VIII. Justice – The Goddess of Truth

Keywords: Balance, Harmony, True Law, Karma, Regulation, Themis, Pallas Athena, goddess of truth Maat, Daughter of the Lord of Truth

Number 8.

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Sun in Libra, Jupiter/Mars as the faculty of judgment and Venus and Saturn in Libra as a symbol of honesty, justice and balance. Houses VII and IX. Septile aspect. Equinox point.

The occult meaning is BALANCE.

General Meaning

“All rise, the court is in session!” Justice is a card of personal responsibility and the manifestation of karmic justice in life, the need to work off debts and pay bills. It’s time to take responsibility for your actions. Our thoughts and actions seem to be passed through a special prism for correctness.

A card can be both very good and very uncomfortable.

When Justice falls, we can be sure that we will get what we deserve – the only question is what these merits are. This is the case when there is a chance to understand what you have sown – by what you reap.

By Fairness, we receive an EVALUATION of our activities and behavior, and situations may look different – exams, interviews, a visit to a specialist (doctor, supervisor.), just a with a smart a person about some situation, figure out who is to blame and what to do.

By Justice, we evaluate some situations ourselves, and the appearance of this Arcana may emphasize that now we are making a decision that will have far-reaching consequences. Falling out in a scenario, Justice most often indicates that we are acting on the basis of “how it is right” (and then she promises help and reward), or we are trying to “outsmart” our own fate in some way, swaying at what is not belong to us (and then Justice warns that nothing will come of it and retribution will follow).

Her appearance in the spread is also a suggestion to consider how deeply this situation has affected us and whether we are able to see in it something other than our own truth. If this card becomes the significator of the questioner, then this is a sign of his rightness and accurate vision of the situation.

The energy of Justice brings to life insight and clarity, a sober perception of the situation, prudence, subtle intuition and a sense of responsibility. Since few people can in good conscience call all this their strengths, Justice also brings us a collision with the consequences of neglecting these things. In the field of this Arcana, goals and means, words and deeds are measured.

The Justice is a strict card, and if we are not spotlessly pure, then Justice appearance is more alarming than pleasing. Another thing is if we are sure that we are right and that we did everything properly, but we were treated dishonestly. Then Justice promises a favorable outcome, the triumph of a truly right and worthy side (and a distribution according to merit to all unworthy parties). Justice brings everything to clean water … in which we do not always feel good. This is the very “truth-womb” that “pricks the eyes.” Sometimes this card in the layout simply emphasizes the fear of retribution.

However, Justice appearance may not be a “subpoena”. Justice reacts with its appearance to those situations in which we agree on something with other people, conclude alliances, agreements, contracts, negotiate and settle accounts.

Justice sensitively responds to some controversial cases – litigation, division of inheritance, divorce, damages, copyright issues, etc., generally portends legal activity that will somehow affect the questioner. This is a “trial” (which does not necessarily take place in a court of law; it might as well take place in a kitchen in a student dormitory). In the situation described by the alignment, the outcome will be absolutely fair. Justice symbolizes the victory of law as a whole. As the resultant card of the spread, it carries the justice of the outcome, favorable or not, for the person concerned.

Justice calls to pay taxes, damages, report on the work done, or play the role of an intermediary in contentious cases. But also on this card you can get a well-deserved reward.

Justice can get you valuable advice, expert assessment. All kinds of conclusions, diagnoses, examinations and certifications, commissions and consultations pass through Justice.

As a “reason” indicates the presence of objective reasons, that we get what we deserve. But with complete honesty and recognition of responsibility for our mistakes, things will go smoothly and everything will work for us. Justice sees the root, and if we really want to do the right thing, it is Justice who tips the scales in our favor. Sometimes coping with the consequences of our own actions and “paying off the bills” seems incredibly difficult, but if we seriously repent and improve, Justice turns from a prosecutor into a lawyer. Through it, we learn to honestly recognize what is good, what is bad, what should be done and what should not be done.

The highest gift of Justice is finding a balance between different spheres of life in general, and in relationships in particular. Also, since every action has a consequence, if we act, it will give a result.

It is believed that the cards on either side of Justice in the layout show factors that must be balanced or between which a person has to make a choice (similar to the Lovers). Justice represents such vital phenomena as laws, regulations, police, legal documents.

Personal Chemistry – Strict and fair.

If Justice falls out as a significator of the questioner, then now he sees the situation soberly and clearly, without illusions and delusions, perceives people and the state of affairs correctly, according to what is really happening.

