XVII – the Star – Guiding Light: Trusting the Star

“You tried to find harmony with the world and were ready to share everything you had, only to realize that no one wanted it. But don’t lose hope! What you gave will always be yours. Only what you held back is truly lost. A bright opportunity is coming in your life. Be sure not to miss it.” Papus

The Star is a beacon of hope, wisdom, and understanding of the divine interconnectedness of all things. It signifies that we are engaged in actions or plans whose outcomes will only manifest in the distant future, and because of this, we may not fully comprehend the significance of our current endeavors. Only in hindsight will it become clear what monumental decisions we made under the Star’s influence. Just as a seed needs time to sprout and flourish, the Star’s effects unfold gradually.

Traditionally, the Star is seen as one of the three guardian angels, promising a favorable outcome for any venture.

The Star keywords:

  • The Bethlehem Star
  • The Guiding Star
  • The Star of the Magi
  • The Star of the Wise Men
  • Astral World
  • Daughter of the Firmament
  • Insight
  • 17
    • “According to your faith, be it unto you”; “Let it be to you according to your faith”
    • “As above, so below”; “Everything is connected”
    • “The waters of life flow freely”
    • “Do not destroy the flowers of faith, and you will gather the fruits of faith.”
  • Path 15 or 28 – He (From Tiphereth to Chokmah, from Beauty to Wisdom, or from Netzach to Yesod)
  • Neptune
  • Aquarius, 11th House
  • Jupiter in Aquarius, in the 11th House, Venus in Pisces (in the 12th House)
  • Occult meaning – HOPE

The Star – Guiding Light: Trusting the Star Tarot Card

When this card appears in a spread, it tells you there’s a higher guiding force in your life that you need to trust. You always know what the Star means for you. It represents a desire or goal that’s constantly in your inner vision, something you’re ready to “wish upon” at any fleeting moment. You understand the faith and hope within you, even if they sometimes seem too lofty.

You need to trust in this guiding force and follow it without fear. This is a gift from the heavens, showing that you’re being guided, watched over, and not lost. The most important thing is to remain true to your higher self. The card’s meaning is closely tied to faith and trust in the future. The Star advises you to stay above the earthly perception of the issue; it’s being resolved on a different plane.

You must remain confident that your intuition is guiding you correctly and that the object of your search is within reach. Stars always shine, even if you can’t see them, and this is true for many things in life. If something isn’t visible now, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The Star tells you that what you believe in does exist, and the moment will come when you see it.

We all often fall under the magic of the Star’s inspired and radiant vibrations as we write and create.

We become filled with hope, inspiration, and light, and believe that “the future promises prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment of all desires.” The Star is one of the most favorable cards in the Major Arcana, symbolizing a path to a happy and joyful future, successes, renewal, and well-being. It predicts the fulfillment of dreams and complete restoration.

The Star indicates the presence of a guiding force from the Universe at this stage in your life. Its appearance suggests that everything will turn out well and that what you’ve been long awaiting will come true. What you’re asking about has the most favorable prospects. You can confidently continue your path, as the guiding star has been correctly chosen. This is a card of optimism and faith.

It is a very positive sign and a wonderful omen. The most direct meaning is the fulfillment of desires and happiness, provided there is patience, calmness, and faith in your dream. It signifies achieving cherished goals and understanding what these goals should be. The Star may indicate an upcoming bright event in your life, advising you not to miss this chance. This card represents the arrival of new opportunities and confidence in their realization.

In any situation, the Star means a positive resolution of the issue, the certain achievement of what is desired, and the favor of the Heavens. It suggests that a vast expanse for activity and love will unfold before you, and the sky will provide wonderful opportunities for fulfilling dreams.

This favorable time should be used, trusting the lucky star that will help realize all plans. This card supports all creative people, bringing a sense of mission and calling in life, recognition of talents, fame, and the opportunity to shine.

In everyday situations, it symbolizes “light at the end of the tunnel,” an improvement in the situation. It can also be interpreted as a reward for selfless work, endured sufferings, or good deeds.

