Keywords: Hierophant, High Priest, Lord of the Secrets, Knowledge of Good and Evil
Number 5.
The path from Kindness to Wisdom
Astrological correspondences: Sun in Sagittarius: preacher and teacher, Aries, Jupiter (Zeus), Taurus, IX house
The occult meaning of the card is inspiration
The fifth Arcanum governs the observance of prohibitions and obedience to the commandments – like the Olympic sports rules. Doping is not allowed, the referee should not be interested in a certain outcome, and so on – for the sake of making the game fair, and this is really important, because otherwise it will simply lose its meaning!
The fifth Arcana is associated with faith in the meaningfulness of what is happening and its purpose. The Hierophant teaches and educates, and the Devil then checks what we have learned, offering to play bypassing the rules and revealing our weaknesses in understanding how to and how not to act. Justice in the layout raises questions of justice, the Hierophant raises questions of ethics and what is right. Justice announces a free kick to even out the broken balance – that is, it turns on when the hierophant principles are violated.
Any international quality standards, normative acts, guidelines, assessment systems – this is, of course, the Hierophant.
Commissions, inspections, juries – too. The hierophant in a spread suggests how we feel when confronted and how it will end.
In practical layouts, the Hierophant mainly points to three things: (1) ethical issues, (2) the learning process, and (3) participation in some kind of rituals and ceremonies.
The deeper meanings of the card are true religiosity, following the shepherd, mentorship and deep knowledge, the search for spiritual path. The hierophant often falls out when a person tries to explain what is happening to him in terms of some kind of teaching, be it homeopathy, Orthodoxy, Indian astrology, or anything else (the spectrum is widely unlimited). In other words, a person begins to think, interpret and evaluate his life experience, seeing in it some additional meaning.
In the old days, the Hierophant was considered one of the three guardian angels in the Tarot, providing a favorable outcome to a good deed and carrying knowledge of how to do the right thing.
This makes sense, because trust in general and our trust in ourselves are the basis of faith in life, in our future.
The Hierophant personifies the world of faith and trust, based on the steadfastness of the chosen values.
If the Devil in the layout reminds us that we have temptations and weaknesses, then the Hierophant in the layout reminds us that we have a conscience and an inner sense of purity and goodness as opposed to what we consider evil.
In addition, this card says that the implementation of plans will be successful if we play prudently by the rules, adapt to the approved norms of behavior.
This card speaks of the traditional approach to solving a disturbing issue, so to speak, “in the true way.”
The hierophant appeals to social values and traditions, and everything that fits these concepts or is connected with it. Hierophant is in charge of all sorts of foundations, a clear inner concept of “what is good, what is bad.”
Modern man is usually not characterized by profundity and scrupulousness in these matters, therefore the Hierophant confuses him, and interpretations usually do not go beyond the fact that this is for a wedding or admission to a university – in a word, some kind of officialdom sanctified by traditions is coming.
Hierophant is a card of “joining the tradition” or “school”, where there is someone authoritative who knows “how to”. It could equally well be a Catholic church and a Wiccan coven, a university or an army unit, hairdressing courses or a religious sect. This is a place where some higher laws or principles form the core of the teaching of what to do and what not to do.
The hierophant truly represents learning, the pursuit of knowledge, and social cohesion—think of a fashion guru’s seminars where there is ultimately no place for dissenters, and those who agree vying to please, adjusting their “I” to the standards preached.
Sometimes the appearance of a card speaks of an adviser, of someone with whom it makes sense to talk about an exciting topic.
In interpretation it could mean that there will be people who believe that they know the truth (you either obey or are punished). This is someone who teaches, is a master of his craft and appreciates your achievements.
The hierophant is devoted to some idea and brings its results to people; he is an inspired servant of his “religion” (which can be very far from religion), and from the point of view of followers and students, he has knowledge of some truth and the power to determine who is right, and who is not. The most important phenomenon here is power over minds, and the most important question is what is truth? The Hierophant really has mysterium fidei in his charge. How do people begin to believe that the other person knows how to do it and his knowledge is true? The Secret of Faith! The hierophant generally manages the socially formalized sacraments.
The very word “hierophant” means one who reveals sacred things in an accessible form.
Baptism and confession, wedding and tonsure, blessing and absolution are sacraments immersed in everyday life. Truly they are accomplished only when there is faith. Without this, only an external ritual remains, the meaning of which is lost.