According to Justice comes objective thinking, not subject to temptations, the ability to judge coolly and impartially. It reflects the ability to adequately assess any situation, practically without resorting to the help of others, as well as self-criticism. This is a card of correct decisions and accurate behavior, it describes the happiness of living, acting impeccably, guided by honor and conscience. Good intentions and noble deeds correspond to it.

Justice brings an attraction to the truth and, in this sense, to the norm, following it in spite of opposition, personal inclinations and desires, objectivity, decency. The ability to make a really right decision and not succumb to any delusions.

The key words of Justice are not order, prudence, harmony and responsibility, and not even justice. All this is correct and important, but not the most important. The most important thing is objectivity and impartiality. There is no emotional involvement here and there is a vision of everything “as is”, that is, as it is seen from above, with cosmic eyes. In Justice, we achieve the highest degree of objectivity of all possible and make the most deliberate decisions, on the verge of perfection (which will not necessarily look intellectual and logical on the outside).

Naturally, when a person soberly perceives the state of affairs, he is able to make the right decision. In Justice, the will to find harmony, the attraction to order and balance, firmness of intentions, recognition of the truth and full responsibility for one’s decisions are strongly expressed. Accuracy, rigor, a clear vision of what needs to be done to level the situation (and not what you want). At the same time, a person is quite ready to bear the entire burden of the consequences of this decision, no matter how unpleasant they may be. Whether it’s a decision to get a divorce, take care of your health, go on a pilgrimage, or clean up the rubble created at work, the primary consequences for a person are usually complex – you need to rebuild your life, give up some habits, take on additional responsibilities. But the inner confidence that “this is how it should be” gives a person decisiveness, higher self-control and special strength.

Justice speaks of the desire for development, balance, freedom and independence. It is associated with firm decisions, reasoned and motivated intentions, which are often aimed at acquiring these things. For a person of Justice, all this ceases to be an abstraction, he or she very clearly feels what is good and what is bad, and seriously struggles with what is bad, sometimes literally “goes on principle”. In the jurisdiction of Justice – honesty, incorruptibility, adamant adherence to the ideals of not conditional, but essential morality. Professional ethics and noble honor, and similar concepts pass through Justice.

This is a “card of the virgins and the righteous”, inner purity and service to duty. The Man of Justice is chaste in the sense that his ideas, feelings and actions are different sides of a single whole. The average person has a lot of gaps, there is always a hope that he thinks one thing, wants another, says a third, and does a fourth. The Man of Justice in this sense resembles a smooth rock, where there is nothing to cling to. Naturally, he often hears accusations of callousness, coldness, misunderstanding of the living meaning of things, and so on.

Chastity essentially means that harmony and coherence are present not only in the rational actions of a person, but also in the depths of his unconscious. This person expresses himself through responsibility for himself and his actions, he can do bad things, but he will not evade punishment, because he is morally clean. Having acted “wrongly”, he languishes from the need to be cleansed, because he literally feels dirty and cannot live with it. This person will never take advantage of any benefits with bad intentions. This ability to muffle one’s impulsive self to the point where it seems that there is nothing left of it characterizes the higher Libra.

The astrological weakness of the Sun in Libra is the ability to tune into the spirit of the situation, impersonally listen to its voice and do what is needed. But it is not necessary for him at all, but for the sake of the situation.

Justice describes the ability to govern impartially, upholding moral principles, and in the interests of the people concerned.

In a certain sense, Justice is the opposite of the Moon. It teaches internal and external honesty, does not allow misleading others or engaging in self-deception. Justice never escapes, does not hide from contradictions. This is an unbiased view of the world and ourselves, the ability to see what is, and not what we would like or hope to see. The moon sees what is not really there (suspicion) and does not see what is (hence the mistakes, deceptions, betrayals and thefts in interpreters). Justice does not allow you to close your eyes to anything (unlike Themis, Tarot Justice is emphatically NOT blind). “Wake up!” she says. You can rush head-on to the world with your illusions and dreams, but don’t expect it to turn the first one away. It really exists, it’s huge, and it’s not like you imagined it to be. So shake yourself up and make an effort to see a person for who he really is. Then maybe one day it will be a little more like your dreams. Justice always strives to establish a connection between the ideal and the earthly (workable).

In the psychological sphere, Justice is a symbol of balance of spirit and the ability to find a common language with other people (especially in important matters, conducting complex negotiations), it means maturity and life experience. Assessment of the situation from all possible points of view, the ability not to lose one’s head and self-control in the most heated situations.