The appearance of the Star in a spread often indicates that the matter will have a significant and long-lasting impact on your life. It remains relevant in the distant future.

In practice, the Star reflects dreams, hopes, and unrealized desires. It appears when you’re making plans, looking to the future with hope, and have great expectations.

Often, the Star speaks more about your state of mind, inspired and filled with hope, than about actual events. It supports the intention to start something new and long-term, embarking on a new path in life. It often appears to those eager to take risks but are also anxious. In this case, the Tarot reassures you, supporting your inspired aspirations


Personal Feelings:

Inspired and Enchanted: “Shine Bright, My Star!” A Surge of Creative Energy, Hope, and Faith in the Future

When this card appears, it indicates the emergence of new ideas and bright prospects. It signifies that the querent cherishes long-term plans and has embarked on an enduring endeavor aimed at success. Whether this success will be as brilliant as desired will be revealed by other cards in the spread. The gift of the Star is freedom, a clear mind, and purity of aspiration. The Star confirms and blesses your intuitive confidence that you are capable of living your highest dream while remaining grounded.

This card appears when you are ready to listen to the voice of your soul again and follow the inspiration that illuminates your inner skies, striving towards your true values. The soul gains faith in absolute inner truth. Through the Star, you achieve complete self-recognition, shedding masks and conventions, and are ready to follow the pure and natural truth within you. Body and spirit are united; there is nothing to hide, fear, suppress, or conceal.

The Star reminds you that true contentment and happiness are not the result of material acquisitions; it is an inner state of naturalness and perfection. A state where faith brings strength and peace, and tranquility comes from within. Freedom, a clear mind, and purity of aspiration.

The Star knows not only how to dream of the future but also how to stay in the moment, appreciating each moment as valuable and beautiful. The card touches on the deep subconscious desire to live for the sake of life itself, and people emerging from the rubble of the Tower (the previous Arcana) usually understand well what this means (and the vibrations of the Star accordingly). Emerging into the field, naked as a falcon, but on your own feet. Sunrise, dew glistening, birds singing… My God, life…

The Star signifies that a person is freed from the prison of oppressive circumstances and experiences gratitude.

The Star provides immense, virtually inexhaustible opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. It washes away the old and reveals new, previously unknown layers of the soul. It brings the right intuition and understanding of future development, serene knowledge that all obstacles will be overcome, patience, and finding the right place for something important within you. Finally, a clear understanding of your goal arrives, what it should be. Among other things, the Star indicates a successful synthesis of the past and present, the pinnacle of achieved knowledge, past and present efforts.

The Star informs you that none of us will ever be completely lost – as soon as we ask fate for help, it comes and shows the way.

The card symbolize a serenity (more than just patience!), born from the knowledge that everything will be and understanding future development.

When it appears in a spread, the Star says, “Your hope is knowledge from above.” Therefore, you must walk your path serenely, carefreely, and joyfully, hoping for a joyful outcome and looking far ahead, free from the chains of everyday life and petty worldly perception.

Radiate happiness, optimism, enthusiasm, elevation, purity, and complete confidence in yourself and your destiny. There should be no grounding, gloom, or hopelessness.

This card advises you to breathe easily and freely, living your soul in the future, but not forgetting to generously pour out streams of goodness around you. It speaks of the most inspiring, important, and significant, which does not tolerate pettiness and requires deep understanding and trust in universal laws. You must look to the future with hope, not betraying your dreams to oblivion.

This is not “it can’t be,” it can be, it might be, and it will be. Difficulties will be resolved, depression will end, and life will become beautiful.

Through the Star, good self-knowledge allows you to fully utilize your innate talents and abilities. Delving into yourself now, you will feel a surge of creative energy and inspiration never felt before. New thoughts and ideas capture you; you are ready to give yourself to others.

The Star says: Continue to serve others, and your strength will not run dry – what you give will return to you many times over, and all that you withhold will disappear.

