The third house of the horoscope will tell us about a person’s intelligence, his ability to make acquaintances, communicate, negotiate, and find the necessary information.
A strong third house will indicate that the owner of the horoscope is easy-going, travels a lot and maintains communication with close relatives, friends, neighbors.
Thanks to the knowledge gained in childhood and adolescence, a person forms his ideas, views and the way of thinking. The information that people comprehend at this time determines their future life. In this regard, it is very important to conduct a third house analysis in order to learn about the interests and inclinations and contribute to the development of his intellectual talents.
High-quality knowledge, the ability to interact with other people and confidence in the abilities will help to effectively manage once own life and make fewer mistakes in personal activities.
The 3rd house rules siblings, neighbors, short trips, grammar in school, the acquisition and use of language. But underneath these keywords lies a profound mystery: our human dance of development – development of curiosity, imitation and communication, and adapting to and connecting with our immediate world. In 3rd house we learn.
We learn from our siblings and neighbors; from short trips around our city; from the words that shape our world; from the social and informational structures we meet at school.
We take the cues from our surroundings and grow.
We learn to adapt. Our success depends on flexibility and versatility.
The third house represents the passion and courage that drives us. It is an indicator of our motivations and interests, both physically and intellectually. Here we can find out what we really like to do. The sphere of the 3rd house includes our hobbies and interests, and our favorite games.
Well-positioned planets in the third house indicate a deep interest in the essence of things, the ability to do serious research, and a scientific mindset. In addition, it shows artistic talents, including the gift for the visual arts.
The third house is associated with the ability to assimilate information, using rational mind and logic.
Some believes the characteristics of the third house determine the number of siblings and everything associated with them. Servants, often interpreted as an addition to the family also go by the 3rd house.
The third house also represents both the conscious mind and the hands (from shoulder to fingertips). When the mind and hands work together, a skill is formed, which can later reach a level of high skill.
Communication is also carried out with the help of hands, which includes both sign language and written speech.
The third house is responsible for the death of the parents, because it is two houses from the fourth (mother’s house) and the sixth from the tenth house (father’s house). In addition, if we consider the ninth house as a house, as is sometimes done, then the third house is the seventh from the ninth.
Since the third house is the twelfth from the fourth house, it means “the end of your place of residence”, that is, leaving home, trips to close distances (trips from the suburbs, to the city to work), as well as longer trips and transfers (since the third house is a “reflection” of the ninth house).
The planets that have one or another connection with the third house leave their imprint on the nature of the travels carried out under the influence of the third house: Mercury, rapidly revolving around the Sun, gives closer trips and faster rotations, and Saturn, with its longer orbit, gives more long trips and departure to a farther distance from home.
So, the main themes of the third house are: brothers and sisters (most often the younger ones), physical and mental abilities or skills, arts, travel and tourism, short-distance travel, courage, courage, death of parents, division of property, arms, shoulders and neck, hearing, and all forms of communication.
In the 9th house we encounter foreign concepts, stretch into new perspectives, discern the bigger meanings behind events. In the 12th we go beyond the limits of ordinary logic and touch what’s unconscious, incomprehensible, and divine.
In the 6th we must adapt to the limits of our bodies (in traditional astrology, this is the house of sickness); or we must adapt to the workplace (in modern astrology, this is the house of co-workers and routine tasks). In the 3rd we must concern ourselves with familiar drudgeries: phone calls, emails, our daily routine and driving on short distances.
Transits to the 3rd house suggest is that we take a workshop, improve our communication skills, learn something that might look good on our resumes. When 3rd house is affected. we will be busier than usual, in which case, meditation or stress-relieving practices might be necessary.
through the 3rd we collect a stream of information about the constantly changing conditions of our environment.
The issue here is not what we learn so much as that we learn.
The 3rd house brings opportunities to keep updating ourselves. Here the education is largely mandatory.
Third house learning, therefore, is more about what our environment dictates as important.
the best approach to 3rd house transits is to take an honest look and see where we are fallen behind. Do you know things about late technology?
Some people learn without of instructions. It comes from thé air (if your 3 house falls to Aquarius ♒️). Our 3rd house mind is often sponge-like, absorbing without concern for the particulars of content.
Planets and signs in the 3rd house act as a filter on our immediate environment.
When I was a kid, I will meet every person on the beach and get to learn something from them. In my city I will probably know so many people from every corner.
If you feel others don’t understand you,” writes Donna Cunningham, “look to the third house to see how well you make yourself understood.”
The challenge of the 3rd house is to become conscious of your motivations. You need to be conscious of every thought, every word, every action, and every deed. What you what you sow is what you reap. Action and movement are certainty features of this house. You might be surprised to learn that in traditional astrology, action-oriented, desire-inspired, controlling and power-thirsty Mars, not Mercury, is assigned rulership of the 3rd. Actually, Mercury and Mars, are deeply intertwined because they both represent passion.
Whenever you’ve got trouble with a particular house, it helps to stand in its opposite house.
Opposite the 3rd is the 9th, ruling higher education and faraway places, philosophy and religion. 9 house encourages us to love our neighbors (3rd house). 9th house is a quality control of the 3rd house. It eliminates all negative influences. 9th house is like a deep meditation. This is especially clear in charts where the Moon’s Nodes fall across these houses.
like if South Node is in the 3rd house. a person often has a busy life, having achieved success in a variety of careers. you can be competent in many fields like – business. computers, accounting, engineering-yet is utterly mystified about her true life direction. People doesn’t know why, but their busy life often felt empty, like it was going nowhere. forever on the road, marking its twists and turns, a person lost to see a full perspective from a map. missing the 9th house visionary gene. – i don’t know maybe we go and look. it seems your dissatisfaction has some roots
Stop the chatter. Discard useless information. Select your neighborhood carefully. Find one where you can breathe in plenty of fresh invigorating air.
You’ll know you’ve succeeded when your daily mind is eager for the simple pleasures of reaching for the world, for learning and listening without judgement.