On a Deeper Level

From an esoteric point of view, the main meaning of the Arcana Justice is the ordering and organization of Chaos, and finding a balance between the personal will of man and the will of the Universe, between the individual and the universal. If the Chariot shows how balance and self-control are achieved, then the next Arcana, Justice, teaches their preservation.

Justice is the guardian, and Justice restores the balance again and again, no matter how many times and no matter how much it is disturbed, and this is her great strength. Justice recalls that everything in the world is interconnected, that any actions cause a certain resonance and echo in the Universe, that the divine principle maintains balance at the finest level, and the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can sometimes cause a hurricane.

Justice clearly demonstrates how the law of karma works. Its essence is just an impartial alignment of balance. In this sense, the eyes of the world are always open.

The appearance of Justice in the alignment may indicate that in this case they are open wider than usual. A person, in general, is invited to do the same – to open his eyes and see in this situation the meaning of restoring the disturbed balance. Justice is often as puzzling as the Hierophant, but this is simply because we rarely evaluate our actions in direct terms of good and evil, and do not really think about where and when we did bad or good.

Justice confronts the fact that every action has a consequence.

As Papus’s treatise says: “Remember! With every action that causes a reaction, the will must foresee the push of opposing forces in order to at least soften the collision.”

In a magical sense, this is the ritual of weighing the heart on the scales in the courtroom, reflected in Egyptian mythology.

Spiritual justice is administered according to the mystical order of Providence. Divine justice, in contrast to human judgment, is completely incorruptible and impartial.

Justice cannot be bypassed. Her attributes are scales, a sword and open eyes. And the measure of her scales may not at all correspond to the usual human concepts of the severity of this or that sin. When it is said that a person sees the situation exactly, “as it is”, this essentially means that now he sees it in approximately the same way as it is seen from above, it appears through the eyes of cosmic law. Divine or karmic justice is truly sighted and impartial and is not guided by earthly standards. Justice corresponds to the so-called law of Triple Retribution (or the Law of Boomerang) and the sacred vows associated with it. Justice also reflects the symbolic “eighth sacrament” – the ritual of knighting and taking knightly vows. Justice is represented by a female figure, but embodies the “male” principle of the head over the heart. With thin scales and a sharp sword, she is a combination of feminine and masculine, passive and active, sage and warrior.

Arcanum Justice describes the stage of spiritual development at which a person must learn to look at things honestly and impartially, and not in the way that suits him, and make informed objective decisions, without being self-willed and ignoring his preferences. This is the stage of mastering impeccable inner honesty, not amenable to any self-deception. He must fully recognize himself as subject to a higher order, the law of karma, realize that the punishment for making ill-considered decisions is inevitable and reap what he has sown, pay the bills. It is believed that at the stage symbolized by this Major Arcana, a person is born for a new Destiny and, receiving a blessing from above, comprehends the secrets of spiritual activity. Perfection implies a balance of power. The nobility of the whole personality, balancing one’s own reasonable selfishness and mercy to others, makes it possible to direct one’s will for the common good. Justice symbolises the power of a person to say “no” – in order to assert the right of his free choice, and in this corresponds to the astrological sign of Libra. Justice upholds the right of any existence to self-expression, no matter how much it likes it.

Justice embodies the principle of democracy – I may not agree with your opinion at all, but I am ready to give my life for your right to express it. The Sword of Justice symbolizes its severity and impartiality (sometimes perceived as sheer inhumanity), and the scales symbolize accuracy and balance. True Justice is not always legal from the point of view of human rights (“Not according to the law, But according to the soul!”).

The Throne of Justice is located between two columns: the column of Mercy and the column of Severe Retribution (in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, they correspond to Chesed and Geburah). The Scales of Justice also says that the constant “fluctuating” between focusing on the outside and on the inside is a natural life process that teaches us to move more consciously from one moment to the next in order to keep the inner peace and clarity found and carry them, moving through the turmoil of everyday life affairs.

