Many of us watched a cartoon about a golden antelope giving gold coins and bringing wealth to people. But few understand that almost any fairy tale is based on ancient beliefs from the life of Magical Forces, Spirits and Gods. The stories of a golden antelope come from the folklore of India. The Hindus believe that Goddess Lakshmi herself walks in the guise of a golden antelope, who bestows wealth, property and prosperity. Goddess Lakshmi could also travel with her close friend Saraswati – the Goddess of inspiration through which people do great things, thereby earning money for their living. But far more often, Lakshmi walks alone unnoticed on the days of her holiday when people celebrate and worship her, and so that people would not recognize her, because Lakshmi turns into a golden antelope.

The legend says that one day Lakshmi passed by the house of a fisherman, in whose family there was a misfortune: the poor fisherman had nothing to pay the debt to the strict Rajah, for which he threatened to take their only son into slavery. Then she said that she would help this family, because she sees that they are honest, decent and hardworking people who deserve her support. Knocking her hoof on the ground, she showered them with gold so that they could collect it and pay back all their debts. After that, the family paid rajah, built a house, as they become rich and they start helping the poor people.

Having learned about this, the people began to lure the golden antelope into their house, asking the Goddess for helping them. As a reminder that she once turned into an antelope and presented seven gold coins when she needed them, they started such a tradition: they took a beef bone and knocked on the ground, calling on Goddess Lakshmi.

Here is how you can ask for help and welfare from this goddess in order to solve your financial issues, maintain a constant cash flow and never be in the position of being in red.

For a Ritual we will need:

  • an altar covered with a skin or your fur coat,
  • your jewelry (gold, silver, stones),
  • a Lakshmi figurine (if you have),
  • a beef bone (preferably from the leg),
  • a marker.

On the bone, you should draw a circle, from which draw four rays on different sides – this is a symbol of the sun, which the ancient Aryans considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

In the center of the circle, draw a vertical symbol of infinity, and in the center along all infinity, draw an arrow – this is a symbol of an endless ascent upward and a prayer that goes up to the Gods through the symbol of infinity.

The first time, conducting the ritual, you must prepare a beautiful and bright altar, and in the future you can simply take a bone and knock it on the table or floor, asking with the words of magic.

Once a month, you need to update the ritual and carry it out with the altar. Read the words of the ritual 3 times:

” O beautiful among the beautiful and merciful among the merciful, om srim hrim maha lakshmi ai namaha om lakshmi vigansri kamala tharigan svaha. I salute you, almighty generous mother! Visit my home as a golden antelope. Let the antelope beat its hoof and gather wealth in my house. The reward of your bounty has long awaited me. Bless my family for a rich life, hit with a hoof, the golden antelope. May the road be rich in my life. Power of Goddess Lakshmi, namaha for you, hear and fulfill, fill my chests with riches. ”

Take a bone in your hands and hit the altar:

“One blow with a hoof – and gold will rain down. The second blow (knock the bone on the altar again) with a hoof – and luck will smile at me, the third blow with the hoof (hit the third time) – and happiness will open the door for me, wealth will cover me with a wing. Gold, pour down! Diamond, decorate my hands! Money, surround me! Silk and cloth, wrap my body! I asked and wanted so. The magic hoof of the golden antelope, by the power of Mata Lakshmi, with the command of Vishnu – a rich share – my destiny and destiny. I deserved. Once I deserved it, I got it. The truth is the verb. Rich Power, set free from the treasures of the Gods. The Gods want to make me rich. This is their order, so be it! Gods in glory, and I live in abundance! Truly so! It is sworn!

As soon as you see that your financial well-being begins to improve, buy a smallest bottle of red wine (open to pour half of it on the spot) and a red rose, take it to the river (pond, sea, source) and leave it there, with the words:

“Pay off for Mata Lakshmi’s generosity and for her Antelope Spirit!”

Turn around and walk away.

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