Queen of Cups is a good woman – sensual, kind-hearted, intuitive, artistic, creative, soft and gentle. She is kind, ready to help and to give a wise advice in matters of the heart (she has good intuition). You feel comfortable and safe with her.
Queen of Cups differs from the Empress and other queens in that she hovers in the clouds and is less structured in her manifestations.
Traditionally, the Queen of Cups is the significator of a loving woman or a woman for whom the questioner feels love.
Astrological equivalents: Libra, Houses Seventh and Eleventh, embodies and combines the influence of Venus, the Moon and Neptune, the Moon in Pisces as a symbol of subtlety of feelings, willingness to help others and imaginative thinking
She can also be a man of the “lunar” type – gentle, sincere, affectionate, vulnerable, perhaps overly emotional, living by feeling, trusting his intuition. This is a person who is ready to help and provide an invaluable service to the questioner.
When dealt with the troublesome situations, the Queen of Cups gives a favorable forecast for the future. There are no hidden traps and secret enemies in your environment.
You are wandering in the clouds; following your inner rhythm; escaping from the harsh reality into the subtle world of mysticism, riddles, and creativity.
In essence, this is a state of peace, where you have readiness to meet the unconscious and inner discoveries.
Queen of Cups brings you the gift of clairvoyance and love, and a touch to the mystical side of life.
The Queen of Cups describes an empath with intuitive understanding and almost mediumistic insight.
The intuition is awakening and can serve you as a guide in the world of undercurrents to capture the most secret feelings, desires, fears of another person. You read other people’s moods and minds, reflecting their unconscious needs.
Queen of Cups prefers one-on-one communication, rather than with a group of people, because it is impossible to connect to everyone at the same time.
The Queen of Cups is a sweet, friendly, romantic and gentle person who has bewitching charm. This card can also indicate a very good friend, regardless of gender.
It is traditionally believed that this is the significator of the woman of Libra or Aquarius. She is kind, poetic, soft, sympathetic: “a seductive blonde who is in the grip of dreams.” It also strongly emphasizes honesty, decency and virtue.
The Queen of Cups is usually inclined to exaggerate the dignity of the people around her, idealize, and fantasise. Listening to how she talks about another person, you will be amazed – how does she see all this? She tends to consider people better than they are. She is affectionate and ready to open her heart and the door to anybody who needs warmth and love.
Queen of Cups is a creative woman driven primarily by the need to erase obstacles, expand boundaries, blur the line between what is and what should be from the point of view of a loving heart. She has the wisdom of the heart and is driven by inner light.
Queen of Cups is a path through water cleanses and renews the soul.
Queen of Cups embodies the power of the Moon, the feminine aspect of the element of water, and symbolizes healing, strengthening power, as well as a look inward, immersion in the deep unconscious forces of the soul.
Queen of Cups is a fairy and a wise sorceress who lives inside us; she is a soothsayer who interprets our dreams; and a clairvoyant, who helps to find a way in the fog.
The origins of her wisdom are hidden, and rational thinking is not helping to find the answers. This brings the Queen of Cups closer to the Moon and the Priestess. Queen of Cups is also called the “mother of inner secrets” (the fact that the Cup has a lid hints at understatement, elusiveness, concealment).
The bowl that the Queen holds in her hands is an instrument of meditation and magical vision of the past and the future.
The Queen of Cups is a caring person who supports development in every way – tells fairy tales, takes her friends to theaters, teaches them to draw and play music, takes them on trips.
The Queen of Cups is a muse who intuitively feels what abilities, dreams, desires and talents are contained in another person. Her sympathy make you open up to her.
If the Queen of Pentacles is the earthly form of Mother Nature, then the Queen of Cups is the Soul of the World.
The image of a shell is a symbol of resurrection and is often found as one of the attributes of the Virgin Mary.
The island where the Queen of Cups lives is a symbol of Avallon, a supernatural place that is unattainable in everyday reality.