The hierophant can personify a person whom we trust very much, whose opinion we consider and who takes a sincere part in our destiny, helping and guiding.
The hierophant brings contact with a mentor who is able to open a way to a higher level of achievements, honoring past merits, obediently following what they say, and also often – the continuation of some traditions.
And the same “Star Factory” from the point of view of the participants in the process is a purely hierophant thing. This is a card of consent (at least external) when they recognize the rules of the game and follow them. She says that a person has signed up for something (“made a vow”) and follows a certain path, quite possibly feeling unfree and coerced at times. Often this card shows that we either need the support and care of a more experienced and knowledgeable person, or we ourselves strive to pass on our accumulated experience to others.
In the ordinary sense, the Hierophant also indicates the presence in life of some very important union (possibly marriage), or the desire for one.
The influence of the Hierophant can be twofold and strongly depends on the attitude of the questioner to external authorities and on his authority in his own eyes (that is, his ability to believe that his own knowledge can be true – there are people who in principle, this is not allowed and they are chasing after this knowledge in circles and communities, changing “great teachers” like gloves).
Depending on this trait, the Hierophant can describe both falling under the millstones of someone else’s dogmas, and exceptional moral courage and the ability to go one’s own way.
The hierophant can talk about the fact that we have to play the role a role model (a classic example is a teacher). He poses the question – how would we behave if no one was watching us? Would we do the same? This is a card of public approval, external decency and traditionalism, a social contract. Therefore, it is an ancient significator of the wedding. There is not a word about feelings, whatever they may be – an emphasis on the ritual of exchanging rings and vows in the presence of witnesses. The card can indicate any union, similar to marriage, the acceptance of bonds and obligations (happy or not).
This is a school where grades are given; you get approval or disapproval of your progress. This card always raises the question of the level of what is happening. Is it really good? Is this really “the right way”? Sometimes this unexpected question is posed point-blank (and in a negative card environment, it comes out sideways).
In fact, the fall of the Hierophant can often be regarded as a blessing sign in relation to the issue. It is a significator of the true Faith and the True Path for each specific person, and can be an indicator of the correctness of the chosen direction. Often portends a meeting with a good person who can help – at least with valuable advice.
Authoritative and edifying – “a prophet in one’s own country.” It varies from dogmatism and severity to philosophical tolerance and condescension, but the conviction that one is right is present in any case.
The Hierophant believes in the meaning of what is happening and acts in accordance with his moral principles.
Hierophants are conservatives and do not like to conform. This is explained very simply – hierophants know how to. This knowledge lives inside them, and it is difficult for them to deviate from these rails (moreover, they often do not get any pleasure from this curtailment, rather, a clear feeling that they have lost their way and urgently need to return). Hierophants are distinguished by the fact that they really believe in and serve the preached values, since they coincide with their inner sense of goodness. There is one more feature – the Hierophants intuitively feel history as a connection of times, the heritage of the past revives the present for them. They can unexpectedly well navigate the history of something (it can be either a whole era or the history of some kind of activity, organization, genre in art, etc.), and somewhere deep down they feel well that this is of particular importance.
The natural occupation for the Hierophant is to see if everything is done right.
He is a teacher, seeker and zealot of truth. His natural feature is the special courage that all this requires. At best, it carries the ability to see a deep spiritual meaning in simple and material things, to correctly understand the essence of some kind of life lesson.
The peculiarity of the Hierophant is that his faith and his concepts are almost always made public, put on public display. This is not the case when it is possible to hide “the fire flickering in the vessel.” For example, if he managed to extract some wisdom in the course of overcoming his own suffering, difficulties or illnesses, he will most likely, inspired and enlightened, write a whole book about all this, which will go on sale … and then the traveling seminars will follow. This is how schools, circles and groups are formed.
It happens that, tired of proving, preaching and reconciling his conscience with social standards, and realizing that “there is no prophet in his own country”, the Hierophant throws off his vestments and continues on his way in the cloak of the Hermit, no longer relating to anyone and proving nothing to anyone ( so to speak, having accepted the schema and retired to the wilderness). But in general, the Hierophant is a natural teacher, legislator and guru. He needs an audience, students, followers and successors.
As a rule, the Hierophant can be relied upon – he behaves conscientiously and consistently, at least within the framework of his own concepts of what is good and what is bad.
