Pluto: The Cosmic Drama Queen In astrology, Pluto is known as the planet of generations, secrets, death, rebirth, transformation, and, let’s be honest, a little bit of chaos. This isn’t by accident—Pluto has a reputation for shaking things up with some pretty fundamental changes, uncovering hidden truths…
Pluto’s Journey Through Capricorn Just a few days ago, Pluto completed its retrograde motion and is now moving forward through Capricorn. This event is truly one for the history books and won’t happen again in our lifetimes—unless you’re planning to stick around for more than 248…
The “Success Blues” In the world of tarot, the 2 of Wands represents a strange conundrum—the bittersweet feeling of having achieved something great, only to be left wondering, “What now?” It’s the emotional equivalent of Alexander the Great looking over his empire and having a good sob because…
1. The Peak of Spiritual Mastery Ah, The World card – the grand finale of the Major Arcana. Picture this: you’ve reached the top of your spiritual mountain, mastering your inner and outer realms like a zen monk who’s just unlocked life’s ultimate cheat codes. This is the…
1. The Stage of Inner Mastery Ah, the Strength card in the hopes and fears position – where one must summon their inner might to conquer both internal and external obstacles. This is where you’re no longer wrestling lions (well, metaphorically, anyway) but rather your own unruly instincts, fears, and…