a Formula 1 driver maintaining control every second. Sometimes, the Chariot forces a person to leave behind what they have and pursue new opportunities with boundless energy.

5. Mastering Thoughts and Emotions

The Charioteer’s strength lies not in suppressing conflicting impulses but in skillfully managing them, using that energy to move forward. They are a warrior, not a monk, and their path leads toward conquests and adventure. They are more focused than the Knight of Wands and more purposeful than the Fool.

6. A Leap in Personal Growth

The Chariot symbolizes a leap in personal development. The person associated with this card is often engaged in self-improvement—whether through sports, balancing work with studies, or pursuing spiritual practices like yoga. Unlike the Hermit, the Charioteer is more open and seeks social recognition through their achievements.

On a Deeper Spiritual Level

1. Mastering Inner Forces

The stage of spiritual development marked by the Chariot is about understanding oneself and learning to consciously control the various forces within—those conflicting, elemental impulses. The goal is to draw strength from opposing forces within, to make them work together, and to achieve inner synergy. The animals depicted in the Chariot symbolize the different sides of a person’s nature, such as the body and spirit, which may seem to pull in opposite directions but, under the right control, propel the person toward a unified goal. Self-control, in this case, means guiding these forces rather than suppressing them. This is the stage where these forces, having been introduced in the Sixth Arcana (The Lovers), now work harmoniously to drive the individual forward with unparalleled speed.

2. The Charioteer’s Divine Role

The Charioteer represents a person who has been initiated into many mysteries and possesses magical abilities. They are a divine hero, sent from the heavens to act on Earth. With a firm grip on the reins, they are able to command the sphinxes and harness the power of wisdom (represented by the scepter they hold). They stand confidently, not within the chariot itself but rising from a symbolic cube, signifying ascension. The Charioteer’s attire, including the crown of Isis and the crescents on their shoulders, points to the harmonious balance of light and dark forces within them, suggesting a balance in thoughts, actions, and goals.

3. A Conqueror of Elements

The four pillars of the Chariot symbolize the four elements—fire, air, earth, and water—over which the Charioteer has gained mastery. The starry canopy overhead signifies that the heavens are open to them, and the universe communicates with them. In some Tarot decks, the Charioteer is portrayed as a holy warrior, the Son of the Goddess, a figure reminiscent of the Prince of the Grail or the Hidden Imam in mystical traditions. The Chariot, as the Seventh Arcana, symbolizes the triumph of reason over the mysteries of nature and the harnessing of opposites to achieve independence from the universal order.

4. Achieving Victory through Willpower

To achieve victory, the Charioteer must demonstrate remarkable determination, exercising intense willpower and skill to maintain control. The primary risk is losing control over their impulses or succumbing to inner weaknesses. This card reminds us that we have the ability to reign in opposing forces and use them to drive our growth. The Charioteer’s success comes from mastering emotions and contradictions—such as balancing intense action in the world with periods of productive solitude. With enough discipline and self-control, rapid progress, triumph, and the achievement of goals are within reach.

5. Spiritual Significance

The Chariot is often seen as a metaphor for the soul’s journey and spiritual development. It’s a card of free will, but also one of great risk. The path ahead is filled with both narrow and slippery sections, and losing control can lead to disaster. The combination of the Chariot with the Tower card, for instance, is seen as one of the most unfavorable outcomes, hinting at the dangers of overconfidence and unchecked ambition.

6. Symbolism in Mythology

The Chariot is deeply connected to ancient mythologies, particularly those of solar gods like Apollo, Helios, and Zeus. It also aligns with the esoteric traditions of initiation and the search for the Holy Grail. In the Jewish mystical tradition, the Chariot (Merkabah) represents the divine vehicle described by the prophet Ezekiel, driven by the wings of four angels. In Plato’s philosophy, the Chariot represents the soul’s journey, with reason guiding the two horses of conflicting impulses—the higher, noble instincts and the lower, baser desires.

7. A Path to Personal Mastery

Ultimately, the Chariot represents self-knowledge and the discovery of one’s path. It symbolizes victory over personal stagnation, the power of will, and the liberation of the hero from the chains that once bound them. As one of the most important cards in the Tarot, the Chariot reflects a triumphant spirit, eager to embrace life’s challenges with wisdom and strength.