The real Hierophant is very wise by life experience, and therefore is able to give invaluable advice in the most incomprehensible situations. Looking into his imperturbable eyes, it is hard to imagine that he went through some kind of collisions and throwing, but still we have to admit that his amazing wisdom was bought at a considerable price, which is completely known only to him. The Hierophant is the role of the Master. At best, this is an empathic and wise mentor, spiritual leader, teacher, able to help and guide … and admiration for him, respect from the bottom of my heart. Through it you can touch a powerful tradition.
The hierophant often serves in layouts as a significator of a married person.
This is the great wisdom of the male being. For modern man, “male wisdom” is personified by the Emperor – here he is, a super-man, what else do you need?
However, the Emperor personifies only a purely masculine style of thinking and mode of action (just like the Empress is purely feminine) – he must act, steer, resolve, he has nowhere to hide because he has a lot of responsibilities, like the owner of the estate, father of many children or the president of the country. Here we have a completely different figure. He’s not destroying here. This is the original Priest of the ancient world. He is not disturbed by worldly cares. Earthly power is up to his ankles. Emperors bow before him so that he performs the sacrament of anointing to the kingdom and advises what to do. He is not a Magician playing with the forces of nature and walking on the edge. He is the one who tells the Magician that he has finished his game and informs the conditions for aligning the balance disturbed on the subtle planes. He knows the stakes in the casino where we stake the immortal soul (in this sense, the Hierophant and the Devil are the most closely related pair in the Tarot). The hierophant corresponds to the elders-seers, endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, who do not need the confession of a sinner to tell him what he must do for his own good (at the same time, they will not turn into a “vest” one iota). The Hierophant relates to the Emperor in much the same way as Diogenes relates to Alexander the Great (“Do not block the sun for me”). To the credit of the latter, it should be noted that the young man appreciated the answer and realized that the border of all kingdoms passes by the notorious barrel (“if I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes”).
The fifth Arcana symbolizes the high priests of the pagan or Christian schools of the Mysteries. This card symbolizes the initiator (the master of the mysteries of life), or the spiritual physician. The illusory Universe, in this case, is symbolized by two figures (polarities) – kneeling before the throne, on which the initiate sits, having raised his consciousness to the level of spiritual understanding and reality.
The Hierophant embodies the righteousness of man in the highest sense of the word. The Hierophant is the principle of activity, being the creator of a new path. There are other people (kneeling monks…or monarchs…or a royal couple) – the Hierophant’s wisdom is meant for everybody. This is one of the “trinity” cards (they also include the Lovers, the Devil and the Chariot).
The Hierarchy symbolizes the religious authority of the connoisseur of the sacraments and the interpreter of truth. He has come a long way in this system and can now lead others. This is not a card of an individual one-man show, but a card of adhering to a tradition that existed before you, some kind of mainstream, its rituals and an established system of views. Hierophant points the way to the spiritual goals – he is given the power to decide what exactly needs to be done for successful progress, he carries the interpretation of the law in terms of behavior. This is the charter of a monastery or a spiritual order, and not personal Gnosticism – liturgical rules, rituals of piety, common to all and created before you.
It is a need and an opportunity to follow a tradition that grants both initiation and learning and practices that lead to your own Grail. People, books, spiritual systems are all help for a beginner. To travel a great path, one needs to have a desire, an intuition, and the wisdom of the predecessors. It is the discipline of practices that helps maintain the connection between spiritual and everyday life.
The card can also symbolize the organization (religious, educational, philosophical), having a structure and having an influence on the minds of followers. In all such organizations, there is a person or group of people whose views are considered to be practically indisputable truth. They have the ability to advance or crush. Others either obey the word, accepting it in this way, or are declared heretics and expelled. This is a system that has its own values, its own hierarchy and formalities, and it assumes submission and obedience to them, conformism.
The Hierophant, like the High Priestess, is the essence of Knowledge, but unlike the High Priestess with her prophetic dreams and mind reading, his knowledge is clearly ethically colored, it contains such concepts as responsibility, duty, redemption, justice. He alone mysteriously knows the stakes in that casino where we are all trying to lose our souls. This is the knowledge of “what’s the price” in the best of all possible worlds. In other words, Hierophant dictates our value system.
