Celtic Months of the Year: Beth (Birch) December 24 to January 20

In this calendar, each month has fixed dates, and doesn’t follow the waxing and waning cycle Beth (Birch) December 24 to January 20 Luis (Rowan) January 21 to February 17 Nion (Ash) February 18 to March 17 Fearn (Alder) March 18 to April 14 Saille (Willow) April 15 to…

Dust to Dust: An Ash Wednesday

When we receive ashes on our foreheads, we are reminded that we are dust and to dust we shall return. . Being human means being both blessed and broken, and Ash Wednesday is a special invitation to look at our own brokenness in a way that can bring healing, strength, and…

February Full Moon: Hearth and Home

Cougar Full Moon – Winter Savory Moon – Quickening Moon The Mirror Moon February is often dark and gloomy and out of energy. There is collective genetic memory of this being a frightening times when food supplies are outing predators are roaming outside. February full moon is the best time…

Ritual to Teach your Partner to Share

When your partner is giving to others, but he is over optimistic with wrong people. You Will Need: Ingredients got a cake you will make Sugar violets for generosity Cinnamon for Abundance Dried fruits Rose essence for Trust Time Before friends come for tea The Spell Mix the cake batter…

Invoking The West Wind, Zephyrus

West Wind is a Wind of love and fertility. Zephyrus is associated with fertility and love; and interestingly, many old tales depict him as bi-sexual. It makes West Wind more powerful because he can better deal with dualities in situations. Wiccans attribute to West Wind qualities of fertility, persuasiveness…

Invoking The South Wind

The South Wind is Ruled by the God Notus People believe that Notus is to be easily angered. Whenever he flights with his brother Boreas, the outcome would be catastrophic. The winds blown by Notus were described as heavy and moist. Notus is believed to be the god that causes…

A Blue Moon Ritual for Making Seemingly Impossible Have Come True

Certain astrological patterns form powerful love energy. The Blue Moon is a second Full Moon within one month. Despite what you may have heard, it’s not actually that rare of a phenomenon, happening roughly once every two and a half years. In 2018 blue moon happened twice in…

February Full Moon – 16 February – The Cougar Moon Ritual – The Rosemary Moon Ritual Hearth and Home Protection Ritual

February is a Cougar Moon. The last part of winter favors solitary hunters. The spring and renewal have not come yet and there is little or no food left. The greatest power of Cougar lies in grace and solitude. From the Cougar, you can learn about loving yourself snd enjoying…