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Sunrise Spell

Float a rose in a clear bowl of water and light a pink candle beside the bowl. With your left hand, gently stir the water in a bowl and say: These waters cleanse my soul and being, Now with a clear mind and heart, I am seeing, I am love…

Clover Prosperity Bath During waxing Moon in a Sign of Mercury

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense ) Also Known As:  Trefoil, Cleaver Grass, Marl Grass, Cowgrass, Three Leaved Grass, Cow Clover Honeystalks, Shamrock, Trifoil The red clover herb is a perennial plant that is native to central Asia, Africa and most of Europe.  Gender: Masculine  Elemental Association: Air Planetary Association…

1st of May – Celebration of Beltane – the Power of Love

Beltane comes from the Gaelic word La Beltane (meaning bright fire or lucky fire) and is widely celebrated in Great Britain especially Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man. Beltane, May Eve, is the day before May Day, a traditional day for dancing around a Maypole. In ancient times…

The Foolish Frolic – April Fools’ Day

A line in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale by Chaucer referencing “Syn March began thritty dayes and two” — which could refer to the 32nd day of March, i.e. April 1 — has some speculating that the passage, written in 1392, could be the first reference…

April 2022 Pagan Holidays

We have two new moons in a month. Rebirth abounds in April as the Earth is ready to sprout forth new life. Get outside and feel how the air begins to take on a new warmth. Enjoy the change of the season by planting seeds either figurative or literal! Apr…

Matronalia Feriae – the Original Pagan Mother’s Day – Celebrating the Goddess Juno -1 of March

Mother’s Day, Matronalia Feriae, celebrates the goddess Juno on March 1st. Women receive gifts and are celebrated.  In ancient Rome, Matronalia (or Matronales Feriae) celebrated Juno Lucina in her capacity as a mother goddess. The name of Matronalia depicts a married woman in charge of domestic affairs.&nbsp…

March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day Starts Rainbow Season!

Happy coming St. Patrick’s Day, let beer and Irish ale pour in our house like the river, let the green clothes do bother passers-by, and let the shamrock bring good luck. Let this happy festival be celebrated as loud as on its homeland, and the immense joy…

An Ostara Celebration – March 20 – A Day of Perfect Balance 

Ostara is observed on Sunday, March 20th, 2022. Ostara / Alban Eilir / Spring Equinox (Pagan, Wiccan, Druid) – March 20, 2023 Ostara marks the moment in the wheel of the year where the light that was rekindled at Yule balances the darkness… and then overtakes it.  Ostara is celebrated…