EIGHT OF WANDS – the “Lord of Speed”

Astrological equivalents: Scorpio, planets Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

Time: The first decade of Sagittarius from November 23 to December 1.

Mercury in Sagittarius.

* Keyword – FAST

8 of clubs is an optimistic card that indicates clear progress towards a goal.

Concurrence of circumstances is the following: planned and expected events begin to unfold runaway; everything is in motion; the opposition no longer exists and soon something begins to happen. Usually this card announces events favorable for the questioner (only if 8 of clubs is completely surrounded by negative cards, it accelerates the dynamics of unpleasant events). This is nearly the only one of all 78 cards that clearly indicates that events will happen in the very near future, faster than you can believe. It shows that something is changing, something is in the air, and that the process has already begun, even if you have not yet noticed.

The surprises of fate (everything necessary and useful soon falls into your hands, catching by surprise). This is a sign that “something is in the air” – news about to be received, you find unexpected solutions to your problems, and meet successful coincidences. In combination with the the Wheel of Fortune), — amazing and unexpected events are coming, and these events can change your whole life in a minute.

In general, we can say that the key word of the Eight of Wands is a second wind! It indicates the timely arrival of help, energy, information, inspiration.

Usually suit of Wands indicates a business and career, but the Eight of Wands has a special relationship to personal life and the awakening of love.

Eight of Wands is also a card of “Uranian” personality, like the Jester, who is open to the next new things and welcomes any surprises of fate.

Her Majesty Chance is looking after you personally! You feel that you walk in a stream.

8 of clubs is a card of lightness and freedom, where there is no more room for any emotional limitations. Problems, caused you pain, are no longer relevant.

From a magical point of view, the Eight of Wands is an explosion of life force (“libido”).

The image of a broom has a direct relation to libido – after all, it personifies the symbolic combination of masculine and feminine principles.

8 of clubs has the properties of Kundalini, an image of a fire-breathing dragon – “a fiery snake” on which “you can fly”.

It awakens another side of the social (Jupiter), with the thoughts and aspirations of a person.

The first decade of Sagittarius, ruled by the planet Mercury, expresses the idea of transforming energy into thought.

Sagittarius sends arrows of his aspirations to the stars. He is attracted by the spiritual side of life, but he is repelled by the material.

The ancient Greeks perfectly distinguished two meanings of the word “time” – chronos and kairos. Chronos is quantitative time (it can be measured, etc.). And kairos is quality time, the time of Accomplishment.

The Eight of Wands says – kairos! The right hour has come, you are on the path of a guaranteed success. Seise the moment, move towards your goal without wasting time. What you want can only be achieved by swift and decisive action.

With the Eight of Wands, you can get an offer from any employer or a new job. You meet a new circle of people, learn the unwritten rules that “are in the air.”

8 of diamonds has to do with working in a team of cool professionals, where everyone acts as if on their own, but together they do a common cause very consistently.

Intense commercial interaction (bills fly back and forth). An influx of information.

Some authors believe that the Eight of Wands symbolizes science, books, learning, education, and in general the “printed word” (including the Internet).

8 of clubs is an Innovation business.

The card is closely related to finances, and success is expected, as well as the emergence of new sources of income. Investment inflow. Successful interaction with banks. Getting a profitable loan. Urgent business with money. Cash bonus.

“A spark will kindle a flame.”

In the old interpreters, the Eight of Wands is unambiguous – the card of love! In modern terms – a wedding planner. Or at least an influx of romantic opportunities. “Love will come unwittingly when you don’t expect it at all.” And even if you wait, you still have a feeling that she attacked from somewhere around the corner. Vivid hobbies often go along the Eight of Wands, giving a surge of adrenaline, a kind of unexpected amorous rally. Feelings are excitement, euphoria, elation and a tendency to force events are evident and a passionate desire to be together.

The dream is ready to become a reality. It happens that a person was looking forward to this, and yet everything happens like a bolt from the blue, catching by surprise. And if he did not wait, all the same the card informs about the prospect of falling head over heels in love. Sometimes the Eight of Wands describe truly striking manifestations of synchronicity, unexpected happy encounters that are the result of “coincidences” at the base of which there is nothing random. In addition, in the layout for love, this card predicts to the questioner selfless devotion from the beloved person.

Clarification of intentions, overcoming misunderstandings (with favorable cards – even the resolution of conflicts between irreconcilable parties). An unexpected revival of relationships, freshness and sincerity of feelings, a change for the better. A romantic invitation (combines both the romantic and “messenger” aspect of this card), or even a marriage proposal (which may sound completely unexpected). Spontaneous decisions like a betting wedding are also the Eight of Wands. Surrounding cards will show how much to trust these messages and decisions.

Wheel of Fortune – enhances the value of the card, accentuating fast movement, rapid development of events.