Jack of Hearts is the good teacher. You need to make people laugh and make jokes. Your power lies in our heart, and your heart is more powerful than your mind. You have powerful emotions, inner nobility, and charisma. This is why you often seek leadership positions. You have a cheerful heart, and the youthful energy will remain with you until the end of your life. The penchant for drama, which this figurative map endows you with, indicates numerous opportunities to show your intelligence and good social skills. You are always ready to be with someone who needs help and you listen carefully to people’s needs and wants. It takes time for you to develop a patient attitude towards slow people. who could not keep up with your quick mind and intuition? In the past, your card was related to the archetype of the sacrifice of Christ, and therefore the manifestation of love through forgiveness or self-criticalness can reveal your spiritual strength and idealism. Since your main card in the deck is figured, you can only achieve personal satisfaction by following the highest principles and goals.
Because you are born under the strong happy influence of Jupiter and Venus in the Earth and Spiritual Spreads, you have a special gift for communicating with people and great management skills. You can use innate charm and charisma to gain popularity at work or within your social group. People appreciate the support and understanding of such warm, caring and a sociable person like you are you. Endowed with innate creative abilities and able to understand beauty, you can develop your talents by putting energy into visual arts, music, drama, and literature. Your desire for a good life can manifest itself in the pursuit of high-quality, luxurious items. The negative aspect of the youthful energy of Jack is that you can never grow up, spending your life in a fun and avoiding responsibility for the fulfillment of your highest destination. However, no matter how you use your amazing potential, you are kind and generous, always making noble gestures to help others.
Your power lies in your true love. Your cosmic task is to love others and to set an example with the way you love. Often you make sacrifices and even give up your personal desires for the sake of high ideas and spirituality. Inborn leadership helps you to achieve great success in any chosen field of activity. You can be very stubborn, endowed with a sense of duty and justice. Jacks of Hearts always keep promises, unless you get under the bad influence and start living beyond your means.
As the savior of the world, Jack of Hearts can do a lot of stupid things: choose an unsuitable partner who is not worthy of your sacrifices; destroy a good relationship with a loved one to prevent somebody’s sufferings; get bogged down in relationships created on the basis of the savior-victim type. And all this entails very unpleasant consequences. You even can enter relations with a person you do not love, but if a person begs you to.
Jack of Hearts experiences several relations that cause suffering and gradually turns into an understanding and sincere partner.
Your sacrifices can be destructive. You can reach full physical and moral exhaustion, being too carried away by dedication, and feel completely drained. Perhaps it is time for you to stop saving all of humanity because you have the right to live as you want or is destined for Fate.
You seem old-fashioned. Sometimes you do not understand in which cases you shall make sacrifices, and in which cases sacrifices are not appropriate. You need to learn to tell people when you need help. With close friends, you tend to love, and not to exercise your patience. When you are pushed too far, you get angry and you have a hard time to control yourself. You can put people down, and you do not even realize it. You make people who are close to you feel small using your keen wit and instead of creating you are destroying. You need to learn to be patient and calm. You can also get angry when you see people’s bad motives or jealousy. You need to learn to let go of people’s weaknesses, keep distance and not to judge, just use your golden heart to shine, not your mind to judge.
Jack of Hearts is Jupiter Card in a Venus line (no displacement card).
Soul Trinity – Jack of Hearts, King of Spades and 8 of Clubs.
Positive: passionate creative production, emotional intelligence, playful sense of humor, charitable service, loyal friendship, self-righteousness, royal prince of love.
Weaknesses: one-sided perspective, stubbornness, and pride, blind spots, anger.
You love to travel and can succeed in a job that requires a lot of travel. You shall be a good actor and dancer.
Thanks to the challenges you face in life, you gradually develop understanding and wisdom. Otherwise, you will stop working on the self-discipline necessary to realize your high potential and spend most of your life in pursuit of pleasure.
Loyal and high minded, you become stubborn if opposed. You do spectacular and dramatic things. You can be a good promoter, cheerleader, head of youth movements, interested in the betterment of the world and living conditions of poor people. You can manage a huge manufacturing enterprise, naturally, understand the law, and be a good lawyer and a journalist. You can succeed on the stage but prefer a more practical career. You must be the center of authority and attracted to large-scale projects and big gestures. Friendly, sociable, endowed with dramatic flair, you radiate self-confidence. Feeling optimism, you show determination, creativity and the gift of eloquence. You are full of youthful energy, entrepreneurial spirit and are well able to communicate with the public. However, if you are negatively adjusted, then you begin to experience anxiety and insecurity. The desire for a sweet life and pursuit of pleasures inevitably lead you to indulge your own weaknesses. Fortunately, this sensitivity is combined with inner strength and indicates that you prefer to lead a noble, fruitful life, helping people and inspiring them.