Raising Star

The person described by the Star Arcana is usually beautiful and young or, at least, youthful. They attract universal attention, usually succeed, find themselves at the center of events, and emit rays of luck.

Communicating with such a person increases your chances of success. Even if they don’t pay much attention to you personally (since the Star often marks rather narcissistic individuals, though not necessarily), just being in their aura can transform your life, inspire, renew, and instill new aspirations for something beautiful.

Thus, a five-minute conversation about nothing with a good designer can prompt “great deeds” in terms of changing the environment.

The Star corresponds to talents, giftedness, bright artistic inclinations, as well as fame and popularity. The Star person often exudes a spirit of perfection, an unclear flawlessness. How do they manage to live in harsh reality without hangnails and stains on their car? Are they from another planet? Or maybe from another star…

Nothing comes easily. The Star often indicates a person who has experienced great renewal after serious trials. They live by cosmic laws, have a guiding star, and thus their presence illuminates the path for others.

The card points to a bearer of unquenchable youth and true beauty, not only external but also internal. The body is the temple of the soul, reflecting its splendor. The Star brings an improvement in appearance and health, rejuvenation.

We are the physical embodiment of our spiritual life, and life can be made into a work of art, being a “person of art.” The card predicts that you will be! Self-expression will reach its peak, and the ability to work with previously inaccessible universal energies will come.

A person is a rising star with bright prospects. They may be worthy of all praise in terms of professional competence, and they need not fear competitors (and perhaps welcome the challenge from envious ones).

The Guiding Light of the Cosmos: The Star Tarot Card Unveiled – on a deeper level

The Star: Shining but Not Warming

“The Star: Shining but Not Warming.” Yet it shines! The Star is not fire but light and the desire for light. It brings yearning for the unattainable, hidden in the depths of the cosmos. When we are inexplicably drawn to something as if it holds eternity, immortality, and the answers to all questions, we are under the influence of the Star. The Star symbolizes the Ineffable Beauty and the projection of our search for what cannot be attained but is necessary. Banzhaf writes about the Star: “It seems we desire it, but in reality, we strive to unite with the Eternal Feminine.”

The Star is the guiding light of the spirit, remaining with us when the exhausting and painful upheavals of the Tower have shattered our former ego, old values, and worldly attachments. It is newly acquired celestial prosperity, a desire to follow the light.

This is already a life not of this world. Choosing it, one still goes through the final trial of the Moon, its fluctuations and doubts, entering the “night of the spirit,” the darkest hour before the dazzling dawn of the Sun, Judgment, and the World. In its deepest sense, this card signifies a touch with higher cosmic knowledge (which may appear as clairvoyance).

This is a phase of spiritual well-being, where stars are visible even through clouds.

On a deep level, the Star embodies the inner light of wisdom. It is hope and optimism. Inspiration and faith, following a calling, one’s star, an ideal worth striving for.

Purity and spontaneity, the thirst for redemption and salvation. Moving towards a goal and understanding what that goal should be, feeling the support of bright forces. Gaining strength in critical situations, over the abyss. Serenity, precise knowledge that everything will be overcome, that the path is not finished, that the path is not in vain. A clear sense of connection with Providential forces (opposite to godlessness) – there is a star that leads you on the Path.

The Star confirms and blesses your intuitive confidence that you can live the highest dream without losing touch with the ground.

Crowley writes: “From a golden cup she pours the ethereal water, which is both milk and oil and blood, reflecting the eternal renewal of categories and the inexhaustible possibilities of existence.” Finding the path that will lead to an individual form of immortality. Touching the mysteries of the Universe and the potential for infinite growth it grants.

Wisdom and true understanding of the goal, allowing one not to repeat the mistakes of the Tower. The Star bestows the power over the world that the Magician only dreamed of, but to maintain this power, something must be returned – “all that you withhold, you will lose; by losing, you will gain.What is given to you from Heaven must be poured out into the world and given to others. The element of wise sacrifice – “now I must return to the flame what it has given me.”

