Internal impulse: awareness, ability to see the big picture (in a means of establishing order and restoring structure).
Goal: awareness of relationships.
Light: Self-discipline and attention to detail (lean methodology).
Shadow: constrained by formalism (“you can’t see the forest for the trees”).
Quality: adaptation to the requirements of the time (objective neutrality).
With a presence of 8 of pentacles, the order of the universe is restored. Discs arranged in a way like the flowers or fruits of a large tree firmly rooted in the soil. The chaos of the Seven has been overcome, and so much the fruits come form the geomantic Populus. As Crowley points out, the tree now is “waiting for somebody who will reap the harvest.” Shamans call this power of inaction.
Crowley commented, “Virgo is the secret seed of Life, and also the Virgin of the Earth awaiting for the Phallic Plow and the Population, the recovery of the secret of Energy into the unplowed abandoned Earth”.
Energetically, the 8 of Pentacles symbolizes self-discipline, attention to detail, consciousness, spiritual knowledge of the laws of nature and the motivation of human actions.
The high goal of returning back to the creative nature requires from us purity of motivation, a selfless desire for wisdom, as well as spiritual sensitivity; and the realization that chaos and order, destruction and development, reason and emotions do not contradict each other, but mutually complement and nourish each other, providing us with a space for development.
AT THE INNER LEVEL, 8 of Pentacles means that we have come to understand the natural laws of development, indicating the compatibility of opposite phenomena. Rose water is valuable, but it would be foolish if we try to extract the rose from a portion. To grow this beautiful flower, we need organic fertilizers (humus), which are formed due to the destructive processes of the previous card (Seven of Pentacles).
IN THE PROFESSIONAL FIELD, the Eight of Pentacles means a reasonable strategy and correct tactics of action, practical instincts, successful developments of events. The card may indicate a well-thought-out and carefully planned undertaking, as well as a cautious, gradual increase in activity.
IN THE REALITY OF LOVE RELATIONSHIPS, the Eight of Pentacles indicates a careful preparation for something new. It is possible that, due to difficulties and painful experiences, we “close ourselves”, and now we are gradually beginning to “open up”.
The card may indicate a qualitatively new stage in the development of the previous union, which will open up far-reaching, encouraging prospects for the future to come.
The 8 of Pentacles indicates the desire to
get married, and have children.
In any case, the presence of this card indicates is positive events.
Astrology: Sun in Virgo. The first decade of Virgo – from August 24 to September 1.
Astrological equivalents: Sun in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, Saturn in the 10th House, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the 6th House.
Mercury in the 3rd house as a symbol of diligence and skill.
Tree of Life: Progress (structure) in the world of earth establishing order.
I-Jin: 17 Sui – “Following”; 27 I – “Nutrition”.
Analogies: metaphor – weeds among the wheat
(Ev. from Matthew 13.24-24.30).
Image: plate.
Key words: differentiation, perfection, order, self-criticism, Prudence, Mastery of Wisdom
Key – Mastery
This card promises slow but sure progress in whatever you are doing, the main thing is to stay in reality. It communicates that we are clearly up to something and are busy, everything is in our hands, and everything is going right, but requires attention to detail and continued effort. Skillful, masterful and very careful work. Good concentration.
When you love your work and do it for the sake of its creative and cognitive beginnings, success and prosperity will come. In general, this card symbolizes the deep satisfaction that you receives from the excellent use of your talents and abilities.
Personal Character
Self-discipline, diligence, conscientiousness, diligence, self-motivation, attention to detail. Interest, excitement and curiosity.
On a Deeper Level
This is the Master’s card! A deep awareness of the process of natural growth, you know when to patiently observe and when to roll up your sleeves and work hard. Under the pressure of circumstances, we often become impatient and act rashly – the Eight of Pentacles does not know this problem. Eight of Pentacles knows what to focus on and what to turn her back on.
Eight symbolizes law, logic, directness.
Astrologically, this can be either the first decade of Virgo or the first decade of Capricorn, representatives of which are equally capable of building from scratch or starting all over again, being well trained in specifically practical things. Rising above the mundane and sometimes setting themselves unattainable goals, they think of their activities as endless: moreover, in many ways they are attracted by the process of action itself, which gives them the opportunity to master unfamiliar spheres and find something sublime and their own in the alien.
The sign of Capricorn symbolizes inclusion in meaningful, purposeful creative activities to transform the world. The first decade of Capricorn expresses the idea of the beginning of action as such: manipulation of things – comprehension of the organization of matter and ways of operating with it. Based on the principle of freedom of action, this decade looks somewhat down on the material world, feeling like a master in it. However, a sense of deep responsibility gives her restraint and self-discipline, and the cruel definition of goals regulates behavior. The patron of this decade – Jupiter – gives her some administrative inclinations.
