Jupiter in the II house as a symbol of abundance and prosperity.
Cancer, Capricorn, Mercury in Virgo, in Capricorn.
The third decade of VIRGO from September 13 to 22.
The Ten of Pentacles denotes a period of wealth, stability, fullness of life and confidence in the future.
Wealth and fullness can manifest themselves both on the external plane and on the internal one.
10 of Pentacles main meanings are prosperity, reliability and security, the fulfillment of earthly desires.
10 of Pentacles announces that what you worked for has been achieved. Something has already been done and completed.
Golden times of confidence, reliability and prosperity, a very stable life phase.
10 of Pentacles promises the great favor of life, the acquisition of all sought-after values. It portends the success of the planned business (although the path to success was quite long), and a feeling of peace and happiness after its completion.
Like the Ten of Cups, the Ten of Pentacles is a significator of the family, family affairs, ancestors, family nest.
10 of Pentacles says that everything is inherited – land, property, money, concepts. This is a card of the hereditary aristocracy worldly success, Accompanying good luck in everything.
10 of Pentacles is considered the culminating card not only in the suit of Pentacles, but also in all the Minor Arcana.
A pronounced sense of self-worth.
A well-deserved sense of confidence. Joy from what has been achieved (therefore, in some interpretations, 10 of Pentacles means a holiday). Tranquility and security. Vitality, hedonism, perception of the wealth of the world with all senses.
The ability to see magic in everyday life, to live in accordance with the rhythms of nature.
If a person of the Nine of Pentacles feels a complete reluctance to participate in the events of external life, then the meaning of the life of a person of the Ten of Pentacles is directly related to the cycle of events around him, open to the world and people. But, oddly enough, his horizons are still noticeably narrowed!
10 of Pentacles is a sign that no matter what a person is doing at the moment, he is completely immersed in his chosen business, plunged into this activity with his head and does not notice anything else around.
Therefore, he runs the risk of missing out on some things that can give him a lot, maybe even more than what he is chasing with such zeal. The direct position of the Ten of Pentacles is associated with the sign of Cancer, and Cancer always dissolves in experience, in what it does.
Any suit that reaches its climax is a test. The Ten of Swords tests with strength, the Ten of Wands tests with the hardships of success, the Ten of Cups tests with love. Here is a test of material well-being. Not every soul is given to go through it and not degrade. The origins of any kind of wealth lie in the human mind.
If this boundless inner treasure is taken out into the outer world, then it manifests and reflects on the material plane and affects all levels of life (the Tree of Sephiroth).
The overflow, characteristic of Mercury in Virgo, suggests that wealth must be communicated, shared with others – what you hide, you lose. Clinging arises from the fear of lack, deficiency, expresses the poverty of thinking.
The lesson of 10 of Pentacles is to learn gratefully and humbly to enjoy everything that is given to you. Do not grumble, “I want something else!” (…learn to see the spiritual in the material that you have).
The grounded Ten of Pentacles, like the Ace of Pentacles, is a very esoterically powerful card. It depicts the Tree of Sephiroth – this is the entire earthly history of world civilization, each life process separately and each of us: the presence of each person in the world directly transforms life.
The 10 of Pentacles depicts different stages of existence: a man, looking through the arch at the development of the city of the future, a man, a woman and a child, as well as dogs devoted to man, all together symbolizing the further evolution of not only the human, but also the animal kingdom.
In divination, this picture is interpreted as a daily accomplishment. The world is not endowed with any special meaning other than what we endow it with. The Tree of Life in the picture only indicates that we are at a certain evolutionary stage – and a new stage of existence is ahead, which the wise foresees.
To achieve inner fullness, you need to keep your eyes open all the time. Thus, the card warns that behind business efforts and diligence we should not forget about spiritual affairs. Behind everyday life, we need to be able to see the wonders that it conceals in itself.
There is more magic in the everyday world of household and work affairs than in any spells and rituals. The gift of the Ten of Pentacles is respect for all forms and manifestations of life, an understanding that great cosmic events occur at all levels, and the ability to see them around you, noticing the unusual in the most ordinary.
Light and shadow (advice and caution)
Tip: if you want to be happy – be happy! Learn to see richness and fullness in your life. The advice of the card is to live with confidence in the future, strive for stability and constancy.
Caution: excessive attachment to what is “today” because of its fullness and richness; unwillingness to pay attention to something else, stagnation.
Trap of traditions, family life. Obsession with wealth, blinded by money. The tendency to attach too much importance to things and be deceived by external well-being and stability – life is changeable.
However, sometimes 10 of Pentacles is interpreted as a warning to protect what you have, take care of the stability of life and pay maximum attention to your family.
Skill and diligence, ingenuity, experience.
The success in any undertaking.
Thriving business.
Intelligent investments, large-scale projects.
Great business opportunity.
A sign that a person has taken a strong position in his field. Promotion. Stable state of affairs.
The Ten of Pentacles may indicate material dependence, when well-being completely subjugates a person (and he does not leave a hateful job because of a good salary).
Usually the Ten of Pentacles gives a good reward, excellent working conditions and all sorts of guarantees.
