Traditionally – 6 of Swords Reversed means an inability to find a way out of a situation. There is a dead end literally or figuratively. Unsolvability of problems. This could be impossibility of reaching an agreement in a family; an unfavorable outcome of a trial; or simply the fact that problems are not solved, but postponed.
It is believed that Reversed 6 of Swords indicates that a wrong move has been made; and it’s time to return to the original positions, if possible. The journey is not thought out, not prepared, and most likely will not materialize. The chance of success is negligible. The card is also treated like an inverted Chariot – as a warning against leaving home or leaving because of a threat of a serious accident ( it refers to traveling on water). Delays, changes in plans, problems with transportation, trouble at customs, or baggage inspection.
Nuisance related to water, flooding, drowning.
In Reversed Six of the Swords, Virgo sign plays in its low manifestation: selfishness, propensity to use others (sit on somebody’s neck), “self-sacrifice on the contrary”, rejection of oneself principles.
Reversed Six of Sword, there is an element of exposing a secret, something hidden (in some cases, a person can do it himself). In a communicative sense, traditional interpretation puts emphasis on confession, recognition, love offer, but unlike in a direct position -the confession is unexpected, and sudden and somewhat extreme.
Six of Swords Reserved tells that there will be a declaration, a public statement, a sudden discovery that changes the plans and puts everything upside down.