Her huge goblet is adorned with crayfish claws, hinting that it is not so easy to break out of her witchcraft realm and her hero always retains a tendency to return to her (Cancer symbolizes the reverse movement).
At the same time, the pincers resemble the astrological signs of the White and Black Moons (Selene and Lilith, respectively). The first is responsible for the devotion of the heart, sacrificial love on angelic vibrations, and the second is responsible for compulsions, obsession, and low-frequency impulses.
The Queen of Cups embodies the mystery of spirituality and sensuality at the same time, the readiness to perceive and surrender, seduce and heal.
You have a brilliant intuition, hence the success comes from a planned business.
Success in creative professions – music, poetry, writing, theater, cinema, the leisure and entertainment industry is to come.
Your line of work helps people find peace and restore physical and mental balance – psychology, social assistance, healing, meditation, – all sorts of creative circles, hobby classes, mainly related to creativity or esoteric.
Queen of Cups brings success in working with women; it could be working in a women’s medical or psychological consultation; or in a department of a store that sells specifically women’s goods, and so on.
Creative vacation.
Queen of Cups tells you to “stand your ground” in protecting your business interests via negotiations, compromises and peaceful problem solving.
As a result, disturbing business and professional situations are resolved with “little blood.”
Advice: to develop and use feminine qualities (regardless of your own gender) – develop your intuition, and act with gentleness, trust and compassion.
It is time to surrender to love, sensuality, creativity, poetic foresight. You need to be sincere with your feelings. Go with a flow and do not worry. There are no hidden traps, or unexpected enemies. You can trust your intuition and feel safe at home.
Warning: do not be in the clouds.
You feel safe, comfortable, calm, protected in your environment.
The Queen of Cups can be a little naive, out of this world, and in financial matters she usually needs an assistant.
The Queen of Cups is a card of boundless love, and unconditional acceptance. It describes a loving person who is attentive to another.
Queen of Cups makes a wise choice regarding her personal life, prompted by the heart.
A gentle and attractive woman (as a rule), a very good friend. Loving virtuous wife, wonderful devoted girlfriend, and a good mother.
This is a strong desire to be together, and an irresistible thirst for unity with another person.
Afflictions are related to psychosomatic disorders, the causes of which lie in the field of emotions
Reversed Queen of Cups becomes closer to the mode of hysterics and brawlers. This woman is vicious and spoiled.
Guggenheim puts it mildly: “a lady with an unstable psyche, running from her problems into an illusory world.”
Reversed Queen of Cups has her own reality. A woman who used to gravitate towards harmony, mutual understanding and family hearth, gets broken-hearted and escapes her troubles with help of alcohol, drugs and promiscuity as an artificial search for inspiration and harmony
Sometimes it is calibrated by psychological trainings and books “how to become happy” to the state of permanent psychosis.
Reversed Queen of Cups is a woman seduced and abandoned by a demonic lover who wants to commit suicide by throwing herself into the sea. There she turns into a mermaid, an insidious siren, who, in turn, seduces and lures into disastrous abysses.
An important motive here is self-pity and a vampiric approach to reality: at first she gave more than she should, now she is ready to take much more than she needs.
Reversed Queen of Cups has nothing in common with Queen of Swords, and should not be attributed to qualities such as harshness, composure and denial of emotions. Here, a combination of alienation and stickiness, blurring of boundaries, resentment, and blaming others in all her troubles,
Reversed Queen of Cups speaks about an astral marriage with a more or a daimon.
Reversed Queen of Cups environment is a scandal, a dubious matter. Dishonesty, unreliability. Illusions, wishful thinking. Fictitious feelings, baseless fears.
Reversed Queen of Cups should not be trusted, since her moral principles leave much to be desired.
She has no life of her own, yet she has constant desire to interfere in other people’s affairs using forbidden and vile methods, such as blackmailing with deep dishonesty and begging.
In the highest sense, this is a deep faith that requires the sacrifice of personal feelings.
Venus in a chariot drawn by swans
Cassandra, Sibyl
Etteilla calls Queen of Cups “Official Woman”, although it can also mean a person dear to you in general, communication with which promises joy and good luck.
