Relationship with a Psychopath is a Great Adventure. How we can Recognize a Liar and a Manipulator

To understand a psychopath, we need to forget about all the basic emotional instincts. Remember: psychopaths feed on our forgiveness and our fears. They drink the juices of our patients. They manipulate our sympathy and exploit our compassion.

Since time immemorial, psychopaths have been waging a psychological war with the rest of humanity. They professionally humiliate and torture us, while we have no clue at all, and even though all of mentioned-above, psychopath do not last long to triumph.

So say goodbye to the sociopath, you say goodbye to imaginary friends, imaginary love triangles, unintelligible letters with double meaning, and as a result, we eliminate any doubts about ourselves. Say goodbye to the sociopath, and you will stop suppress the spontaneous manifestations of your true self for fear of losing an “ideal” friendship. You will no longer be a toy in sociopath’s mental games. You are free.

Here is the beginning of our adventure and discovery.

Relation with a sociopath is a true and unique adventure.

To be in a relationship with a psychopath is a great adventure. It will open your eyes to human nature, the shortcomings of our society and – what is perhaps most important – your own soul. This path goes on through the valley of darkness that leads you to loneliness and seclusion. You will reveal your fears and leave with a feeling of gaping emptiness. But in the end, a sociopath will heal you. You will gain power, which you never dreamed about. You will understand who you really are. And in the end, you will be grateful that everything happened just like this.

Any relations with sociopaths opens you a discovery that is very personal, but at the same time, this journey obeys universal laws. Regardless of the fact that how you met sociopath; it could be a fast-moving romance, an intriguer at work, an abuser in the family, the love of your entire life – relationships with a psychopath always evolve along the same lines. You are dumbfounded, and your head is spinning. It seems to you that you are lost and do not understand what is going on. The thing is that toxic people never change.

So what is a psychopath,  a narcissist, a sociopath? They are manipulators, completely deprived of the ability to sympathize. They deliberately hurt others – and at the same time they do not feel any guilt and do not consider themselves responsible. There is some difference between these three types, but the main thing is that they develop relations with other people according to an absolutely predictable cycle: “idealize and devalue.”

You need a person the very first time and a person instantly knows how to impress yourself with beautiful idealization and flattery. Everything happens very quickly. The psychopath tells you how much you two have in common and how perfectly you fit together. A psychopath like a chameleon mimics your hopes, dreams and fears to immediately chain you with trust and adoration. Psychopath constantly initiates communication. He or she seems to be mesmerized by every facet of your personality. If you have a Facebook page, the psychopath will fill it with compliments, songs, poems and “your little intimate jokes.”

In just a few weeks, he or she captures your entire life with an enviable appetite devouring your soul and body. As a result, you will become a new source of endless adoration and praise for the psychopath. A psychopath trains you to make you his ideal partner.

The idealization chapter in a relationship with a psychopath is not like anything you experienced before. You just get knocked down, and you swim away on the waves of passionate fantasies with a man who excites you on all levels simultaneously: emotionally, mentally and sexually. After awakening, the first thoughts are about him. You receive his cheerful, witty messages as soon as your day begins. You start dreaming about your future together.

Psychopaths never fully experience the feelings that they demonstrate. They reflect the emotions of love pretending that they experience the high intensity of passion just like good actors of romantic comedies. Psychopaths do not understand the feelings that imitate.

A psychopath is obsessed with your appearance. No one has praised your clothes, hair, skin, your photos. At first, these words seem to be complimented. Psychopath says that you are incredibly beautiful.

You begin to respond with the same compliments. You do not want him to feel unworthy, and try to convince him that he is extremely attractive. This is what psychopath counts. He showered you with praise, he waits in response to the same. He starts sending you a lot of his photos. Your conversations turn into an endless exchange of compliments and approval.

The psychopath puts you on a pedestal – much higher than all other people in his life. The psychopath uses your innate desire to make others happy and convinces you that you give him special bliss. The psychopath will call you “ideal perfection.”

