The Archetypal Compass: Jung’s Psychological Types and Mystical Card Science

Carl Jung: The 2 Attitudes and The 4 Psychological Functions

Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961) was a pioneering figure in the field of analytical psychology. In his 1921 work “Psychological Types,” Jung introduced concepts that profoundly impacted the understanding of personality and human behavior. His theories on attitudes and psychological functions also resonate with mystical card sciences, such as Tarot and Destiny Cards. Jung proposed that individuals are oriented towards one of two basic attitudes—extroversion or introversion—and that they navigate the world through four primary psychological functions. In the context of mystical card sciences, these functions can be symbolized by the suits of a deck of cards.

The Two Attitudes: Extroversion and Introversion

  1. Extroversion:
  • Extroverts are oriented towards the outer physical world. They derive energy from social interactions and external activities, focusing on external objects and events.
  • Characteristics: Sociable, outgoing, action-oriented, enthusiastic about engaging with the environment.
  1. Introversion:
  • Introverts are oriented towards the inner psychic world. They gain energy from solitary activities and introspection, focusing on internal thoughts and feelings.
  • Characteristics: Reflective, reserved, thoughtful, more interested in the inner world of ideas and emotions.

The Four Psychological Functions

After establishing a dominant attitude (extroversion or introversion), Jung identified four functions that describe how individuals process information and make sense of reality. These functions are often represented by the suits in mystical card sciences, such as Tarot:

  1. Sensation (Represented by Spades):
  • Sensation involves perceiving the world through the five senses, focusing on concrete, tangible information and experiences.
  • Characteristics: Practical, detail-oriented, present-focused, grounded in reality.
  1. Feeling (Represented by Diamonds):
  • Feeling involves making decisions based on values and subjective judgments, emphasizing harmony, empathy, and interpersonal relationships.
  • Characteristics: Compassionate, value-driven, emotionally intelligent, sensitive to others’ needs and emotions.
  1. Thinking (Represented by Clubs):
  • Thinking involves logical analysis and objective decision-making, focusing on rationality, structure, and consistency.
  • Characteristics: Analytical, objective, principled, focused on facts and logical coherence.
  1. Intuition (Represented by Hearts):
  • Intuition involves perceiving possibilities and abstract concepts, emphasizing patterns, insights, and future potential.
  • Characteristics: Innovative, visionary, abstract thinker, focused on possibilities and potential.

Integration of Attitudes and Functions

Jung proposed that while individuals have a dominant attitude and primary function, they also develop auxiliary functions to balance their personalities. This integration allows for a more adaptable and well-rounded personality. Understanding the interplay of these attitudes and functions helps individuals navigate both their inner and outer worlds, contributing to personal growth and self-awareness.

In mystical card sciences, such as Tarot, these psychological functions are symbolized by the suits, enriching the interpretative depth of the cards. The suits represent different aspects of human experience, reflecting Jung’s theories and offering insights into personal and spiritual journeys.


Carl Jung’s theories on extroversion, introversion, and the four psychological functions provide a comprehensive framework for understanding human behavior and personality. These concepts are foundational in psychology and enhance the interpretative richness of mystical card sciences, bridging psychological understanding and spiritual exploration. By integrating Jung’s insights with the symbolic language of the cards, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.