In the occult sense, it is believed that the human nature manifests a triune light – we encounter this idea as we approach the final Major Arcana. This is the Light of revelation from above, the Light of the reflective mind, and the Light of creative creation. These three sources are symbolized in the Tarot by the Star, the Moon, and the Sun. There is nothing higher. Only Judgment and the World. Only the Kingdom of Heaven.

Banzhaf and Akron write that the Star is the emotional acceptance of the laws of creation and the ease experienced in this connection: “Look at the birds of the sky: they do not sow, do not reap, do not gather into barns; and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.” This is the cosmic mind and divine love, radiating a single stream of spiritual light. The card brings renewal and wisdom, allowing one to stand up after cataclysms.

The Star gives a person the strength to recover from “tower” experiences, to see the light again, to be reborn, to rebuild the foundation on new principles. It is the peace that comes to a person after some storm, the destruction of the Tower, a crisis.

Now you enter a place of hope and healing, bringing their life into a state of peace and harmony, using time for inner purification and spiritual growth, bringing clarity, starting to feel blissfully calm, free, and whole. The Star gives liberation, a new life full of satisfaction.

The Star is similar to Temperance (two vessels of water, one foot on land, the other in water). But here the water no longer flows from one cup to another – it pours outwards, giving life to the world, and instead of an angel – a symbol of the divine principle in each of us – there is a woman, young and pure, aware of her human nature, corporeality, and femininity.

The Star: A Guiding Light Through Cosmic Mysteries – On a Deeper Level

This is not the Empress-Demeter but her daughter, Persephone. The Arcana depicts a scene of replenishment, playfulness, a return to nature, and harmony with it.

The 🌟 Star 🌟 portrays a naked girl, kneeling by the edge of a crystal-clear pond, holding a jug in each hand and pouring water from them. One jug’s contents she pours onto the ground, the other back into the pond. One knee of the maiden is on the shore, the other foot submerged in the pond. In the sky hangs a huge Star of the Magi, shining with gold and surrounded by seven smaller stars, casting their rays to the earth.

The largest of them the 🌟 Stars considered Sirius, and the others the seven sacred planets of the ancients. There are suggestions that the young woman symbolizes Isis, filling the Nile with water (during this period the Dog Star appeared in the Egyptian sky). The nakedness of Isis indicates that nature has not yet clothed itself in green garments, before the rise of the Nile, whose waters give life to plants.

The bush and birds (and a butterfly) signify growth and rebirth, accompanied by the rise of river water. Isis (or Persephone) waters the desert, from the moistened soil of which blooming nature grows. The seven-pointed star itself can symbolize the seven major planets, the seven Rays of Creation, in which God operates. Sometimes the star is depicted as eight-pointed and then serves as a symbol of Venus (also, however, the star of Isis).

On the girl’s face, there is an expression of calm, contentment, and hope. Often the small stars form a halo around her head. Her tranquility and calmness come from within; she reminds us that true contentment and happiness are not achieved through material acquisitions and do not come through other people; it is an inner state. Beside her are trees, birds, and flowers. Two trees (a rose bush and an acacia) can form a portal of the Arcana.

The bird is the sacred wise ibis, a symbol of the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth, and the conscious mind directed towards the cosmos. The butterfly sitting on a flower symbolizes the renewal of the human soul. The Star is a wonderful card of beauty and silence, a powerful image and sign of inner rebirth. The naked maiden is a symbol of purity and chastity, naturalness and perfection, embodying eternal youth and beauty. Body and spirit are united; there is nothing to hide, fear, suppress, or conceal.

Nakedness also symbolizes complete self-recognition and crystallization in it, shedding all masks and conventions and being ready to follow the pure and natural truth within oneself. Importantly, the heroine of the card benevolently cares for both worlds, the water and the earth, refreshing and giving life to both. By pouring water, symbolizing vital energy, into the stream, she returns to the source part of what she receives (or previously received). The Star is the spiritual aspect of the soul in the process of enlightenment and meditation. During this process, the “antennas” are tuned to receive inspiration from above, from the spiritual plane, bringing the revelations received into everyday life.

