Sibyl – a woman who utters the oracles and prophecies of a god and able to foretell the future.
Astrological equivalents: Aries, Scorpio, Saturn, Pluto, Mars in Capricorn,
Houses 8th, 10th and 12th.
Sun in Aquarius and Uranus as a symbol of independence, individuality and wisdom.
The path connecting Keter “crown” 👑 and Geburah “strength”
The Queen of Swords does not have a good reputation since ancient times. We don’t expect any good news from the “Queen of Swords”
In all traditional interpretations, Queen of Swords 🗡 heralds a bitter experience. You can experience personal loss, sadness, deprivation, or grief. You can be ready for conflict, have exaggerated demands and the inevitability of criticism.
When Queen of Swords appears in the reading, she indicates that the situation is emotionally destructive, and misfortune is just around the corner. (if the King of Swords is dangerous as an intellectual rival, and the Knight is dangerous physically, then the Queen speaks of emotional danger).
You may encounter difficult negotiations and tough confrontation. Don’t expect, results come easy – things are moving slow within the framework of indisputable prohibitions and in strict accordance with the accepted rules.
In a positive sense, the Queen of Swords indicates the importance of logical reasoning, independent actions, and intelligent decisions.
In a direct position, Queen of Spades can mean clarification of a situation, as well as complete control over yourself, reactions and actions, which in practice usually means the success of the conceived business.
In an unfavorable scenario, it indicates someone’s malicious will, ill will, a person who can cause you a great damage.
The Queen of Swords can represent a person who behaves detached and unfriendly, but is ready to be a objective expert.
Queen of Swords brings you emptiness, vacancy, and absence of anything.
The Queen of Swords can brings you both sadness and tears, or coldness and bitterness when there are no tears.
It all depends on a your ability to adapt energy of the Swords in your inner world (as vibrations become familiar, a person easily dresses in ice armor).
Queen of Sword can turn you into a shrewd perfectionist who is difficult to please. Reality hurts you with it’s imperfections. You as well procrastinate because you are also not free from flaws!
Queen of Swords can be skeptical and controlling, therefore, unhappy.
Appearance of Q ♠️ in is a sign of an extraordinary serious nature, the ability to set goals and achieve them.
Q ♠️ excludes usage of emotions and rely the intellect to get the desired outcome. In any case, you knows what you want, and even better – you know what you do not want. Everything unwanted is cut off, everything desirable is obtained by calculation and scheming.
Q ♠️ depicts a business woman (although sometimes the card can also indicate a man), successfully making her career, in a professional sense, being a calm and sane person who carries out what she aspires to.
Queen of Swords acts as a person “with a club” who does not let ber to turn off the intended path.
The Queen of Swords is eloquent, ironic and usually very precise in her thoughts. Q ♠️ “sees right through” – it is more than just the mind. In much the same way, the Queen of Swords discovers inaccuracies in the financial report, inconsistencies in the case of the person under investigation; finds mistakes in the school dictation, fabricated news, photomontages, arrows on stockings, and a thousand other things and phenomena.
Air Water possesses exceptional, hopeless insight. You can’t fool the Queen 👑 .
The Queen of Swords is a good organizer and extremely purposeful person. Queens of Swords 🗡 is a woman who has authority and power and uses them to wisely achieve her own goals. She is courageous, decisive, harsh, and ruthless, because she does not allow emotions to affect her decisions.
Another feature of Queen of Swords: that she is a maximalist, for whom there are no semitones and indulgences.
The Queen of Swords is competent and always focused on high standards. It is impossible to “knock” her out of this orientation – she can put on a mask of indulgence, but in the depths of her soul, “almost good” and “really good” will never be equal for her. She perfectly sees everything, even when she turns a blind eye to the matter.
In a deep sense, the Queen of Swords is very close to Justice. She squeezes the vertically raises the Sword, and her raised hand seems to be holding the scales invisible to an eye. We can see a “woman in grief,” but she is very strong – not depressed, not broken, not mired in self-pity. It is enough to look at the sword in her hand, pointing straight up (even the King does not hold the sword so firmly and straight), at her hand, decorated with a mourning band. She goes towards the wind – accepting her destiny, letting go of things that are forever lost. She is not clinging to anything, including her suffering.
