Taming the Beast Within: Strength in Hopes and Fears

1. The Stage of Inner Mastery

Ah, the Strength card in the hopes and fears position – where one must summon their inner might to conquer both internal and external obstacles. This is where you’re no longer wrestling lions (well, metaphorically, anyway) but rather your own unruly instincts, fears, and perhaps a strong urge to binge-watch Netflix instead of dealing with life’s responsibilities. Here, you’re called to overcome these challenges not with brute force, but with that quiet, steady inner strength that has you gracefully managing your emotions like a lion-tamer with nothing more than a gentle nudge and a knowing smile.

2. The Gentle Art of Taming Lions

Let’s be clear: Strength isn’t about showing off your biceps or winning arguments. Instead, it’s the subtle taming of aggression, fears, and untamed desires—done with love and inner resolve. It’s like coaxing a grumpy cat to sit on your lap when all it wants is to claw your furniture to bits. You do it without fuss, with a calm hand and, somehow, the lion (or the grumpy cat) ends up purring in your lap. The lady in white, symbol of purity and higher knowledge, doesn’t overpower the lion; she wins him over with her higher vibrations, represented by the lemniscate (infinity symbol) over her head, which essentially means she’s got wisdom on her side.

3. Higher Vibes Always Triumph

Here’s the big idea: higher always defeats lower, and no, we’re not talking about who’s taller. It’s the natural order of things—the more evolved, spiritually or emotionally, will always come out on top. The lion represents our primal instincts, our passions, even our fears, and yes, those late-night cravings for pizza. But the woman—oh, she’s not fighting them. She’s integrating them, mastering them with patience and grace. No aggression required, just a higher state of being that naturally brings chaos into harmony.

4. Control, Not Suppression

In all seriousness, the message here is not to go to war with your shadowy sides, your impulsive desires, or that part of you that wants to scream during traffic. You’re not meant to suppress them either—because trust me, that will only lead to full-blown rebellion at some point (and likely at the most inconvenient time). Instead, you acknowledge these darker sides, accept them as part of your nature, and bring them under your gentle control. Think of it as managing your inner lion with kindness rather than beating it into submission.

5. Love Conquers All (Even Inner Beasts)

At its core, Strength is about learning to tame your inner beast not with violence or strict discipline, but with compassion, self-love, and yes, a bit of stubbornness. You develop a relationship with your wilder side, much like Gilgamesh did with Enkidu in those ancient myths. Strength doesn’t involve hiding your primal instincts, but rather integrating them. By doing so, you no longer waste energy suppressing these forces, but instead, you tap into their strength for your own benefit.

6. Strength as the Feminine Magician

Interestingly, Strength can be seen as the feminine counterpart to the Magician. While the Magician channels energy from above and below, Strength channels her power through her connection with the natural world, taming and balancing the wild forces within. This isn’t about trickery or manipulation; it’s about balance and harmony. The inner lion becomes a source of strength, not an enemy to conquer.

7. In Conclusion: More Zen, Less Zookeeper

So, what’s the lesson? When Strength appears in your hopes and fears, it’s a reminder that you have within you the ability to handle anything life throws at you—without breaking a sweat. You’re encouraged to embrace your inner lion with love and patience, mastering your instincts and emotions with a steady hand, much like a seasoned lion tamer who doesn’t need a whip. Just remember, the higher always wins over the lower. So stay calm, keep your cool, and let your higher self lead the way, even when your inner beast is ready to roar.

Fear in Strength: Losing Control of the Inner Beast

The fear in the Strength card lies in the possibility of losing control over your own instincts, emotions, and desires. It’s the dread that your inner lion—your passions, impulses, or fears—will run wild, overpowering your calm, rational self. There’s a worry that you might not have the necessary self-mastery to maintain your balance, potentially leading to moments of aggression, self-sabotage, or even emotional burnout. It’s the fear of being overwhelmed by inner turmoil, unable to tame or integrate those darker parts of yourself, and possibly succumbing to self-destructive behaviours.

Hope in Strength: Mastering the Lion Within

The hope in the Strength card, on the other hand, is the deep belief that you do have the power to overcome these internal challenges with grace and patience. It’s the hope that you can, indeed, become the calm figure taming the lion with nothing but gentle inner resolve and compassion. It’s the confidence that you possess an inherent higher strength—a blend of courage, willpower, and kindness—that allows you to rise above your fears and master your impulses. In essence, the hope lies in knowing that, through self-love and inner discipline, you can channel your raw energy into something positive and empowering, overcoming any internal or external obstacles.

In summary, the fear is about being consumed by your instincts, whereas the hope is about gracefully mastering them and emerging stronger and more balanced.