The psychopath chose you not because you are stupid. On the contrary, you were chosen for your good qualities. The ideal victim is an easily forgiving idealist and a generous romantic.

When a psychopath appears in your life and mirrors your most cherished dreams, you invest in your heart and soul. You invest all your assets – emotional, financial and physical. You quickly open a psychopath your soul – after all, he made you believe that you found “your man.” This immediately creates an invisible chain of trust and intimacy between you.

A sociopath will tell you a fairy tale how you both have so much in common and how similar you both look at the world; that you both have a similar sense of humor; that you are both so good at sympathizing and constantly helping friends and family; that you are ideally suited to each other.

They steal the characteristics of their ideal partner and turn into it into a new improved version, choosing only cheerful and positive, but without the burdensome emotions attached to it. But this is just a theater.

Normal people are different from each other. That’s why it’s interesting to live. But this principle does not apply to psychopaths because they do not have a personality. They do not have the feeling. They have no life experience that would shape their needs, vulnerabilities, and fantasies. So the psychopath steals yours. Like a chameleon, a psychopath mimics you, reproducing all parts of your personality to become your ideal twin.

A psychopath parasitizes on other people. He plays with love and you may find that all his ex-partners are “madly in love” with him or just plain crazy. He may text every minute or just simply disappear in hopes you ware sitting and staring at your phone. Furthermore, psychopath surrounds himself (or herself) with former lovers and admirers, potential partners and people in general who could provide him additional attention. This list later will include people whom the psychopath previously banned in conversations with you, declaring that you excel them in everything. He wants to create an impression that he is very popular and confuse you.

A psychopath turns the matter around to blame other people – claiming in his stories that his former lovers or co-workers are “too emotional” or simply “crazy.” You just shall never comment because later he will bale you too on your reaction to his stories. You should better agree and never discuss the matter further.

A psychopath is not capable to put himself in anybody’s place. You soon know that it makes no sense to talk about your feelings because the answer will be only his irritation or silence.His need for adoration is insatiable. The soul of a psychopath is a black hole that nothing or nobody can fill in.

“Do as I say, and not as I do.”

The psychopath talks to you about high ethical values and his drive for fidelity, respect, and adoration.  You must always behave perfectly, otherwise, you will immediately be branded as an “unstable person”.

A psychopath will always find an excuse for his actions – even you do not need to hear his excuses. Psychopath generates false answers faster than you ask questions. Psychopath constantly blames others – yet he is never guilty.  Even if he is caught on the hot, he will not show either confusion or repentance and say that he did it for educational purposes.

A psychopath will flirt with his exes (on social networks make the whole world to see) and then accuses other exes of jealousy. A psychopath may deliberately ignore you for several days, – so do not try to get in touch, or he will blame you for molestation. The psychopath deliberately evokes a certain reaction in people in order to gain sympathy from other victims who stand in his turn – shows what “hysterical people” he has to deal with.

The psychopath uses people to pump out money, resources, and attention, but his admirers do not notice it because the psychopath goggles their eyes with strategic flattery. Such superficial friendship among psychopaths is much more durable than close relationships.

Normal people argue to solve a problem. But psychopaths make it clear that talking to him in a negative way will jeopardize your relationship – whatever is – love or friendship. Especially you should never show concerns about his or her behavior. Any attempts on your part to establish communication end in the boycott.

He will love you, say nice words and admire you in person, but behind your back, he will criticize you and ridicule you – patronize you, ostensibly in jest.  The main method of dealing with you is mockery and teasing. A psychopath subtly will try to reduce your mental abilities and other talents. He will try to create a situation where you look “excessive sensitive” or he will lie how you acted if there is no indication of your faults in person.

A psychopath continues to shower you with signs of attention and admiration, and time to time he creates drama, pretending that you are the only who is interested in continuing the passionate relationship. God forbid if you are getting angry or upset because he will blame you that you created co-dependent relations, and is a cause for another scandal. A psychopath deliberately ignores with the only one goal to undermine your self-esteem and teach you about emotional intelligence.