The Queen of Swords is a balance between the nature of the Cup and the potency of the Sword. The card describes the ability to fully penetrate an idea (Water) and then examine it with clear eyes from all sides (Air).
This is a feminine manifestation of the element of air, which poses a difficult task to establish a direct connection between feelings and thinking. The old proverbs says that “Mind is not a companion to the heart” illustrating how difficult is her task.
This most difficult inner alchemy is the creation of harmony between the intellectual and emotional powers.
The Queen of Swords portends a time of self-determination, aha moment and deep realizations in life. Queens of Swords personifies intelligence, openness, independence, imagination and ingenuity. This is an expression of our ability to solve problems with the help of logic, to ascend to ever higher levels of knowledge, without getting lost in the face of an influx of ideas and doubts. In contrast to the previous idea to see Queen of Swords ♠️ as an “evil woman”, we see in her as a feminine principle, freeing herself from addiction thanks to the power of her mind.
Only in some cases we can see a negative of a queen when she acts like a “snow queen”, behind her external attractiveness could lie a cold calculation and an almost irresistible alienation. She is quite capable of “mentally castrating” any men, demanding an account from him, dominating intellectually and diminishing his dignity, like a cruel mentor who blurs a student into powder.
We can find similar feature with a wise willfulness in the Queen of Wands. The Queen of Swords is not even capricious in the sense of spontaneous hobbies . The Queen of Swords is usually proud like a a subtle and fearless researcher and analyst, able to intuitively sense the primary source of life (water) in the mind (air). Contemplating the beauty of the system, Queen of Swords completely surrenders herself to a mystical experience, similar to the contemplation of the Creator through creation. This kind of deep delight and ecstasy is inaccessible to any of the other Queens (and, by the way, even to the King of Swords, because he lacks “water” as a perceiving element). She is led by a half-intellectual, half-essential orgasm of comprehension (“And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”).
The card depicts a woman in royal clothing, in a crown, and holding a sword. Her costume can be also complemented by certain details of knightly armor: a shield, shoulder pads, arm ruffles. The flying bird above the Queen’s head and the sylph that adorns her throne are symbols of the element Air. The sky behind her is covered with cumulus clouds rising from the horizon: it’s cool and windy, and it might start to rain. Clouds are a symbol of losses, tragedies and life storms with which the Queen deals.
The message of this card is clarity of feelings and actions, harmony between inner and outer and freedom as a result of all these qualities. The Queen of Swords faithfully serves her element, like any other of the Queens. She is often credited with suppressing feelings, but in reality they are simply not the most precious thing she has. She doesn’t serve them. Queen of Swords serves knowledge, freedom and truth acting completely independently and disregarding how others feel about it. The Spirit of the Sword always brings splitting and separation. The water is drained, the air moves away. The Queen of Swords has the ability to go away with anything and play her role with full awareness, without identifying with it. The idea that the our is just clothes that we take off at the moment of death in order to put on something new is completely consistent with the spirit of the Queen of Swords.
If the Queen of Cups does not understand the essence of restrictions, and the Queen of Wands does not tolerate restrictions well, then the Queen of Swords is a master of setting restrictions and rules and monitoring their observance. She selects any occupation in which all sorts of protocols, codes, guidelines, registers, inspections, examinations, attestations, audits and reports are relevant.
Here, we can see an affect of Justice. Queen of Swords ♠️ loves methodical work, repetitive and regulated tasks, detail and logic. The absence of the latter causes her genuine irritation and headache, literally a physical protest in her brain (this emotional reaction happens due to the element of water, which all Queens are involved in). Where there is no logic and system, the Queen of Swords creates them, invents and builds them. There is no better specialist in data processing and protection – Queen of Swords literally perceives her duties and tasks as a mother, who cherishes, protects, takes care of, delves into, cares and watches.
She discovers problems and comes up with solutions. The difference Queen of Swords with the King of Swords is that King is at first creates an abstract system, the principle “from scratch”, in a pure mental space, while the for Queen it is difficult to create in an untouched void – she is more likely to deal with ordering and rationalizing already existing disorder called reality (and create a system for fixing it). People who are unable to revel in (water) the pure mental state (air) and do not understand how it can be “living water”. That’s why many have hard time to tolerate the Queen of Swords with her rules and requirements, believing that she is smart and because of that evil. They see in her only a personal desire for domination. However, the Queen of Swords is impersonal, only the dominance of her righteousness is dear to her, and not a sense of personal significance. As long as people follow her rules, everything is in order, even if the Queen is not noticed and welcomed – she is easily dispenses with signs of personal attention. But try, stumble! Her personal attention is immediately guaranteed.
