How to Find and Understand Your Underlying Cards

Step 1: Identify Your Life Spread

Your Life Spread is based on your birth card, which is linked to your birthday and reveals key patterns in your life. The Life Spread includes cards for each planetary period (Mercury through Neptune) and covers areas like communication, love, career, challenges, and dreams.

Step 2: Look at Your Planetary Cards in the Life Spread

Your Life Spread contains specific cards for the following planetary periods:

  • Mercury: How you think and communicate.
  • Venus: Your love and relationships.
  • Mars: Your passions and what angers you.
  • Jupiter: Where you find ease and abundance.
  • Saturn: Life challenges and areas of growth.
  • Uranus: How you handle groups and sudden changes.
  • Neptune: Your dreams and fantasies.

These cards tell you what you experience, while the underlying cards show how you experience them.

Step 3: Find Your Underlying Cards Using the Spiritual Spread

To find your underlying cards, you need to consult the Spiritual Spread, which reflects deeper, subconscious influences. Here’s how:

  1. Find your first Karma Card: This represents a karmic influence in your life.
  2. Locate the Age 89 Spread for your first Karma Card: This spread, part of the Spiritual Spread, also has cards for each planetary period.

Step 4: Match the Cards from the Life and Spiritual Spreads

For each planetary card in your Life Spread, you will find a corresponding underlying card in the Spiritual Spread. For example:

  • If your Mercury Card in the Life Spread is the Queen of Hearts, and the 10 of Spades is in the Mercury position in the Age 89 Spread of your first Karma Card, then the 10 of Spades is the underlying card for your Mercury (Queen of Hearts) in your Life Spread.

Step 5: Analyze the Underlying Cards

These underlying cards reveal how you experience and express the energies of each planetary period. For instance:

  • Your Venus Card in the Life Spread may show what you love, but the underlying card explains how you express love.
  • Your Mars Card may indicate what you are passionate or angry about, while the underlying card shows how those emotions manifest.


If your birth card is the 6 of Spades, your Mercury Card in the Life Spread might be the Queen of Hearts, which suggests you communicate with emotional warmth. The 10 of Spades as the underlying card (from the Age 89 Spread) would suggest a deeper influence of responsibility and hard work behind your communication style.


  • The Life Spread reveals key aspects of your life through planetary cards.
  • The Underlying Cards, found in the Age 89 Spread of your first Karma Card, show deeper, subconscious influences, helping you understand how you experience life events, not just what you experience.

By interpreting both your Life Spread and underlying cards, you gain richer insights into your personality, behaviors, and life path.