The stars represent the guiding forces of the Universe, with its mysteries, potential for growth, understanding, and power. To retain this cosmic favor, we must be generous and grateful, returning something. This could be prayer, meditation, gratitude, praise, or a ritual of love.

The Stars and Their Transformative Power

The stars shining above the maiden fill her with extraordinary power, and she shares it with the world. This is the beginning of transformation and immortality—the stars above her do what she does because she starts to become what they are (“as above, so below”).

This card corresponds to the altruistic sign of Aquarius, who pours two streams of water onto the Earth: the dead water of consciousness and the living water of spirit. The world is created every moment. The immortal God, having created the world, disappears into it, but at the birth of humanity, a process similar to the creation of the world occurs. On the dead soil of the planet, plants arise, generating air-spirit, which then, resonating with the vibrations of the cosmos, becomes the living soul of animals.

The dead water of Aquarius is the creation of the forms of matter (Saturn), and the living water is the irrigation of these forms with spirit (Uranus), bringing life into matter. The sephirot of the Star connects Venus and the Moon, eternal life and the immortal soul.

In traditional interpretations, the Seventeenth Tarot card is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, announcing the coming of the Savior into the world. The Seventeenth Arcana calls to surrender to the moment, to contemplate the spiritual world, to direct one’s gaze towards the perfection of the cosmos. It symbolizes rebirth and the life-giving forces of nature.

The number 17 signifies new hope: if counted from the full moon, on the seventeenth night, after moonless nights, a thin crescent of the new moon reappears. Life is not only lived but also dreamt; therefore, the Star represents both the unconscious thirst for life and the contemplation of higher connections.

The Star symbolizes the process of meditation, immersion in the pond of the subconscious Universe, and bringing the revelations obtained there into everyday life.

Star represents wisdom, immortality, spiritual enlightenment, the potential for true understanding of the goal, clear vision, while the Tower represents the catastrophic results of unwise use of power). We all need to meditate on our stars and determine the right course on the road of Life.

The Star: Guiding Wisdom and Inner Light

Advice: Look at everything from a bird’s-eye view. The Star urges you not to lose faith and hope, to cast away doubts and despair, and under no circumstances to abandon what you have started halfway.

The Star says: no matter what happens, no matter how things are going, do not betray your ideals.

Remember that the most fantastic dreams have come true. You must hope and believe—and your expectations will be fulfilled. It may require patience and effort, but you can be confident that it will be rewarded in the best possible way. Dreams of happiness will have come true, but this requires firm convictions and confidence.

When feeling down, you can meditate on the Star to regain confidence. You need to be in beauty and silence, and the star’s light will remind you of itself.

Intuition will guide you on how to live and what to do, and the higher guiding forces will not abandon you. Success is already close, by and large. Revelations are near.

Another piece of advice from the Star is to be generous and grateful, returning part of what you have received to the source.

Trap: Spending too much time dreaming of future success, missing the present, and avoiding taking real steps.

Career: Herald of New Promising Opportunities

The card clearly indicates the arrival of new promising opportunities in any sphere, giving confidence in their realization and the most positive outcome. New hopes, new strategies, new bright prospects. The Star suggests that the querent has far-reaching plans, and if its light is even slightly supported by positive cards in the spread, there is every reason to expect success, despite obstacles and difficulties. In its upright position, the card signifies a surge of creative energy and new ideas.

The Star describes professions where inspiration is a vital category—everything related to poetry, designs, theatrical arts, and so on.

The Star is the “call of the gods,” and it also corresponds to all vocations “by calling,” whether it be aviation or ballet; the essential point is to feel a great passion for your life’s work.

Overall, the Star favors career matters (and perhaps more so than any other area). It describes situations where a person is truly a “star” at their job, a recognized expert whose competence is unquestioned. On a mundane level, it can literally be a reward, like a promotion in rank for a military person (a new star on the epaulets).