The Chariot in Career: Progress, Control, and Achievement

The Chariot in career readings symbolizes periods of intense practical activity and dynamic progress. It often points to overcoming obstacles and advancing in business, as well as success in competitive environments. The Chariot represents a decisive and ambitious individual, someone ready to take risks and tackle new challenges to climb the career ladder. This card frequently indicates opportunities for leadership and high-ranking positions.

Command and Control

In a career context, the Chariot often refers to the ability to master opposing forces, which could be relevant for a leader managing a team in conflict or an organization facing internal struggles. As the Charioteer, you must take control and hold the reins firmly—there is little room for hesitation. You either steer the course or risk losing control. The advice from the Chariot is simple: stay focused and use all your strength to maintain control.

Victory in Competition

The Chariot also highlights victory in competitive environments, such as gaining market share or expanding influence. Previous efforts and accumulated experience allow the individual to surge ahead and outpace rivals. In less favorable circumstances, the card may suggest the need to overcome resistance to your plans or face strong opposition.

Collaboration and Synergy

The Chariot thrives in a team setting, indicating that partnership and joint ventures are essential for success. Although it can represent a strong individual leader, the card suggests that without the driving forces of a united team, progress may falter. The Chariot often represents the ability to harness the strengths of a diverse group and create synergy to move forward efficiently.

Recognition and Achievement

In terms of career milestones, the Chariot often brings achievement, recognition, and rewards. It’s a card of hard-earned victories, whether through exams, certifications, or professional accolades. The Chariot assures that with determination and effort, success is inevitable.

Business and Major Changes

For business owners, the Chariot can indicate the need to prepare for significant changes in the industry—whether it’s due to a shift in technology, market crashes, or other major disruptions. The Chariot sometimes signals the start of self-employment or the need to transition to a new business model.

Potential Risks

When surrounded by negative cards, the Chariot warns of the danger of overestimating one’s abilities. There’s a risk of taking on too much without fully assessing whether you can handle the demands, so it’s important to stay grounded and realistic about your limits.

In conclusion, the Chariot is a powerful card for those seeking career advancement, symbolizing decisive action, control, and progress.

The Chariot in Life Changes: Relocation and Financial Growth

The Chariot is often associated with major life transitions, including a potential change of residence. This card symbolizes movement, both physical and metaphorical, indicating that a shift in living situations is likely. Whether it’s a new home, city, or country, the Chariot signifies the energy and determination required to make such a change.

Financial Improvements

In financial matters, the Chariot suggests that improvements in your financial situation may come over time through energetic actions and focused effort. While immediate results may not be guaranteed, consistent perseverance will lead to eventual success and financial stability.

Pride, Prestige, and Luxury

One of the Chariot’s traditional meanings is pride and luxury. This card can indicate a focus on prestige and a desire for outward displays of success, which could lead to spending on luxury items or maintaining an image of wealth. It highlights the balance between achieving material success and the potential risks of overspending on things that symbolize status.

In essence, the Chariot speaks to ambition, progress, and a willingness to take control of life’s direction, whether that’s through relocation or improving financial standing.

The Chariot: Personal Relations – A Card of Individuality and Control

The Chariot is an intriguing and complex card, particularly in matters of love and relationships. The Charioteer is often seen as an individualist, focused more on their personal journey of self-development and less on diving into emotional depths. For someone who is single, the Chariot suggests that now may not be the best time to pursue a relationship. Instead, the individual is encouraged to concentrate on self-improvement, achieving personal goals, and expanding their influence and knowledge.

Focus on Personal Path

This card is about personal power and the ability to control one’s life through sheer willpower. The Charioteer has a clear goal and is moving towards it with determination. However, whether this goal involves a relationship is still a question—often, the person’s motivations lie elsewhere, such as career or self-discovery. The surrounding cards can offer insight into whether romantic relationships are part of their current journey.

Existing Relationships: Control and Balance

In the context of an existing relationship, the Chariot emphasizes control and power dynamics. It may suggest that the focus should be on resolving conflicts and finding harmony. If the surrounding cards are favorable, the Chariot can bring new energy to the relationship, promoting honesty, mutual goals, and understanding. However, if the spread contains negative cards, it could indicate conflicts, power struggles, or a situation where each partner is trying to pull in opposite directions—much like the fable of the swan, crayfish, and pike, each pulling in a different direction.

