XVII The Star in the Thoth Tarot – Cosmic Inspiration, Hope and Harmony’ vs’ Future Obsession

The Star represents a beautiful process.
Cosmic inspiration of the highest nature is received and manifested on the material plane.

The card is governed by Aquarius. Aquarius: Inspiration, Crystallization, Self-Recognition, Radiance, Clear Vision, Self-Belief, Connection with the Universal Mind

The medium, or water bearer, in this process is represented by the star goddess Nuit (see also XX – Aeon). She is completely open to what comes from the spiritual plane and passes it on, fully serving the greater good.

She is a channel used by divine energy to manifest on earth.
In each hand, she holds a cup through which spiral vortices of energy flow.

Her hair acts as an antenna to spread perception and streams, bringing the inspiration of the cosmos to the earth.

New, crystal-clear vision gives form and intention to what was just a vague impression a moment ago.

You gain a deeper insight into the boundless potential of your development.
The power of inspiration you receive gives wings to your soul and allows the seemingly impossible to manifest in a miraculous way.

A person guided by this wisdom emits such a quality of being, such radiance, that other people are attracted to them like a magnet.

The very power of spiritual transformation makes the masks of personality and the limitations of the small “I” meaningless.

Stubborn desires and fears can be discarded as the water bearer dedicates themselves more and more to the work of the newly liberated spirit.

Perceptive antennas, however, need to be regularly and carefully cleaned.
If perception is disrupted by self-seeking tendencies, these enormous energies can have a devastating effect.

Enthusiasm can become fanaticism, inspiration can become illusion.
Emotions need to be carefully observed.
As the water flowing from Nuit’s cup turns into crystals, so emotions must crystallize.

This means they must be grasped clearly and definitely.
This cannot happen if you suppress and control emotions, but only if you allow emotional unfolding to occur (symbolized by the blooming roses).

Butterflies, symbols of transformation, indicate that your own perspective on things will change and be freed from the bonds of old conditioning.

Let your star rise, and stay in contact with the earth.
Trust your surroundings and find ways to let others share in this.

You will be examined and recognized by the fruits you bear.
Are you fully self-fulfilled in your current field of work?

Check if you are doing everything possible to bring your ideas to fruition.

My creative powers of imagination and my connection with the universal consciousness show me the way to realize my ideas.

– Card Imagery

In classic Tarot, the Star card typically features an ordinary woman. However, the imagery of Crowley’s Thoth Tarot Star card depicts the goddess of the starry sky, Nuit, who has taken human form. In her hands, she holds a golden and a silver cup. From the golden cup, she pours upon herself, while from the silver cup, she pours a line between water and land. Look up to the sky and notice a bright star emitting spiraling light rays. Additionally, the illustration features a couple of smaller seven-pointed stars. One is falling from the golden cup, while the other is hidden on a giant celestial sphere. In the corner to the right, butterflies and roses can be seen.

The star

Star Tarot Card of Thoth – Symbolism

You can thoroughly study the meaning and interpretation of the Star Tarot card of Thoth if you pay attention to all the symbols listed in the illustration:

  • Gigantic Celestial Sphere: A symbol of the infinity of the heavens that surround the Earth.
  • Golden Cup: Infinite possibilities of being and renewal of categories.
  • Girl with Cups in Her Hands: Nut (goddess of the starry sky).
  • Silver Cup: Moisture reflecting alchemical medicine, Greek ambrosia, and Indians amrita.
  • Spiral-shaped Light: A hint at Einstein’s statement that human blindness to the wonders of the Universe can be explained by the illusion of straightness.
  • Semifinite Stars: Babylon (goddess), also a hint that Nut and Babalon represent different aspects of the manifestation of the one goddess. The star also symbolizes the symbol of Love (star of Venus).
  • Butterflies and Roses: Symbols of soul renewal (nourished by the liquid from Nut’s cup), fertility.

The Star – General Meaning

The Star card in the Thoth Tarot resembles the traditional Tarot arcana. It speaks of a symbol of hope, the ability to follow one’s lucky star, and the expectation of favorable opportunities and prospects. It also hints at unwavering faith in a better and happy future, and a sense of inner harmony.

The shadow side of the Thoth Tarot Star card speaks of the tendency to reach out towards the future, which hinders your present. It suggests that a person might be so focused on potential future developments that they ignore what is happening right now. As a result, they risk destroying that long-awaited future because they are not acting in the present moment.

Star Tarot Card of Thoth – Meaning in Love and Relationships

What will be the meaning and interpretation of the Star Tarot card of Thoth when divining love and relationships? From a psychological point of view, it is evident that the person is in a state of inner harmony.

We clearly understand the true aspirations of a soul. We act boldly because we fully trust the universal laws.

In a reading about relationships, this magical arcana symbolizes inspiring love. It is a magnificent feeling that bursts into everyday life and makes us appreciate our lives more.

One can expect a promising romantic relationship and joint plans for the future. We might slightly idealize the relationships, but there is nothing wrong with that.

Star Tarot Card of Thoth – Meaning in Finances and Health

It is wonderful if you receive the Star Tarot card of Thoth in a health reading. In this case, you will be able to recover from illness more quickly, restore harmony and a state of peace, and get rid of those ailments and problems that did not want to let you go. You can expect very positive prospects in the healing process. The main thing is to take care of yourself, and everything will be fine.