The Star indicates that we are currently doing or planning things whose results will only manifest in the distant future; however, precisely because of this, we may not fully realize what we are doing. Only in hindsight will it become clear what significant decisions we made under the sign of the Star Arcana. Just as a seed needs time to sprout and become a plant, so too does the Star’s fruitful influence take time to manifest.

Financial and Housing Situation

The Star promises the fulfillment of expectations and the reward for efforts. You found a prospect and will be receiving a profit. However, it is most likely that you will have to wait before this brilliant prospect truly becomes a reality.

Overall, the Star represents the restoration of wholeness, which can also apply to financial balance.

A home in a good, clean, and health-promoting environment.

Personal Relations

The Star: Dreams of Happiness and the Promise of New Beginnings

The querent dreams of happiness. These dreams will have come true. If a person, desperate to arrange their personal life as they wish, asks about prospects, the Star indicates that they should not lose hope; everything will be fine, even if not today or tomorrow. The Star often brings forgiveness and restoration and is a good sign if the querent is troubled by a quarrel.

Appearance of the Star can also be interpreted as a new friend or a new love, captivating entirely due to great enthusiasm for the other person and the enormous significance of what is happening.

The Star may indicate a rather unusual relationship. Perhaps it is a long-distance relationship, where partners never truly have the opportunity to be disappointed in each other. Partners maintain an idealized and inspiring image of each other, which would likely crumble if they had more chances to spend time side by side. These could be platonic relationships, which maintain an indefinite potential to evolve into something else in the future.

The Star is a card of ideal love, blessed by the heavens. Love seen as a transcendent force that brings joy, satisfaction, healing, and wholeness. It brings new happy relationships, a partner who can be completely trustes. The querent has the prospect of achieving long-term relationships filled with satisfaction and understanding.

Even if there is a crisis now, one should not despair but gain courage in striving to achieve happiness. One must hope, remain calm, be confident, and mobilize all inner reserves for this hope. Believe in a miracle, literally in a miracle, in the guiding star. Despite the need to put in considerable effort to strengthen the relationship, one should not lose hope, worry, or despair; everything will be fine. The Star is associated with the maiden Persephone, pouring the waters of love onto barren land. It is love that heals blindness with its tears, the outpouring of the waters of love to resurrect and awaken.

New hopes and new approaches in love—the person clears the way for it, washes wounds with healing water, views everything from a higher, cosmic perspective, and radiates positive energy and optimism.

The card of gentle passion is sometimes associated with tantric rituals of healing and initiation into cosmic laws (“Star of David”). The Star promises a declaration of love, a new level of trust in relationships, and enjoyment of romantic communication.

The Star is beneficial when describing sexuality. The Star predicts well-being and satisfaction, a time of natural sensuality as a normal part of human nature. This wonderful card indicates that one will be able to feel their body, restore a healthy libido, and the true nature of their feelings. It points to an improved sex life or a new, truly suitable partner who can help one feel their true needs.

In the Star, seductiveness, nudity, beauty, and tenderness are combined, making it difficult to resist. The category of “being in love with love” seems abstract in our world, although in eras when a romanticized perception of reality is in vogue, people quite well understood what is behind it. We still highly value the state of being in love, of elevation, of passion; it just rarely occurs to us that it can be “separated” from a specific person and “fly” on these wings without landing. The Star symbolizes such “flights.”

The Perpetuity of The Star

The Star has one rather terrifying aspect that distinguishes it from the other Arcanas—its inexhaustibility. Wherever the card lies, it indicates that the theme will have a continuation, often for a longer time than expected. A matter marked by the Star will remain relevant for an indeterminate amount of time. In the case of unrequited love, this is quite tragic—the person will love the lost partner long and persistently, not noticing anything around them.

From a poetic point of view, the story of “Junona and Avos” is, of course, beyond reproach, but in real life, it can turn out to be simply monstrous. However, here we can recall Papus’s words regarding the Star Arcana: “You tried to achieve harmony with the surrounding world, were ready to share everything you have, and realized that it is of no use to anyone. But do not despair! What you have given will remain yours. Only what you have withheld will be lost forever.