Love for nature and concern for the natural environment are associated with the Ten of Pentacles, so the profession can be with environmental issues, naturopathy, organic products.
Improvement of the financial situation. Getting money from a profitable organization.
The top of prosperity and tranquility as a result of wealth in the family circle.
Abundance, prosperity, excellent security. Shocks and cataclysms are not expected.
The card indicates sources of income such as inheritance, family money or a decent pension.
Excellent living position. Sometimes – life under the same roof with older relatives, a whole clan in one house.
10 of Pentacles is a card of happiness, stability and completeness, it suggests the presence of a family and close emotional ties. Profitable marriage. Acceptance into a family with broad financial opportunities and high social status.
According to the Ten of Pentacles, there is “exemplary” behavior and life by the rules: good relations between parents and children, a strong position in the family, a strong marriage, in general, the ability to set an example.
There is strong patriarchy, traditionalism and stability, the factor of “reliable rear”. This is a card of unity, community, connection of people. Moreover, this is just the case when belonging to a family brings both financial well-being and emotional satisfaction. “My home is my castle”.
Respect for traditions and their continuation, knowledge of one’s roots and ancestors, attachment to the family, nepotism (themes of the IV house). Family holidays, joint pastime. Return to the family.
According to the Ten of Pentacles, there are all sorts of formal engagements and registration of deeds, inheritance of wealth and questions of the antiquity of the family.”Blood matters are the most difficult questions in the world.”
Maximum enrichment of relationships, enjoyment of the fullness of love. The naturalness of sexual manifestations.
Blooming health
In a reversed position, 10 of Pentacles can indicate generic, hereditary diseases.
The reversed position of the Ten of Pentacles brings unjustified risk, unsuccessful investments, hence possible losses, damage and even the loss of everything achieved in life.
One of the traditional meanings is a squandered fortune, the loss of an inheritance (mainly due to gambling). This is a clear warning to refrain from large purchases and risky financial transactions.
The card has a special relationship with the theme of family and home.
Lack of family support, family discord. Disrespect for traditions, a negative attitude towards one’s origin, a break with the family (dishonor, shame are noted).
Lack of community with other family members. Unwillingness to continue family traditions or clan in general, to marry, to have children.
Lack of home, forced to leave the family nest. Bad living conditions.
Good relations between parents and children are possible, but until they are realized, something interferes.
Other meanings are unreliability, lack of security, chance hope, foul play.
In metaphysical terms, the changes seem to continue, there is nothing solid, settled, there is no reliability.
In the reversed Ten of Pentacles, Capricorn, opposite to Cancer, is played out, here it is important to be patient (Saturn) and not despair, hoping for the future.
From another point of view, the Ten of Pentacles reversed is also a success, but the path to it may be so long that the questioner won’t see it.
Another extreme: a person is fed up with everything material, he has everything, but the soul longs for something more sublime.
A person does not realize the value of what he has, and in the pursuit of change and adventure, he is ready to risk financial and family stability.
Just as a reversed Ten of Cups can indicate the general unhappiness of the human environment, the Ten of Pentacles can indicate a similar problem, only with more emphasis on the deliberate destruction of the natural environment, insensitivity to the beauty of the surrounding world, internal disrespect for it.
With the Empress – wealth, luxury, comfort
With the Hierophant – following the rules, conservatism, orientation to tradition
With Lovers – long-term alliances, strong family ties
With World – material prosperity, great wealth
With the Two of Wands – a tendency to originality and action bypassing the rules, at one’s own discretion; the card is considered to be debilitating.
In front of the Five of Wands is a treasure in the house (from old interpreters).
With the Eight of Cups – bad luck in business, extravagance, break with family
With the Five of Pentacles – ruin, hard times, material disadvantage
Reversed with the Wheel of Fortune, the Ace of Pentacles – a win.
In the illustration of the 10 of Penracles, we see coins arranged in the form of the Kabbalistic Tree of the Sephiroth. Nine coins are the same size, one is larger. Esoteric symbols are applied to each disc-coin. The color palette of the card is lilac-gray, yellow, plum, greenish. The original name of the Arcana in the Golden Dawn system is the Lord of Wealth. Crowley shortened the name – in his deck the card is simply called “Wealth”.
Ten discs in the form of coins symbolize Material wealth
Form of the Tree of Life – The culmination of the deck, the concentration of all the energies of the Sephiroth and paths
One larger coin – The vanity of material acquisitions
Symbols on the pentacles – All symbols of a Mercurial character, since only Mercury (Magician) can help the accumulated energy move on, start the process of rebirth after descending to the very bottom, to the Sephira Malkuth
The sign of the Sun on one of the coins – The only possible way out of the impasse
When a person already has absolutely everything and the acquisition of material wealth turns into hoarding, he gets the same stagnation, a dead end, because he does not use his wealth.
In this case, only the intellect can come to his aid, which will tell you how to use the accumulated money and how to manage your wealth.
This is where the trap lies, which we did not see in Waite’s Arcana. Waite’s 10 of Pentacles is a happy ending to everything, getting all the benefits, while Crowley argues that simply getting and not using is a dead end. Wealth must work, and the accumulated energy must have an outlet for revival to take place.
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