The Nine – An End and a New Beginning

Good things never last. BARRY MANILOW. All good things must come to an end.

The Nine follows the Eight. Eight represent the harvest season after which comes the state of death, transformation and decay.

It is for your emotions to decide whether you will have joy, calm, satisfaction and celebration of life, or you feel sadness, despair, emotions of loss and trepidation about the future.

The Nine is a universal number. It contains all the numbers and all the planets. The Nine destroys and fulfills like Shiva’s dance. The Nine is the end and the beginning. Also the Nine is a card of magnificent obsession. it’s associated with planet mars, that is why activity for the Nine is a must.

Keywords for the Nine:

– humanitarianism – selfishness
– the higher law – emotions 
– universal love – dissipation (break up and disappear)
– fulfillment – disappointment 
– unconditional love – tragic heartbreak
– sublime passion – emotional sadness
– passive aggressive shaming tactics
– a victim story
– self sabotaging critics
– overly sentimental 
– inspirational humanitarian 
– sublime intelligence
– verbal and written brilliance

You will have to say goodbye to people, things, ideas, lifestyle, and ways of communication. The 9s have the strongest burdens. You need to surrender your will to the will of God and welcome your destiny. The Nine needs to let go of power struggles with others and left go fighting within oneself.

The Nine needs to give things away to others and help others to reach satisfaction. The Nine needs to become saviors of humanity and spiritual leaders. Otten disappointments and frustration motivate you to do universal work.

In many ways, Nines are opposite to Ace. Aces need actually to be self-centered and selfish, and the nines cannot. Each time the nine tries to do things for themselves, the Nine gets misery and pain. It goes against the nine’s grain of existence. The Nines feel other people’s sufferings and karmic results of their actions. Only spiritual path is a way to gain fulfillment and satisfaction.

Usually path you need to take is completely different from what you gain from books, or what society dictates. If you go by the book, it will not work and everything will fall apart. You need to realize that you are different, out of this world, like an alien. You also need different motivations to get your inspiration, and eventually to get a successful satisfying life.

The Nines usually have a strong victim – savior complexes. You have plenty Pisces energy. You are sympathetic to other people’s emotions and let others cry on your shoulder. You will nurse others until they calm down. You help others when nobody will.

You have hard time separating your personal motives from universal. You seemed to be motivated from the purest intentions when in truth you are often selfishly motivated. Just like rest of us. It is always a challenge for you to make the clear distinction between your selfish and selfless actions, thoughts, and words. At times, when you surrender your destiny, you meet wisdom. You understand life as no other because you see beyond the veil what is obvious.

I am an Ace and find that the Nines I met never let go. They will always go over the event of your mistake and talk how they are hurt. They never sympathetic to you if they think you need or worry for a wrong reasons. I would suggest beware what you share, and remain introverted about your desires.

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