The Spirit of The Star: Renewal and Rebirth

The spirit of the Star is renewal and rebirth. This wonderful card of beauty and silence is a powerful image and sign of inner revival. It also governs youth and beauty and all sorts of procedures associated with their maintenance and creation. Restoration of health, healing, and cleansing. It is time for a harmonious lifestyle.

The soft light of this card promises healing, restoration of energy, and fertility when it comes to health. It also brings rejuvenation. The water pouring from the jugs symbolizes life itself, so the Star speaks of good health and an abundance of vitality, promising full recovery and conception.

Interestingly, ancient guides did not attribute particularly positive effects to the Star. They mention “depletion of life forces” (probably analogous to the water flowing from the jugs), lung diseases, and even the prospect of drowning (the body of water on the Arcana). In reality, the two vessels with water on the Arcana suggest the idea of living and dead water mentioned in fairy tales. The “living water” is poured onto the earth, while the “dead water” seemingly meaninglessly flows back into the source from which it was taken.

According to the plots of fairy tales, both these waters are necessary for revival. But which of these two waters will the Arcana represent for the querent? Clues may be provided by the surrounding cards.

The Star’s association with impeccable purity and harmony can highlight themes of ecological niches, suitable climates, clean air and water, and freedom from chemical and other pollutants in what one consumes.

As a significator of illness, it may indicate allergies or other sufferings related to the intolerance of certain elements in the environment that is not “clean” enough.

Naturally, this cleanliness should be understood relatively. Some people may find dust mites an abstraction for their entire lives, while for others, they are a formidable reality. The Star is more likely to signify the latter case.

The Reversed Star: Lost Hopes and Unfulfilled Dreams

The card may indicate the querent’s desire to pursue a career in the arts or any other field requiring a creative approach. However, in its reversed position, the card points to a lack of favorable opportunities (“not shining”). In certain cases, it can signify stubbornness, unwillingness to change anything in life, missed chances, and unused opportunities. It may also speak of a lack of self-belief, pessimism, a passive and indifferent attitude toward people and events, sluggishness, and slowness, which can sharply contrast with a person’s evident beauty, talent, and potential (a sort of “falling star”).

The Reversed Star signifies the desecration of purity, disillusionment in dreams, loss of light and inspiration, as well as the power of doubts and insecurity. This can be a severe mental state—apathy, loss of strength, depression, and loneliness. It is a card of unsuccessful ideas, futile plans, doomed undertakings, and unfulfilled dreams.

The Reversed Star can also describe a person who has “caught the star,” “got their crown stuck in the clouds“—arrogantly reveling in their supposed superiority or talent, status, or something else.

Essentially, this is self-deception, a combination of arrogance and rejection. Sometimes, the Reversed Star signifies the end of a career or futile attempts to shine again based on past merits, trying to regain popularity. Less often, it indicates complexes and low self-esteem.

Traditional interpretations attribute many negative meanings to the Reversed Star, ranging from natural disasters (storms, thunderstorms) to the death of friends. Robberies and rapes, mental derangement, and suicides. In any case, it is believed to “befriend” dangers and catastrophes.

The Reversed Star may point to exhaustion, powerlessness, mental problems. This card can describe disharmony in relationships, sexual incompatibility, and the end of an unsuccessful connection.

Combinations with The Star

With The Fool – Emphasis on innocence and faith

With The Magician – The need for active efforts, a period of luck

With The Wheel of Fortune and Seven of Pentacles – Enrichment (from an old guide)

With Death and Reversed The Devil – Death by suffocation (from an old guide)

With The Hanged Man – End of a period of stagnation

With The Tower – Positive changes after a period of upheaval

With The Sun – The proximity of desired success

With Nine of Swords – Guilt, rage (according to Guggenheim)

The Star keywords

  • Aphrodite, Venus, Astarte (Ishtar, the Star), Isis
  • The Pleiades
  • “Song of Songs” by Solomon
  • Gardens of the Hesperides, rejuvenating apples
  • The Cliffs of the Rhine
  • Percival holding the Holy Grail