The first decade of Virgo, ruled by the Sun, tends to see a natural process in the world. She considers human activity to be part of this natural process that redistributes energy and maintains dynamic balance in the world. Therefore, this decade is characterized by hard work and a calm, modest attitude towards work, without questioning the meaning of work. This is a careful, scrupulous and cautious attitude towards the activities of your mind and hands, as well as towards all other processes of life. This decade has an inherent tendency not to leave anything unfinished: only after completing one stage, move on to the next.
The basic earth sign Capricorn, the sign of the “circle of will”, crystallizes the personality. The stable sign Taurus, the sign of the “circle of feeling,” shapes her feelings. Mutable sign Virgo, the sign of the “circle of mind”, describes human activity as a process of conscious transformation of matter. Capricorn symbolizes the recreation of the past in the world, Taurus – the creative present, Virgo – work for the future.
From a shamanic point of view, this is the manufacture and consecration of ritual objects, medicines, the performance of rituals that require great precision and accuracy, and activities such as magical tellurgy.
Light and Shadow (advice and caution)
Advice: continue to do as much as necessary, and as carefully as possible, to achieve success. Man is the architect of his own happiness, so you should roll up your sleeves and go ahead! Forge, sculpt and acquire. Dedicate all your time to current tasks, do not shirk your work.
“Bake small buns, not a big loaf” – diligently, hardworking and step by step. It must be taken into account that everything around us – food, clothing, housing, workplace equipment – affects the quality of the results.
Obstacle: Vanity and mediocrity, inability to see the forest for the trees. Workaholism. Rest and change are needed.
Intensive professional work, diligent performance of one’s duties. Obtaining additional knowledge and skills in any area, improving your abilities and skills.
A profession that requires meticulousness, concentration and attention to detail. Of course, engravers and jewelers, builders and restorers have a special relationship with it. The emphasis on precision and the regular repetition of approximately the same everyday actions classify this card as one of a huge range of activities – this is “labor”. This could range from repetitive theater rehearsals to filling out forms.
Good reputation among colleagues.
Fairly and legally obtained status.
Financial profit as a result of talent and hard work.
Personal Relationships
The meaning is close to the Three of Pentacles – a you work hard to develop relationships, sometimes literally devote yourself entirely to them. There is a clear understanding here that love is work. If you want to grow something good in your garden, take care of it, weed it, hill it up and water it. Only weeds will grow on their own. You have a sincere desire to do everything well, as best as possible, and you view your contribution to the relationship as a school for self-improvement. The more you invest in the relationship, the more he receive.
Improving the skills needed in life together. Patience, mutual care, attentiveness, tact – but not a violent manifestation of emotions.
The traditional meanings of 8 of Pentacles are sincerity, chastity and modesty.
What is traditionally called “serious intentions.” Realistic expectations and willingness to commit. Time works for this relationship.
The Eight of Pentacles also describes late love, the one that comes in old age. Sometimes it turns out not only late, but also first, and then you feel like a green beginner for your years, but inner maturity does its job, you learn quickly, immediately acquiring an exquisite quality.
If you are lonely, then the Eight of Pentacles is a good sign; the development it describes is positive. You prepare for a new life cycle. You open up to new opportunities and feels a desire to start a family. He is ready to take some steps, communicate more deeply and confidentially, while showing modesty and patience.
According to this card, things are done honestly.
The need to restore health.
This is a typical rehabilitation card after some kind of injury, illness – in fact, you will everything to get well soon.
This is a regimen, diet, strengthening and cleansing procedures, all kinds of training.
Be mindful not to overwork.
Reversed 8 of Pentacles
The typical meaning is the collapse of ambitions, the impossibility of realizing plans, and in this sense – wasted work.
Avoid arrogance and vanity, as well as lack of ambitions and desires, and mediocrity.
“Spoiled” Saturn brings rottenness, sloppiness, lack of composure, carelessness. Fatigue from routine, professional burnout, a desire to change jobs, or lack of a job at all.
In any case, the card indicates some distortion associated with the flow of work. It can wear down or attack your dignity.
If the upright card is associated with honesty and sincerity, then the reversed one is attributed to the opposite qualities – hypocrisy, falsehood, duality, vanity, intrigue, flattery, vulgarity.
With other cards:
With the Magician – the highest concentration in action
With the Hierophant – diligent study
With the Moon – inactivity, passivity, inability to pull oneself together. Time spent on animated discussions with friends about fantasies of the past actions
With the Judgement – passion for your work. Recognition.
With the Two of Wands – a negligent attitude towards the work being done, thoughts are somewhere far away. If the Tower is nearby, the human factor is to blame.
With the Nine of Wands – great persistence in carrying out your plans
With the Four of Cups – loss of interest, indifference, apathy to the matter
With the Seven of Cups – a planned enterprise, but no motivation to carry it out
With the Ten of Swords – diligently “cleaning out the shelves” and dotting the i’s before completion of a project and be ready to leave everything behind