Born on March 30 and your card is 6 ♣

Your Karma card – 2 ♦️ is your South Node – or the tail of a dragon 🐉 – which is associated with Uranus. 2 ♦️ gives you ability to make VIP contacts, which will always help you maintain your wonderful position. 2 ♦️ gives you a possibility to have good income if you work in partnership and cooperate with other people. Diamonds ♦️ suit gives you the ability to negotiate and close deals. Make sure that unreasonable worries about your financial situation do not create unnecessary anxiety. It may lead to loss of money.

8 ♠️ is your North Node A Head of A Dragon 🐉 acts as Neptune.

You love power and have inner firmness and determination. Throw in your innate business acumen and you can make money from your many talents and skills if you strengthen your discipline. 8 is also indication that you love power and power can get you corrupted. Be cautious because mine has its own imperfections.

6 Of Clubs

6 ♣ Ruling planet: Mars.

Dynamic, expressive and intelligent, you have a progressive outlook and constantly strive to keep yourself busy. Life becomes much more interesting when you start a new business, because your wonderful communication skills guarantee you popularity and success in everything related to public activity. Despite your inherent impatience, you are able to develop your creativity and eloquence through literature, theater, painting, interior design or music. To confront your own selfishness and insecurities, you need projects that spark true enthusiasm in you. When this happens, you simply shine with success and confidence and are eager to share your happiness with those around you.

Your planetary ruling card is 10 ♣.

10 of Clubs

10 ♣ endows you with originality of thinking and a certain uniqueness, with the help of which you reach an outstanding position in your profession. You can be famous person. You also have ability to teach, or play teaching roles, regardless of your official position. You are very good at mental performance, and sometimes your intellectual activity becomes excessive and causes stress and insomnia. You also can become artists, painters, and musicians. You are very independent and have hard time too work for somebody else. Be mindful in choosing a profession because you are very independent and like to be your own boss and do what you please.

Let’s analyze Mercury. Oh, and it’s really complicated! And The first Mercury card is 6 ♠️ a card of karma and stagnation.

Your Mercury Cards are: 6 ♠ and 2 ♣ – 9 ♠ and A ♠.

6 ♠ in Mercury gives either the time of constant employment or constant unemployment. In general, when there is a six in the matrix, you should always have a backup option to have a job or to be able to do a lot in life. This will always come in handy. So, 6 ♠️ also gives mental anxiety about your career or employment or because you feel most of your plans are subject to change, if an evil forth resists all your plans.

9 ♠️ in Mercury speaks of a sudden illness or difficulties in work, a traffic accident, – unless you turn your mind into spiritual knowledge and meditation. What you will have – depends on you!

Under 9 ♠️ success is possible if you don’t take a negative stance. Learn to let go, and you gain the power and control. Do not rush, you need to take everything calmly.

Two of Clubs in Mercury makes you prône to arguments and debates, intellectual conversations, impatience, a sharp mind and a hot head. The desire to know something brings impatience and irritation, high-pitched conversations. You just can be bully in school and you like to argue with even best friends. Fights stimulate you. You also like to take into account worst possible scenarios and this motivates you. You may get scared to study and find ways to cheat or do less. You also can be lazy thinking of shortcuts and being very sneaky.

At your best, you can organize a joint venture or business with friends or family.

And the Ace of Spades in the Matrix of Angels warns that you will learn something completely new for yourself. Your interest in spiritual knowledge is growing. You may even have direct experiences that dramatically will change the way you think. The end of one chapter and the beginning of a completely new philosophy of life and ways of communication. Mental power radically changes your consciousness, your point of view about something in life. You must break through the veil of illusion into the deep secrets of life and events around you. This is how the most spiritual and most”terrible” cards of the matrix deck work! Learn to think positively!

Born on March 30, you have a lot of driving force, but need to work on enlightenment forth. If education is rejected, your contributions are unlikely to be valuable.

You can be very welcoming, and this quality is enhanced by 3 (30) dates of birth. If you do not gravitate in the field of education, then most likely you will be carried away by the stage as an entertainer. The greatest success lies in professions, especially those that are pioneering and progressive.

You love to start something and leave it for someone else to finish it. You can become brilliant teachers of adults, i.e. university professors, philosophers and lecturers.

Accidents must be avoided because you attract them being mobile and impulsive.