The fifth Arcana describes the stage of spiritual development in which understand the will of God in relation to oneself and interpret it in terms of personal behavior. Making a decision for yourself whether to live within the law, whether to enter your future existence into the law of the world order or take full responsibility for disobedience and an individual path … decide for yourself what your path will be or let the authority decide for you … search truth and moral courage is to go your own way, if you believe that it is necessary to do so … the choice is to follow the needs of your soul or adjust your self to the requirements of others, to tradition … these are the questions that the Fifth Arcanum poses for us and the answer gives your conscience. In essence, this is a choice between voluntary obedience and obedience through coercion (“fate leads the obedient, but drags the disobedient”).
One should not think that it is so easy for the Hierophant to put everything on the shelves and act according to his conscience. He feels best of all the conflict between the ideal truth known to the heart (“as it should be”) and what is the truth of life. This conflict is an incurable “fifth wound” (from the point of view of Christian esotericism – the wound of the Sacred Heart, pierced by a warrior). This “fifth wound”, “the wound of the heart” is carried by every patriarch. The Hierophant bleeds eternally under his robe, he is close to the wounded fisher-king of the Grail tales. This is also reminiscent of the “Fisherman ring” worn by the Pope.
The moral problem of the Hierophant is to listen to the inner voice and be righteous not only in the performance of his duty as the Emperor, but also in relation to himself. His immediate goal is to obey himself and his own, even the most natural and correct, impulses, not to become deaf to those around him, constantly measuring their desires with his own.
The Hierophant can be a Mentor on the narrow path, where there is “yes” and “no”, good and evil, evolution and degradation, and not just neutral “experience” and “growth” in some unknown direction (after all, a cancerous tumor also grows). Personality psychology, for its part, has done everything to free a person from evaluative pressure in these matters. Being excessive, this pressure is demoralizing and destructive, but its complete absence, in general, has the same effect. If the appearance of the Fifth Arcana in the layout causes a slight confusion(it is not clear what it is about and what to do with it), then it is time to shake off the dust from your conscience – we all need it from time to time, even being good people.
The traditional papal tiara denotes power over three levels of being – heaven, earth and underworld (in a psychological projection – “superego”, “ego” and “it”). The lilies on the surplice of one of the kneeling monks symbolize spiritual idealism, and the roses on the robes of the other symbolize love for people. On Crowley’s card, the Hierophant is shown holding the symbol of the trinity, and below is his feminine nature, with the sword-thought in his hand, which rules him from within. The wand in the hand of the Hierophant (a cross with three crossbars or three intersecting circles – Roerich’s emblem) – implies a new incarnation. The wand is usually a symbol of the faith that the creators of the deck profess. It is interesting that in many decks, although the Hierophant is in magnificent attire, his feet are bare – a reminder of inner humility and that whatever the outer rules, the end point for their servant is still a personal conscience, naked and felt as “own skin”.
Behind the head of the Hierophant is a five-petalled lotus inscribed in a five-pointed star – a symbol of active participation in cosmic creativity.
An angry bull (the symbol of Taurus) peeps out from behind the Hierophant’s back – a symbol of powerful creative potential, as well as passions and desires, to which the Hierophant astrologically corresponds. In Greek mythology, the figure of the High Priest corresponds to Dionysus, the patron god of all the fruitful forces of the Earth. Taurus is the most “earthly” sign, which is corrected by matter with its rigid framework, therefore it can “rise” only by embodying unshakable righteousness on its way.
The Hierophant is not always harmless. He was undoubtedly present during the meetings of the Holy Inquisition and insisted on those bonfires into which the German students threw the books of Zweig and Mann. The purity of faith, the purity of the party, doctrine, blood, race – this is his “professional” headache. His worst feature is complacency, intolerance and exceptional conviction in his own rightness. Lynching, searching for enemies, fighting infidels, hunting for witches, tribunal, auto-da-fé – this is its dark bottom or black top. A question from the Fifth Arcana – why, in fact, are the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life opposed? Why, having become like gods, knowing Good and Evil, will you die by death?
The Hierophant raises yet another problem. An ordinary modern person seems to be deprived of any “visible” ideology that guides him on the “true path” (like the moral code of the builders of communism, pure Catholicism, or the sermons of Dr. Goebbels), and at the same time, the Hierophant is often amazingly narrow-minded, intolerant and crushed by stereotypes – just read comments on the Internet to any “hurting” topic. We seem to live in an era of unprecedented freedom of conscience, but something strange is happening with this very conscience and with its freedom. The Hierophant can raise a question about this interesting internal circumstance – why do you disapprove of something so much that it would be straight with fire and sword all this, huh? Or why do you rush to defend something with a zeal that would do honor to a crusader or St. Bartholomew who imagines that he is saving the true faith from heretics? Sometimes the Hierophant in his tiara seems like a kind of anachronism in the deck, something outdated – but he also says that we have not changed at all as much as it might seem. The right to one’s own views and beliefs is not always welcomed de facto.