You are influenced by your birth card more than by the Virgo sign. You will choose the career of a poet, a writer and music performer more likely then you go into science, research or clerical job. You have the urge to reach the people and give them a message from your heart. It might be hard to express what you feel in writing, and you may become hermits at heart. You may have a low self-esteem and need approval from people.
Ambitious and strong-willed, you are extremely sensitive. Often, such extremes make you an idealist, but you don’t want to take practicality and common sense. You are perceptive, prone to an analytical approach, but at the same time emotional and impressionable. As you develop tolerance, remember you have an inclination towards arrogance or impatience. Proud and adventurous, you demonstrate courage and wide-mindedness, but you need to learn how to get rid of the memories of past disappointments. You have a hard time to let go of negative experiences. You are independent and freedom-loving, but you can achieve a lot through collective action or the development of literary abilities.
Charming and refined, you are endowed with warmth, sociability and sensitive emotions. You often hide your inner strength. Possessing an innate tendency to dramatize, you never forget how important it is to look good, and like to bring a bit of glam into your look. Despite artistry and creative abilities, you show a strong business spirit and excellent qualities as an organizer. Because of your desire for beauty and luxury, you can follow the lead of your own vanity and indulge your personal weaknesses. In general, you show kindness, care and great love for home and family. Vivid incentives are required for your intellect, but life goes much better if you are calm and impassive.
You can have a talent as a composer, writer, or actor. You can succeed in sculpture, bronze, marble, silver, and wood. You can be a good architect and make money in large-scale construction projects. Your talents are better suited for any artistic line than for business, although you can make a good attorney or diplomat. Idealistic, but you are very realistic for the business and money and take a chance.
Proud and stubborn, you hide passionate emotions under external warmth and friendliness. Smart and receptive, you often have subtle insight regarding the motives of others. You are honest and open but are capable of revenge if others go too far. Generous and caring, you are ready to share your love for luxury with others, but try to be attentive to your penchant for authoritarianism. (With people who are close to you, you need to be mindful not to overstep with your opinions to their territory.) You are polite, know how to behave in society and show yourself as a true expert in the field of relationships, although home and family are on the list of your priorities. Creative, endowed with youthful enthusiasm, you can achieve excellent results by working in partnership or striving to achieve your ideas on your own.
You are good at being completely centered on what you do. You go all in for love, money or knowledge. You have a better luck if you marry young. You often want to convert the world to our own ideas. You have good leadership skills, good organizers. You have a talent for creating something new, can succeed in writing, acting, and medicine. You also can be very good at sales. The women have masculine minds.
Born on the day of the transition of one sign to another, you possess not only the perseverance and emotional depth of Scorpions, but also the broad thinking of Saggitarius. Friendly and honest, you perfectly combine dedication and pragmatic approach with good communication skills. You are extremely sensitive, endowed with a vulnerable nervous system. You often rely on intuition in everyday life. Since you have a strong will, remember your penchant for authoritarianism and stubbornness. You are a good organizer, well versed in business, and if the project seems interesting, you are ready to work faithfully and hard on its implementation. Thanks to your generosity, you often achieve a high position, relying on the help of others. You can succeed in writing, acting, and music. You are interested in leadership and prominence. Self-witted and self-determined.
Charming by nature and attentive to others, you have insightful intelligence and radiate confidence. Despite your sense of purpose, you are idealistic and sincerely strive to expand the possibilities of everyone. At times you experience a conflict between your spiritual ideals and the reality of life. You love the good life and you want the best for yourself, and therefore you show perseverance in achieving your goals. Although you are smart and have developed intuition, keep in mind your impulsiveness and excessive sensitivity. Thanks to the excellent communication skills, you will greatly benefit from partnership and joint efforts.
You might face situations in life when you meet extremes poverty or wealth. It is often hard to find a balance between service for humanity and the urge for personal success. You can succeed as an attorney, politician, healer, doctor, publisher, writer, and psychologist.