Reversed Queen of cups means a quick happy acquaintance. And only near the Ace of Swords means close sadness.
In combination with the Two of Cups, to a man promises a quick marriage, and to a girl – jealousy.
In a natural position, the card, along with the Ace of Cups, means that you will meet fate (a woman) during a feast.
Queen of Cups is a good-natured, sweet woman in communication, calm and quiet, a good wife and mother, kind to people until it takes her a lot of strength; dreamy, imaginative, loves poetry, artistic and frivolous; she is easy to impress and sway to her side.
In an reversed position – a woman who should not be trusted. She likes to poke her nose into other people’s business; constantly changes his decisions and is prone to fantasies. In general – a treacherous woman, cunning, corruption.
In combination: with the Two of Cups for a man – marriage; girl – jealousy.
“She is extremely pure and beautiful, infinitely thin; it is hardly possible to see the Truth about it, for it reflects the nature of the observer with great perfection.
A. Crowley
To understand the Queen of Cups, it is necessary to consider the Greek goddess Persephone in her two aspects: as Kore, Maiden, Bride and as the Queen of the Underworld. She is the daughter of her mother and the matriarchal world, just as the Queen of Swords is the daughter of her father and the patriarchal world. The Queen of Cups is passive and intuitive by nature, she is like water – she easily receives the message of others and reflects it. Persephone, as a Virgo, was kidnapped and raped by Hades, ruler of the Underworld. This could not have happened to a more aggressive goddess, such a fate could only befall the most vulnerable and receptive of them. As the story goes, Persephone’s mother, Demeter, grieved so much for her lost daughter that all plants on earth stopped growing and bearing fruit. Zeus intervened and sent Hermes to the Underworld to retrieve Persephone. However, since Persephone ate a pomegranate seed, she could only spend two-thirds of the year on Earth, for the remaining third she had to return to the underworld.
A distinctive feature of Persephone and the Queen of Cups, her representative in the Tarot, from other goddesses is her attitude towards her mother or perception of the world with the help of Intuition and Sensations. This gives her passivity, lack of direction, indecision. Along with this “uncertainty” comes an inability to set boundaries, define structure, make commitments, and follow through on them. She can live in a barren and fantasy world, constantly imagining new possibilities for herself, but never doing anything to turn those possibilities into reality. Thus, she can also be idle, manipulative, deceitful, and materialistic.
The Queen of Cups can grow from the role of Cora, the Maiden, to the Queen of the Underworld, the mature Queen of Cups, through mastering the ability to define her space, to control her own soul, not allowing it to simply reflect others. How can she separate her soul from those around her? The myth gives us a hint: she must be abducted to the Underworld.
The underground world represents the personal and collective unconscious in the psyche, only by working with the deep unconscious is the Queen of Cups able to become herself and stop being a mirror for others. The alliance with Hades indicates to the Queen of Cups the need to develop her Animus, her powerful inner man. As Persephone, the mature Queen of Cups needs to spend at least one-third of her time in her Underworld. Often it becomes a guide to the unconscious for others.
After the nature of the Queen of Cups comes into balance, inner peace and leadership are revealed to her.
The Queen of Cups has the potential for profound knowledge that flows from the depths of the great sea of the unconscious.
“Queen of Mirrors”
“I look at myself as in a mirror… and I drown in it.”
As soon as the sensual component of communication or the thought process crosses a certain threshold, the rational mind ceases to dominate in the process of forming motives and behavior, and is often excluded from the system of behavior control altogether.
Queen, is a chief lady of her state. In her personal palace there are mirrors all around, and therefore everyone who finds himself in her palace sees himself repeatedly reflected from all sides. This Palace is the quietest place in the entire kingdom of Water and is mysteriously silent, without interfering with feeling the depth of the beholder’s soul vessel. Therefore, not only those who seek peace and relaxation from the kaleidoscope of passions of the big world often strive here, but also those who, on the path of finding their own Silence, wish to be reflected in the Silence of their ideal image.