The Blood Moon Magic Ritual: Releasing with a Touch of Charm

What Does the Blood Moon Mean Spiritually?

The rare and wondrous Blood Supermoon graces the sky – a spectacle we haven’t seen in 40 years. Eclipses are like cosmic gateways, offering a portal to a higher state of consciousness and stirring up our emotions. It’s the universe’s not-so-subtle nudge to release what no longer serves us. During a Lunar eclipse, paths are cleared, and we’re gently (or not so gently) guided to let go of things we’ve outgrown. Some say rituals aren’t necessary during an eclipse, but really, it’s all about trusting your intuition. If you feel the urge to cleanse and recharge, this ritual is a simple way to bring love, peace, and guidance into your life.

What You’ll Need:

• A cleansing tool (Sage, Palo Santo, Singing Bowl, or Essential Oils)

• A brand-new, unused candle (because who wants old energy hanging around?)

• Something to carve into the candle (a little knife or a marker if it’s in a glass jar)

• A lighter (naturally)

Step-by-Step Ritual for Releasing Under the Blood Moon

1. Set the Scene

Place your candle in the middle of your table, but resist the urge to light it just yet. Patience is key.

2. Cleanse Your Aura and Space

Take your chosen cleansing tool – whether it’s sage, essential oils, or even a lovely little singing bowl – and start by cleansing your aura. Sweep the energy from head to toe, as you chant this little rhyme:

“Cycles come and cycles go,

It’s time to watch this wheel unfold.

I cleanse myself from top to toe,

I cleanse myself so I can grow.

I release the energy that holds my heart,

I release the energy of the past.

I release this energy so I may shine,

I release this energy to the divine.

I am cleansed, I am clear,

I am cleansed, I am clear,

I am cleansed, I am clear.”

Once you’re feeling light and refreshed, move on to your space. As you sweep your tool through the air, say:

“I release and let go of all that no longer serves me from this space.

I release and let go of all stagnant energy that may dwell here.

I clear and cleanse this space; only love and light live here.

My space is cleansed, my space is protected.

I am whole, I am protected.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

3. Meditate

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to sink into a short meditation. Focus on what you’re ready to release, or just let your mind wander gently as the Blood Moon’s energy works its magic.

4. Affirm Your Love

After your meditation, place your hands over your heart and whisper (or say it boldly): “I love myself.” It’s a simple but powerful declaration. Feel that self-love radiate through you.

5. Carve Your Candle

Take your unlit candle and begin carving all the things you wish to release during this eclipse. Use words, symbols, or whatever comes to mind. There’s no right or wrong here – it’s about what resonates with you.

6. Light It Up

Now, light the candle. Watch the flame dance for a moment, letting it mesmerise you. This is the fire that’s going to burn away all the things you’re ready to let go of. Feel the tension melting away as you relax into a meditative state again. Let the candle do its work.

7. Say a Prayer of Gratitude

When you’re ready to close the ritual, place your hands in prayer position over your heart. Take a moment to express gratitude – for the lessons, the growth, and the release.

8. Blow Out the Candle

As you blow out the candle, imagine your intentions being sent into the universe, sealed and ready for action. You’ve done the work, and now it’s time to let go and trust the process.

A Little Extra Fun

If you’re feeling playful, add a little magic to your ritual with some essential oils. Throughout the day and evening, to help release what no longer serves you under this Super Blood Flower Moon, try using Jasmine, Gardenia, Neroli, Rose, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang. For more intense clearing and transforming, oils like Thyme, Sweet Basil, Frankincense, Lemon, Lime, Juniper Berry, Sage, Chamomile Roman, Tangerine, and Mandarin are perfect companions.

And there you have it – a fun, easy ritual to release, reflect, and recharge under the powerful light of the Blood Moon. Now, pour yourself a cuppa and enjoy the magic you’ve set into motion! 🌕