Invoking the winds is an ancient practice that dates back to the Ancient Greeks and possibly earlier. In Mycenaean Greece a Priestess of the Winds is named on a tablet found at Knossos.
“Heed the North wind’s mighty gale:
lock the door and trim the sail.
When the wind comes from the South,
love will kiss you the on the mouth.
When the Moor wind blows from the West,
departed spirits have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East,
expect the new and set the feast. “
The Wind of Death and Change. Boreas is known to bring destruction and “cold”, sudden, or unexpected change.
Boreas is the god of north wind winter. Of all the wind gods, he is the most powerful and highly respected by ancient Greeks. Boreas has purple winds with smaller winds near his ankles.
His dark hair and beard are spiked with ice. Occasionally, he appears among clouds, his cheeks puffed as he blows cold air over the universe.
Although most myths depict Boreas as being harsh and short tempered, he has soft side. During Persian war, he protected Athenians by using his wind to destroy Persian ships.
Call him to get rid of something negative in your life and to add purification rituals. Seek help by saying,
Boreas, god of snow and ice gale
Remove this problem from my life and let peace prevail.
Pagans attribute the power of the elimination of bad habits to North wind, and associate it with the color black, and the hour of midnight.
So use this time to practice spellwork for financial management, and organization.
Body, growth, material gain, money, creativity, birth, death, silence.
Rocks, standing stones, crystals, jewels, metal, rich, treasures, grounding.
Mystery, industry, possesions, prosperity, wisdom, runes, teaching, practical wisdom.