The Justice card recalls the judgment of souls in the hall of Osiris. With this cynarot corresponds “hearing” – the ability to hear the verdict. It teaches that only balanced forces can continue to exist, and that eternal justice will destroy by the sword that which is not balanced. Sometimes Justice is depicted with a scythe around her neck, reminiscent of a hanged man’s noose. This is a hint that man is the cause of his own destruction, for most of his actions lead to destruction. Regarding the Kabbalistic interpretation of the Arcana: “This is an artificial rope invented by man, with which we connect one with another, and which at any moment can let us down, turning into a whip, noose or sting. Very often people become slaves to their own laws: this is how the creative fire of the master Hephaestus forges the chains of Prometheus. The flame that the hero passes on to people in order to make their existence more humane, reincarnates into a new order of their interaction, in which he no longer has freedom. By giving fire to others, we lose our creative powers and gain the peace of a more civilized existence in exchange for freedom and passion.

From a moral point of view, this situation gives us the problem of choosing between activity and inaction, since it is equally difficult for a person who lives not out of habit, but according to the right of freedom of choice, who is aware of his every step and takes responsibility for it, to act and to act inactive. But this cynarot is ruled by the mind of fidelity, which multiplies the spirit in man. By lighting a fire in oneself, a person returns to the world the energy that he used when he built his worldview. And the sting of passion checks the views of a person, showing in practice what his choice is, and whether he is true to his ideals – therefore, this cynarot also symbolizes a test.

According to Kabbalistic tradition, when the Sun entered the constellation Libra, the first person appeared before the court of the Almighty for violating the commandment not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Then the Creator said to the man, “As you appeared before My judgment at this hour, so all your descendants will pass before My judgment at this hour.” Justice is a tough card. It is according to this Arcanum that the balance that was once disturbed somewhere is fundamentally leveled, and this alignment, as a rule, takes place through a change in the status of a person, literally as after leaving the courtroom (or expulsion from Eden).

By the verdict of Justice, there is a change of body and gender according to karma. By Justice, former princes become restless emigrants (or vice versa). By Justice, what is important for a person is lost or acquired. The bowls of its scales are Alpha and Omega, by which everything is weighed in the Universe.

Esoterically with Justice correlate time and space, the mathematical keys of world harmony, sacred geometry, sacred architecture and temple consciousness.

Professional Situation

Justice represents lawyers of all kinds, judges, as well as people associated with the legal system, including the police,l and law enforcement. Armed peacekeepers. Sports referees, judges. People whose work is related to resolving disputes and restoring an objective picture. Also accountants, financial inspectors, officials. Professions that require faultless actions, requiring attentiveness, great concentration (this can be a sapper or a conductor).

There is an opinion that Justice has a special relationship with the work with the word and writing.

Fair game.

Conscientious work.

Fair alignment of forces, reasonable distribution of duties and responsibilities.

Solving problems in the organization, intelligent change management, easing tension, solving complicated issues (and most likely by formal legal methods; these are not necessarily lawsuits and courts, it is possible just to refer to documents).

Comprehensive assessment, thorough critical examination.

Correct solution. Building priorities, searching for balance and clarity, we do not take our eyes off the instruments on the board, we avoid the extremes of everyday life, thoughtlessness, fuss.

Professional with a capital letter.

The triumph of a worthy side in court.

Financial Situation

Equal and fair distribution of income. Getting money honestly.

The triumph of a worthy party in court in resolving a legal issue relating to property and money. This card can describe both the payment of a debt and the receipt of monetary compensation. Financial balance. Solution of tax issues.

Personal Relations

Fair play. No marked cards.

Balance, sincerity, mutual respect and observance of interests.

Objectivity and impartiality Justice is not conducive to love tenderness – rather to the conclusion of marriage contracts and the observance of reasonable rules. Depending on the neighboring cards, it can really suggest marriage, the legalization of an existing connection, the legalization of relations.

The unconditional plus of Justice is honesty and decency, overcoming selfishness (however, the second participant in the connection will quickly find that his own selfishness is also left no room for maneuvers).

Loving a person described by the Arcana Justice is very difficult. It’s a lot of work (and a great gift). Knightly honest and very decent person. Often seems too restrained, but you can rely on his nobility. He is accustomed to take full responsibility for himself. He can hurt deeply – but only with impartiality, objectivity and this tough personal decency. His honor really exists. He cannot be cajoled, persuaded, seduced – often this turns out to be a very unpleasant discovery for the one who desired it, since no tried and tested methods work. It is impossible to manipulate him, because he sees through everything without any difficulty. If the Force is also nearby – no bypass, he will still do only what he considers necessary, and will not do anything that he does not consider necessary. If he doesn’t consider it necessary, nothing will happen, and thoughts begin to creep into the head of the second side, driven to despair: to kidnap, rape, explain in detail why he is guilty himself and only then shoot.