The Queen of Swords gifts you the ability for mental creativity and exploration. You can be a good researcher or engineer, a mathematician, an architect, a professional in the field of medicine or law, you also can have a gift in information technology and systems.
You can be good at journalism, writing, work in the field of education and science. You succeed anywhere wherever a sharp mind and the ability to come up with unique ideas are required.
Ziegler writes that the Queen of Swords is an excellent consultant, therapist and advisor, because she has crystal clear insight into the depth of a situation or a person, while she does not allow herself to get attached emotionally. In doing so, she can earn a genuine trust and retains a real ability to offer help.
There is a scenario where the Queen of Swords most likely manifests unfavorably. If you become expendable for the project, you risk of being “under her knife” of redundancies and layoffs, or being disliked by your bosses, who will put on you excessive demands.
Focus your mind and deal with the situation carefully and critically, freeing yourself from illusions. Maintain distance and keep your line of action firmly.
You can suppress your feelings for the sake of pretending indifference.
The Queen of Swords can be interpreted as an unfavorable indicator – the risk of losing money or home, getting into unfavorable circumstances, going via a difficult situation, or a plight. You need to avoid any slippery deals, dubious schemes – the likelihood of exposure and loss are very high.
In general, advice is to keep your eyes open, not to apply excessive trust in financial matters, because to succeed you have to take control of matters and, if necessary, contact a knowledgeable specialist if you have any doubts.
The Queen of Swords is a symbol of widowhood mourning, divorce or childlessness (she can produce in some cases, but a man does not let her to have a child manipulating her with importance of making money or applying logic it’s not a time.)
She cannot rely on anybody – she can rely only on herself. You can see the hilt of the sword resting on her own throne.
Modern tarology, in comparison with the old, of course, offers a wider range of interpretations.
We live in contemporary world where the position of women is society and relations become very different.
Before the society never left a woman helpless – pretty much she was in
a nice family environment- maybe a bit controlling and abusive, but still with support.
Now because men are becoming more feminine, it is very probable having a unified family even under the situation of a queen of swords.
It is a life when a woman carries for her man, but it’s more loneliness together, where a man is cold and she needs to win to even have an intercourse with him.
Queen of Swords helps a man to overcome addictions and letting go of them.
She never keeps any restraining or suppressive relationships.
Queen of Swords i. most cases denies emotions and follows what is right and healthy for the relations. It may attract cold partners or relations in general where emotions are very much under control.
In case of quarrels, disagreements, divorces, the Queen of Swords usually reports that there is no turning back. She knows that if a person betrayed once, it’s his nature. Well, she can keep relations knowing true essence of her man. She knows that they are together just because she is protecting her throne.
Queen of Swords is an indicator of a tendency towards loneliness. (“loneliness together” is very likely). Queen of Swords is independent and very masculine in her mind.
Queen of Swords is never disappointed in people or men in general – Queen of Swords sees them too clearly that she can’t be disenchanted. In fact, she expects it to happen.
Queen of Swords is picky and impartial and can see through any masks. She always keeps an impersonal position in relations , that can make her “uncomfortable” for close relationships.
You cannot find even a slight haze, a bit of co-dependence, or disillusions – here is just a clear mind, loyalty, righteousness and brutal honesty.
Queen of Swords offers a cold of pure discernment, a firm stand, a tendency to control her life and fearlessness in her speech and deeds.
She will see with absolute accuracy where a man (a hero) miscalculates on the way to the target.
If the hero has the courage to survive the discovery, but he either miscalculated somewhere, or he does not see where to go, the Queen of Swords may turn out to be a gift of fate.
From time immemorial, the Queen of Swords is considered a card indicating the betrayal of a friend, or an unfaithful and insidious confidant-rival.