For some reason, freedom of thought and speech in society turns into an avalanche of cliches of perception, where there is no smell of freedom of thought; the inability to wisely perceive the true gifts of life goes hand in hand with the pursuit of its gratuitous joys … whether simplicity, whether excess – everything can turn into emptiness.
The hierophant symbolizes the correct, important and responsible steps that are taken with great faith in a career development. A vivid sense of mission, the significance of one’s work (usually in terms of serving people). Hierophant is a card of honesty, purity of aspirations, fair deals and fair play. Confident movement towards the goal with the conviction that it is worth it. Serious progress in professional development.
The hierophant personifies the traditional education system, school, formal education. According to him, there is a transfer of one’s knowledge to others, as well as the active use of someone else’s experience. A job in the field of education (or at least one that really requires a good education and Professional connection with cultural or religious institutions (at worst, there could be rigid attitudes regarding dead rituals that cannot be abandoned). In general, all professions where equanimity, knowledge and the ability to convince are important.
The hierophant is the significator of all institutions where long-term traditions are strong, and also where there are different “schools”, “approaches” and “styles” (in fact, they are similar to religion – none is the ultimate truth, although their carriers tend to perceive them exactly). Hierophant can denote any profession that involves the ability to interpret laws, traditions, or some kind of cultural regulations.
Hierophants are scientific leaders, consultants, psychotherapists, teachers and mentors of all kinds. In a general sense, the card indicates compliance with the position held and high professional status.
Hierophant corresponds to large organizations, often state-owned, and in any case, those that were clearly not created yesterday and rely on established traditions (for example, it can be a bank or city hall).
The Hierophant loves the employees of universities, libraries, archives, museums – all those places where knowledge with a long history is preserved. The person designated by the Hierophant may have a professional attitude to religion, everything related to marriage. Sometimes – a doctor who helps to get rid of acquired problems, “absolution of sins.”
This card may mean that a lot of energy is being invested in a project while it may need more good organization.
The need to follow instructions, play by the rules. The card does not exclude making a profit, but still sets the questioner in the direction that “not by bread alone …”, making it clear that money is not the main thing now. The Hierophant is not a card of business and entrepreneurship.
This card symbolizes the highest spiritual components of the relationship.
The hierophant is associated with community and social laws, therefore, if not love, then marriage vows are in his charge. Depending on other cards, it can portend a wedding, a lasting marriage, strong friendship. The card may indicate that partners are united by a common goal, a common belief in something, in a word, something more than just sympathy or passion. Sometimes the Hierophant reports that the “right” partner will appear in life when spiritual development reaches the proper level so as not to overshadow this connection.
The hierophant is a great traditionalist, he is impressed by respectability and restraint. He can be a very loyal fan and an extremely respectable candidate for life partners. Remember the hero of the “Twilight saga” Edward, when he explains to Bella, who is trying to drag him into bed, that he is a man of a different era and, according to his concepts,
everything should happen differently. “I would take care of you for a long time, we would walk along the alley and drink iced tea on the veranda, and maybe I would steal a kiss from you. But only after receiving your father’s blessing, I would get down on one knee, give you a ring and ask if you would do me the honor and marry me. “This is the Hierophant.
And modern Hierophants of both sexes are deeply indifferent to what century They really lead a life in accordance with their ideals, accepting all the discomfort that can be associated with this.
Any problems in relationships, and especially in marriage, the Hierophant solves exclusively through virtue and restraint of his impulses. The partner described by the Hierophant card can be trusted. Not in the sense that this is a guarantee of his personal holiness, but for him, betrayal is not infidelity to a partner. This is a betrayal of one’s own spirit, one’s own concepts and high moral principles, and this is a much more intimate and painful event than a casual step to the side.
Usually the Hierophant has high ideals and is able to create relationships in which everything is “honest and noble”.
Often the Hierophant tries with all his might (“Forgive me for teaching!”) He tries to convey to another his vision of the meaning of relationships, to show what is important and what is right. He dreams of creating a truly good relationship based on love and responsibility for each other, free from infidelity and resentment.