This is the biblical Joseph who was molested by Potiphar’s wife. Neutrality, composure and self-control of this card do not favor Shakespearean passions, but they can still happen.

A person of Justice does not lose his head and is not afraid to evaluate relationships critically. He will not look for flaws and will fully pay tribute to a worthy partner, but he will not be able to dust his eyes with a couple of spectacular gestures. He will not allow himself to get carried away and draw too hasty conclusions.

The Man of Justice is faithful and chaste. He is easily able to act contrary to momentary impulses. Whims are clearly not something he will reckon with.

This is the ideal of moral strength, the aristocrat of the spirit. His presence imposes a heavy duty to remain a decent person, keeping himself in hand. Sometimes it seems completely unbearable. In a moment of rebellion of his own weaknesses, he is reproached for the absence of such, shouting that he is not a man (not a woman, not an earthling …), and that a sense of duty replaces all the others for him. His reaction is not much different from the reaction of the supreme judge – he stops the meeting, not considering it possible to continue on such vibrations. At the same time, his intentions are righteous, he acts from the best of intentions, and when the meeting continues, he will not remember the hysteria that happened.

Nobility is his way of showing cordiality.

Justice also symbolizes the balance between the masculine and feminine approach to reality, the balance between hardness and softness.


Justice restores balance and teaches how to maintain health in order (for example, paying for connivance).

As an indicator of the disease, it indicates imbalance and metabolism in the body, metabolic problems, beriberi, intoxication, liver disease. It is interesting to note that liver diseases are psychosomatically associated with the emotional state of anger, and, in turn, with problems of justice (“for the anger does not create the righteousness of God”). Injustice is the essence of strength without justice … and perhaps it is no coincidence that the positions of Strength and Justice in the Tarot “swap” in different decks, that is, they remain a controversial issue.

In Justice, all sorts of tests, examinations, diagnoses, accurate medical reports, hospitalizations and operations are confidently going on (especially if Swords are present in the scenario).

Sometimes the interrelation of health problems and legal consequences (courts due to damage to health or improper treatment) is emphasized.

Reversed Justice

Dishonesty, breaking vows and obligations. Difficulties with the law or its complete disregard, violation in a situation related to the issue. Justice Reversed naturally indicates that something illegal is going on.

According to a reversed Justice, a person “goes beyond” and achieves his own by dubious means (and tries to justify these actions by saying that the system is imperfect), or he himself becomes a victim of violations (for example, illegal dismissal or non-payment of salaries). Something that is considered unshakable and correct, is called into question, and even under threat. Sometimes, due to reversed Justice, a person simply refuses to put up with what is accepted in society and meet social expectations. But maybe he really acts irresponsibly and ignores the consequences?

In a reverse position, Justice is a lengthy legal battle with all sorts of legal complications. A typical situation is divorced spouses who continue to live under the same roof due to problems with housing.

Unfair punishment, destructive criticism, excessive severity, abuse of justice, complications in court cases, false accusations. Notorious loss of a court case, guilty verdict. There may be shame, humiliation due to the consequences of their actions.

Fanaticism, bias. Intolerance, prejudice, subjectivity. Severity in judgment, insulting truth.

However, there is also an opinion that Justice reversed indicates timidity and indecision, and a constant search for support and approval in the slightest of life’s difficulties.

There are rather tough lessons in reversed Justice, something like forced collection of debts with additional interest. These lessons are clearly not fun, although they may be useful. If the scenario was about a love affair, then it is likely to be broken. In the mental sphere – instability of character, anger, resentment, discord between feelings and reason.

There is an opinion that the cards on both sides of the inverted Justice show what exactly needs to be balanced and correctly evaluated.

With the Fool – the search for truth will be crowned with success. Tendency to lead a risky lifestyle.

With the Emperor – a fair settlement, adherence to the letter of the law

With the Wheel of Fortune – a clear awareness of one’s own destiny.

With the Devil, this is not the time to seek justice. The inability to establish the truth, to restore justice.

With the Judgement – determination, recognition of the mistakes of the past. The triumph of justice, receiving a well-deserved reward.

With World – success. Close victory, well-deserved reward.

With the Three of Wands – unpredictability of actions

With the Ten of Wands – acceptance of responsibility, reliability

With the Two of Swords – denying one’s involvement in anything

With the Five of Swords – dishonesty, unrighteous deeds

With the Seven of Swords – evasion of responsibility

With the Seven of Pentacles – the right analysis and choice of course for the future