Falling out to a man in a love situation, the Queen of Swords usually indicates he feels indifference and coldness in relations. He does not feel love. It could also describe very attractive, but completely inaccessible woman on the love front. Depending on a personality of a man, Queen of Swords can be a gift or a curse at the same time. To get ready this price, a man needs to be strong and very spiritual. Or he will go over suffering and confusion. Inner honesty of Queen of Swords can be handy.
She will not simulate an orgasm if there was none. In fact, she will be very passionate and even follow your orgasm. She will not be silent if she does not like something. If she disagrees with something, she will not be coerced or be intimidated. The Queen of Swords is ready to continue her journey alone if something does not suit you. She will easily let you go.
Queen of Spades will rely solemnly on herself. She is interested in many things, but most of all she values her independence.
The spaciousness in the relationship inspires Queen of Swords much more than the “sticking” with drama-love series.
A self-reliant and independent partner keeps her eye-catching appeal and stimulates her to radiate the northern charm of the Polar star.
She’s afraid to melt from too vivid manifestation of feelings. She wants to keep her love preserved to keep love ❤️ in a stable frozen state. She feels that she can die from love dissolving herself. Queen of Swords keeps distance to watch and learn.
She also likes freedom to create and have time to do whatever she wants.
She feels the urge to leave a trace after her and steps to the goal seem to be more important than relations which she feels can end up because destiny is a bitch. Queen of Swords does not know what compromises are and what for and she does not understand when people say they “sacrificed” marriage or anything – because she never feels a victim of circumstances. She just uses the situation that is immediately available.
If she does not have personal relations with a right person, she has passionate friendship with intellectually stimulating or just interesting people, like publishers, scientific advisors, investigators and researches like herself. At least, she gets her intellectual satisfaction.
Queen of Swords needs a trust to get into intimate relations. Once in relations, she is never bored. Her relation strives for freedom and justice, independence and truth. She acts inaccessible simply because she needs more than a man of interest can offer. She won’t miss an opportunity and act on it immediately.
Queen of Swords clearly understands what is in her power and what should be abandoned. She will appreciate the platonic relationship and can refrain from meeting others if she finds a soul connection. She needs a man to inspire her for the sake of self-realization where their ideas are aligned together, not just a love project that is always temporary.
Watch out for functioning of the lungs, catching colds, having asthma attacks, and also beware of allergies.
The culprit can be cold air, dampness, or mold. In general, this is a universal significator of hypothermia (and especially as a result of sitting on something cold).
May indicate surgery.
Traditionally considered a card of infertility.
Most often, the reversed Queen of Swords shows the same purposeful personality as the direct one, but only she acts against the questioner.
Sometimes this is a person whose love, for one reason has turned into love-hate relations. For example, a man who is dating a Queen of Swords (personality) creates codependent relations with her and feels uncomfortable with her advice and at the same time when he cannot let go. The life circumstances changed dramatically and there is not financially enough resources. He starts to exhaust Queen of Swords. Now she cannot act out of excess, but persecuted by a lack what is vital. He applies his difficult character, narrow thinking, destructive behavior of an embittered outsider. In this case, because the energy of Queen of Swords is afflicted, whatever she does is not bringing positive outcome even now she really works hard.
The loses occurs because the desire to control everything turns into lost of control of situation and even more loses.
The Reversed Queen of Swords becomes absent-minded, prejudiced, exhausted, her mind is misdirected (which can look like pretense, treachery or revenge).
She will not do anything bad but energy of distraction is created.
Pretty much, Queen of Swords is tricked (on her own or because of her partner) into a trap.
So ambitions are not satisfied, disappointments hurt, ideals overthrown, abilities unclaimed or shattered.
When the goal is corrupt, your action go astray because your ideas are wrong. You waste your energy and resources. You pushed into a situation of applying unjustified risk.
the cunning, deceit, and malice.
This bad circumstances and wrong actions lead to negative thinking and its destructive influence, as well as evil words that can “kill”.
Hypocrisy, bigotry, double standards.
Star and Temperance bring positive vibes into personality of Queen of Swords making her more open to express her feminine qualities
With an Reversed Five of Cups, a close relative can lose her husband and become snake again.
With the Magician – the husband will die before the wife
With the Priestess – the wife will die before the husband.
With the Reversed Page of Pentacles – the husband is a wasteful man.
With the Three of Cups – harm from a ill-wisher
With an Reversed Nine of Wands – there is nothing to be afraid of