In the worst case, the Hierophant says that people are bound by the coldest of feelings – a sense of duty.
The Hierophant subordinates everything to beliefs, including nutrition, sex and fitness, and therefore loves fasting, vegetarianism, yoga, Ayurveda and the like. It is not certain that the chosen system is suitable. As you know, what is good for a Russian is death for a German. What works great in India or China may not give the desired results for a native of the middle lane.
As a significator of the disease, it can indicate age-related problems, such as arthritis or osteoporosis. Mary Greer writes about ear-nose-throat diseases, muscle pains and infections transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets (from speaker to audience).
In the literature there are comments about kidney disease.
If the direct Hierophant is something traditional, then the reversed hierophant is unconventional, so to speak, in the order of experiment. He can talk about the fact that a person is considering something unethical and unscrupulous, workarounds and a game without rules. Pope Alexander Borgia would be a good example. But it can be something smaller – for example, some unseemly acts, ordinary sins that still scratch the conscience … Or maybe it’s a desire to run away from or drop out out of school. Youthful non-conformism, struggle with authorities, eccentricity, individualism, originality pass along Hierophant. In the worst case, appearing in a scenario for some kind of undertaking, it shows that the wrong path was initially chosen.
The Reversed Hierophant speaks of the lack of social approval, the unwillingness to understand and accept some act or choice. Perhaps a person is afraid of being rejected, punished, exposed?
The reversed Hierophant is the opposition and outsider, he has his own unique point of view, not accepted by society. His element is rebellion, disobedience, a person is not afraid of the consequences and ready to go to the end. There is always some kind of confrontation with the “establishment” (corporate, academic, ecclesiastical, and sometimes just family), sometimes with the state system. He questions established values, disobeys rules, and wants to create his own system.
The card may describe something ritualistic but unconventional, such as same-sex marriage. Sometimes she says that you can do something around the rules, try to solve problems in a roundabout way, and what will come of it, other cards in the layout will tell you.
Traditionally, in reversed position, the Hierophant is a symbol of slander, shame, dubious advice that brings evil, as well as false facts. The reversed position of the card can also mean excessive freedom of behavior, ignoring the rules of good taste, eccentricity, harmfulness, laziness, irresponsibility, insecurity.
If in the correct position – this is an upcoming marriage, then in a reversed position – the intended marriage will not take place. Sometimes indicates a divorce. It can also mean that now a person does not have the opportunity to learn. It may turn out that the teacher turns out to be a false teacher, the teaching turns out to be false teaching, or the person himself is simply not ready.
On a psychological level, the Hierophant speaks of excessive kindness and generosity, when kindness is annoying, and generosity comes to stupidity. Loss of personal authority, conciliation, capitulation, weakness – a person betrays his principles.
It is believed that the reversed Hierophant indicates that at the moment the situation is out of control, so the best thing to do is to rely on fate and humbly wait to see what the outcome will be. But most often it is a hint that the advice given by someone to the questioner will not lead to anything good. The reversed Hierophant resembles a supervisor who, out of negligence, out of vanity or unwilling to conflict, agrees to conduct a student’s thesis work in an area in which he understands nothing. As a result, the process seems to be going on, but it is not possible to learn, teach, or pass the academic test, called protection. Everyone loses, because from the very beginning it was done in a wrong way with a wrong approach.
With the Fool – unorthodox, unconventional
With the Priestess – a very good sign
With the Emperor – following the canon, rules
With Lovers – there is an opinion that this combination speaks, first of all, of what a person will do not act as expected of him, but follows what his heart tells.
With the Hermit – love betrayal
With the Devil – a clash with a strong personality and the risk of falling under its adverse influence. Perhaps the spiritual quest went the wrong way.
With the Tower – loss of trust, crisis, loss of ground underfoot
With the Sun – a clear vision of the goal, an awakening understanding
With the World- the case is nearing a successful conclusion, no serious trials are expected.
With the Two of Wands – superiority, falling out of the crowd
With the Seven of Swords – a lone wolf, sticking to his own beliefs and not living by the rules
With the Three of Cups – following the public opinion, “commitment to the crowd”
With the Six of Cups, Six of Pentacles – a strong and happy marriage.
With the Three of Pentacles – strong team spirit
With the Eight of Pentacles – a strong combination for study