Interpreting the Sun Spread, Rising Spread, and Moon Spreads. Three Levels of Mind. Destiny Cards.

The Sun Spread, Rising Spread, and Moon Spread are three configurations used to analyze the influence of birth cards and understand how they interact with different aspects of an individual’s life. Each spread provides insights into different dimensions of experience, including how one radiates energy outwardly, reflects inwardly, and balances between the two.

Understanding the interplay between the Sun, Moon, and Rising spreads

Understanding the interplay between the Sun, Moon, and Rising spreads provides a comprehensive view of how different aspects of the mind and personality interact. These spreads correspond to the “me,” “myself,” and “I,” representing different levels of consciousness and areas of life. Carl Jung’s concept of the ‘Self’ aligns with these spreads, integrating the complete personality complex.

Sun Spread. Solar Spread. Natural and Spiritual spread.

The Sun Spread: The Core Self (Myself)

The Sun Spread represents the core self and the natural order of the cards. It is associated with the primary personality and the conscious mind.


  • Represents: The complete personality complex or ‘Self.’
  • Nature: Always present, though not always noticeable. It serves as the foundational layer upon which the other spreads build.
  • Function: Reflects the natural order of the cards and the inherent traits and potentials of an individual.


  • Role: The Sun Spread signifies the core essence of who you are. It is the baseline personality that integrates the influences of both the Rising and Moon spreads.
  • Presence: This spread is continuously influencing you, even if it is not always at the forefront of your conscious awareness.

The Rising Spread: The Active Self (I)

Rising Spread


The Rising Spread represents how individuals operate in an extroverted, active manner. It is associated with daytime ruling energies and concrete accomplishments.

  • Represents: Extroverted, active engagement with the external world.
  • Nature: Dominant in daily activities and interactions. Reflects how life unfolds in tangible ways.
  • Function: Governs how you create and interact with the material world.


  • Role: The Rising Spread highlights how you present yourself and act in the external world. It encompasses your achievements, social roles, and public persona.
  • Activity: This spread is prominent in your conscious actions and external activities, guiding how you pursue goals and engage with others.

The Moon Spread: The Reflective Self (Me)

Moon Spread


The Moon Spread represents how individuals operate in an introverted, reflective manner. It is associated with nighttime ruling energies and passive psychic reflections.

  • Represents: Introverted, reflective engagement with the inner world.
  • Nature: Passive and subjective. Reflects the inner psychic energy and emotional landscape.
  • Function: Governs your internal processes, feelings, and reactions to life events.


  • Role: The Moon Spread reveals your inner emotional world and subconscious mind. It includes your dreams, instincts, and inner reflections.
  • Activity: This spread becomes active when you reflect on personal experiences, question why things happen, and seek internal understanding.

Balancing the Three Spreads

  1. Integration:
  • Sun Spread (Self): Acts as the integrating force that harmonizes the Rising and Moon spreads. It represents your true essence and balanced personality.
  • Balance: Strive to integrate the influences of the Rising and Moon spreads, allowing your core self to guide the interaction between external actions and internal reflections.
  1. Reflection and Action:
  • Rising Spread (I): Emphasizes active participation in the world. Focus on tangible achievements and concrete actions.
  • Moon Spread (Me): Emphasizes inner reflection and emotional processing. Spend time understanding your feelings and subconscious motivations.
  1. Chakra Influence:
  • Upper Chakras (Spiritual/Passive): Involved with psychic and spiritual aspects. Reflective of the Moon spread.
  • Lower Chakras (Physical/Active): Concerned with material and concrete aspects. Reflective of the Rising spread.

Practical Steps for a Reading

  1. Identify Your Birth Card:
  • Click on your Birth Card in the Sun Spread to highlight it in all three spreads.
  1. Analyze the House and Column Positions:
  • Sun Spread: Look at the house and chakra influence to understand your core self.
  • Rising Spread: Examine the position to understand your active, outward behaviors.
  • Moon Spread: Analyze the position to understand your reflective, inward nature.
  1. Understand the Suit Emblems:
  • Suits in Columns: Determine which psychological functions (thinking, feeling, intuition, sensation) dominate in each area of life.
  1. Evaluate Balance:
  • Assess how the energies from each spread interact and balance within your life. Look for areas where one spread may dominate and seek to harmonize it with the others.


By understanding the interplay between the Sun, Moon, and Rising spreads, you can gain a comprehensive view of your personality, behaviors, and life patterns. This holistic approach helps you achieve a balanced and integrated understanding of your inner and outer worlds, leading to personal growth and equilibrium.