Threes represent a divided path, while threes need to chose a Middle Way. They need to find the light and go forward and reflect on the outcome of their efforts. The peace comes when they can see an accomplishment to their efforts.
Threes need to create a balance threw creation of something new. They worry because they need a sense of accomplishment in whatever they do. Threes are generators of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and they must find a suitable outlet to express their ideas or they suffer from indecision what approach or idea to choose.
Like Gemini sign, they are very talkative and active. They can relate to anybody because they could be very flexible. They could be very resourceful and they can find solutions to any problem. If you need a good idea, talk to threes. The problem with threes is multitude of ideas and that they cannot put mind into any single one. They at least need to focus their energy to start working on one of their ideas, and then if they start at least they have a chance to complete it.
Threes are good at art, music, wiring, even math – and they are very creative at everything they do.
Threes can be successful in one or more fields. Usually threes have a few jobs as well as a few projects they are working on. They need to have variety, or they get bored.
All threes have a strong connection with a house of creativity and love romance. Threes always open to new experiences to apply their curiosity. They can get bored at their current relations, and they may need a way to release their energy in a new love, and then come back recharged, and once again repeat the circle.
Threes need to learn to transform their worries into positive ideas that can be implemented and that will lead to success in spiritual or financial matters.
Threes can be worried at not having enough. Some threes (3 of spades) worried of having to much and wanting to share their wealth until almost nothing was left.
Threes could be very complicated people – constantly work in progress – with great potential.
Threes could be happy only if they find way for their creativity and get paid for their work accordingly.
Threes tend to get into hustle and bustle about everything. They could be jealous of others people popularity and accomplishments.
It is very important for threes to control their mind via concentration and meditation as well as studying hard at universities. Threes must use their mind, and know how because if they are under-developed mentally and have not gotten enough education, they will have a challenge to understand other people and to open up their hidden mental potential that linked to their creative gifts.
The other biggest challenge in their faith. They do not trust themselves – because they may have hard time to keep their word and they also have lack of self-discipline. They measure other people exacply the way they are, and they do not trust other people and their word.
Threes are enthusiastically interested in everything and everyone. They like to suggest other people what to do and where to find work, yet dwell in complete indecision about their lives and their career choices.
Threes need to learn to deal with panic attacks. Somehow threes tend to worry too much without any reason. Somehow exactly at the moment at worry, threes want to jump on and make decisions.
Threes “indecision beats them is a product of their own faulty judgement of lasting values and abiding Truth.”
The 3’s scatter and diffuse, wasting time, energy, and words, (their greatest power) in an uncertain, 3 dimensional world. Although the basic symbol of three is triangle, it is by no accident, that the Master of old gave to the all 3’s a straight line, without deviation or uncertainty.
Threes that go directly and follow the straight line have no problems in their lives. They never got to a failure of goal attainment. Straight and narrow path leads to the kingdom of haven.
Parents of threes shall put more efforts and attention into developing of child self-esteem and discovery of their artistic talents. These kids are prone to change of mood and for them it is harder to stay focused. Teaching discipline, co-dependance, responsibility and independence are very important at very early stages of development. You need to lean your child to love and trust. Not having complete trust will develop in 3’s worries and even panic attacks later in life, fear and indecision.
In most cases, threes of clubs and diamonds can experience lack of interest ad attention in their parents. This leads them to rush and make poor emotional choices.
Threes of Club’s biggest challenge is trust, and they randomly can misjudge people based on their immediate emotions.
Three of diamonds has fair to put trust in anybody but themselves, and they can become freak controls.
Threes of cups can have in front of them emotional or sick parents and they can be oversensitive. Parents need not act emotional in front of threes. Three of cups have hard time dealing with what they consider betrayal and once betrayed they have hard time believing in loyalty of others.
Three of spades in childhood can be very spoiled and can act ruthless without any compassion. Threes of spades can be very opinionated and judging when emotional. They need to create mental clarity before they make any decisions, especially financial. Threes worry about everybody else around, not so much for themselves. They more try to pretend to be peace makers while in fact creating drama. Threes of spades can suffer form guilty consciousness and payment of their mistakes or questionable deeds.
All threes shall be aware to make a right choice when they are calm and focused.
Many outstanding authors, actors, musicians, religious leaders were 3’s.
Famous Three of Clubs: Stephen King, John F. Kennedy, Adrian Paul, Tobey Maguire, Estelle Getty, Rick Springfield, Danny DeVito, Nicole Richie, J. Paul Getty
Famous Three of Diamonds♦: Olney H. Richmond, George Washington, John Hancock, Antonio Banderas, Bill Cosby, Britney Spears, Bernie Sanders, Donald J. Trump
Famous Three of Hearts♥: Woodrow Wilson, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, John Legend, , Elisha Cuthbert, Maggie Smith, Mandy Patinkin,
Famous Three of Spades♠: Spencer Tracy, Betty Davis, Marilyn Monroe, Lord Snowdon, Naomi Judd, Mary J. Blige, Tammy Faye Bakker, Mia Farrow
Positive: Popularity, Joyfulness, Optimism, Creativity, Friendliness, Hinned Mental Potential, Ability to take Responsibility for others,
Negative: Jealousy, Worry, Panic Attacks, Anger Management, Intolerance, Impatience, Lack of Self-Discipline, Lack of faith