Potential for Breakup or Conflict

The Chariot is not afraid of moving away from unfulfilling situations. It suggests that if a relationship is stifling or hopeless, the individual may have already taken the first steps toward leaving. This is not about running away or avoiding reality, but rather about making a calculated decision to move forward for the sake of personal growth.

Intense Control and Sexual Energy

In relationships, the Chariot represents the desire to control emotions—both one’s own and sometimes others’. It highlights the need for constant vigilance and self-control. However, this level of restraint can make the relationship feel tense or overly cautious, as the person struggles to let go and surrender to their emotions.

Sexually, the Chariot is often associated with dominance and intense energy. The person embodying the Chariot’s energy may overwhelm their partner, leading to feelings of exhaustion or even being “run over.” The balance and control in the relationship depend on whether the Charioteer is willing to temper their dominance.

Detached and Independent

While the Chariot is powerful, it is also detached. This person may not be inclined to form deep emotional connections, and instead, moves through relationships like a conqueror, winning but not staying. They may not be sensitive to rejection or resistance, and there’s a risk of crossing boundaries without realizing it, especially if combined with cards like the Tower, Knight of Swords, or Devil.

Long-Distance or Virtual Relationships

In modern interpretations, the Chariot can also indicate virtual relationships or long-distance love affairs, where emotional control is maintained through physical separation.

In essence, the Chariot in love is about power, control, and the pursuit of personal goals. It can lead to success in relationships when mutual goals are aligned, but it also warns of the risks of domination and emotional distance.

The Chariot: A Sign of Vitality and Health

The Chariot card is often a strong indicator of robust health and resilience, symbolizing physical and mental strength. It is especially favorable for those who have decided to improve their lifestyle, whether through starting a new exercise regimen or quitting harmful habits. The Chariot empowers individuals to adopt stricter life routines, including diet, fitness, and self-discipline. It signifies an active, healthy approach to life, encouraging control over one’s body and mind.

Recovery from Illness

In the context of illness, the Chariot is generally a positive omen, suggesting recovery and a return to strength. It reflects the body’s ability to overcome obstacles, much like the Charioteer driving forward through challenges. This card is a symbol of perseverance, helping someone regain control of their health.

Health Challenges

However, if the Chariot needs to be interpreted as a cause of illness, it may point to stress-related disorders, particularly involving the digestive system. Since the Chariot is associated with the zodiac sign Cancer, which governs the stomach, it may refer to issues like ulcers caused by overexertion and stress. The Chariot can also suggest accidents or injuries, especially those involving vehicles or transportation, in both modern and ancient interpretations.

Reversed Chariot: Health Warnings

A reversed Chariot could indicate a range of health problems, from sports injuries to a loss of balance in the body, possibly due to a virus or complications from improper treatment. It may also signify emotional struggles like post-achievement depression or postpartum depression.

The Chariot represents strength, vitality, and the willpower to take control of health, but in its negative aspects, it warns of potential injuries or stress-related health issues.

Reversed Chariot: A Sign of Defeat and Loss of Control

The reversed Chariot is one of the most ominous cards in the Tarot, signaling defeat, loss, and failure. It traditionally represents victory slipping away at the last moment. When everything seems within reach, Fortune turns away, and carefully laid plans fall apart unexpectedly. This failure is often rooted in underestimating the situation or overestimating one’s abilities.

Loss of Control and Self-Discipline

The hero who once triumphed falls from their chariot, unable to maintain control. This card may indicate a dramatic loss of self-control in high-pressure situations, where emotions or uncontrollable passions take over. The person represented by the reversed Chariot often struggles to make the right decisions—where they should slow down, they speed up and crash; where they need to push forward, they hesitate and get stuck. This card reflects egoism, intolerance, and self-destructive behavior, all tied to a lack of control.

Unfavorable for Travel

As a warning for travel, the reversed Chariot is one of the most serious alerts in Tarot. It may indicate canceled trips, delays, accidents, or mechanical failures. This card warns against moving forward too hastily, urging careful consideration and possibly postponing plans.

Mental Instability and External Pressure

The reversed Chariot also reflects mental imbalance, insecurity, and external pressure from others. It can indicate struggles with traditions, unwarranted restrictions, or even legal disputes and conflicts with authority. A person under this card’s influence may be prone to anger, revenge, and unresolved grudges, leading to intense arguments and a refusal to seek peace.

Instability and Loss in Life

In general life matters, the reversed Chariot points to instability, an inability to face reality, and failures due to a lack of control or action. It warns of sudden failures in business, disputes, legal issues, and conflicts with authority figures.

