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Daily Archives: March 10, 2017

Reversed King of Pentacles – A spirit of danger and corruption

The Shadow side of Reversed King of Pentacles is unquenchable lust, burned haggling or imposing idleness. The general interpretations ​​of the inverted King of Pentacles are a dangerous person, a ruthless and dishonest competitor, a type of a  corrupt politician or a businessman who is using dirty means to achieve…

Astrology of Scandals – Neptune, Black Moon Lilith and Vertex by Manda Selva,C.A.,NCGR-PAA

It is true that certain planets stand out through transits and progressions during a scandal. Neptune is a planet that loves a good gossip, especially with Mercury. Neptune transiting a planet often can cause loss of reputation. Neptune also causes people to isolate themselves from the world which occurs in…

Reversed Three of Wands – A Warning Against Proposed Help

If a direct position of Three of Wands indicates ability to foresee future, Reversed card warns of imprudence and recommends once again think everything over and, most likely, postpone conceived what was planned until better times. In addition, a person does not dare to introduce something new because he does…

Reversed Four of Pentacles – Money and Power Temptations

Reversed Four of Pentacles points to negative manifestations associated with a sign of Cancer: money loss and discord in a family. Quarrels over inheritance or property issues. The card indicates attachment to material things for personal safety. A person has a fear of losing his status, money, or position at…

Reversed Ace of Wands – Fall and Impotence

Traditionally, with Reversed Ace of Wands associated a fall, a ruin of plans, bankruptcy, or any potential loss. In any case, this is a firm “No!” in response to any question asked – even if a person is ready for change, now the opportunities can not be realized…

Reversed Nine of Wands – Cold Heart

Reversed Nine Wands is considered a bad omen. At least, presence of this card brings obstacles and delays, in the worst case – failure, loss and disasters. The problems can arise overnight. This card also says that experience does not teach a person anything – a person again and again…

Reversed Five of Wands – the Lord of a Battle

  “It is hard to learn, and easy in battle” The first decade of Leo from July 23 to August 2nd. Astrological equivalents are Saturn in Leo or in air signs. Mars in the 5th house as a symbol of sports competitions, games. Unfair competition, fighting without rules…

Reversed Queen of Cups – the Mistress of Nymphs and Mermaids

Astrological equivalents: Libra, seventh and eleventh Houses. Queen of Cups embodies and combines influences of Venus, Moon and Neptune (for example, Venus could be in Cancer and Moon in Pisces) as a symbol of subtlety of feelings and willingness to help others. It also shows imaginative thinking. Reversed Queen of…