In summary, the reversed Chariot is a cautionary card that speaks of falling from grace, lack of control, and imminent failure unless steps are taken to regain focus and maintain discipline.

Key Combinations of The Chariot in Tarot Readings:

  • The Chariot + The Magician:
    This is a powerful combination representing triumph of willpower. Both cards emphasize action, control, and mastery, with the Magician’s ability to manifest desires enhancing the Chariot’s drive. Together, they point to strong self-determination and personal success.
  • The Chariot + The High Priestess:
    This pairing indicates invisible support and protection. The High Priestess is often seen as the Charioteer’s mother, symbolizing hidden wisdom or spiritual guidance aiding the individual on their journey. It’s a powerful combination of intuition and action.
  • The Chariot + Strength:
    Traditionally interpreted as weak self-control, though this can be debated. Both cards represent strength, but where the Chariot leans on willpower, Strength emphasizes inner calm and patience. Together, they may suggest that brute force isn’t always the solution, and balance between strength and restraint is needed.
  • The Chariot + The Hanged Man:
    This combination indicates the delay of action, often suggesting that the individual allows others to move ahead or that external forces slow down their progress. However, it can also represent the ability to listen to fate or surrender control temporarily.
  • The Chariot + The Tower:
    This is an extremely unfavorable combination, often signifying accidents, dramatic failures, or a complete collapse of plans. It’s a warning of potential catastrophe if caution isn’t exercised.
  • The Chariot + The Moon:
    This pairing hints at a hidden mystery or a secret that should not be pursued. The Moon introduces uncertainty, and when combined with the Chariot, it suggests that digging for answers may lead to unexpected or catastrophic outcomes. In reverse, it could signal schemes to seize control.
  • The Chariot + Ace of Wands / Eight of Wands:
    These cards together suggest hasty decision-making. The Chariot’s fast pace combined with the rapid energy of the Wands could indicate acting too quickly without sufficient consideration.
  • The Chariot + Two of Wands:
    This is a strong combination, amplifying the theme of gaining authority and achieving superiority. The Two of Wands often represents planning and vision, which, when aligned with the Chariot, leads to significant forward momentum.
  • The Chariot + Five of Swords:
    A clear focus on revenge and victory over enemies. The competitive nature of the Chariot becomes more pronounced here, with themes of conflict, defeat, and triumph emerging.
  • The Chariot + Eight of Swords:
    This combination signals confusion and self-doubt. The Chariot’s usual decisiveness may be compromised, leaving the individual feeling stuck or unsure of the right course of action.
  • The Chariot + Four of Pentacles:
    An emphasis on control over both circumstances and emotions. The Chariot’s drive for success combined with the Four of Pentacles’ grip on stability suggests a need to maintain a firm hold on what is being pursued.
  • The Chariot + Nine of Pentacles:
    This combination highlights discipline and self-control. The individual is poised to enjoy the fruits of their labor through careful management of their resources and efforts, signifying long-term success.

These combinations underscore the complexity of the Chariot, showcasing its dynamic nature in various aspects of life, from personal control to external challenges. Each pairing modifies its energy, providing deeper insight into both challenges and opportunities ahead.

The Chariot card in Tarot, much like heroes of triumph such as Alexander the Great and figures from sacred wars (“Bellum Sacrum“), evokes the idea of victory through willpower, discipline, and courage. The Chariot also aligns with mythical and divine chariots, including those of Shiva, Ezekiel, and Elijah, reinforcing its connection to divine purpose and destiny.

In mythology, we find similar symbolism with solar heroes like Phaethon, the son of Helios, who loses control of the sun chariot, and Icarus, whose ambition leads to his downfall. These myths illustrate the importance of controlling one’s ambitions and desires. Figures such as Apollo and Horus, who also ride chariots or embody solar aspects, represent the successful navigation of power and responsibility.

Papus, a well-known occultist, adds a profound layer to the Chariot’s interpretation: “Destroying obstacles, you annihilate your enemies, and all your desires will come true if you approach the future with courage, armed with the knowledge of your rights. Let reason guide you, but do not seek to completely suppress feelings and emotions; without them, your chariot may overturn.”

This advice highlights that while the Chariot represents triumph, reason, and control, balance between logic and emotion is critical. Too much detachment can lead to a loss of control, just as too much emotional chaos can topple the forward progress.