Internal Impulse: overcoming the crisis, material gain.
Goal: harmony and abundance (promised land).
Light: charity, brotherly love, patronage.
Shadow: extravagance (golden goose from a fairy tale).
Quality: happiness and prosperity (paradise and heavenly conditions).
The card shows 6 pentacles arranged in a hexagon shape, and we can see a luminous circle in the center. The hexagon and six-pointed star symbolize interpenetration and unbreakable union.
Six circles (disks) are created by six planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The planets are illuminated by the Sun, located in the middle of the card.
The six of disks indicates a harmonious combination of planetary energies.
The internal glow happens thanks to the Sun (that is the form of a cross and a rose) illuminates the aura and transforms the spirit. This state of being is achieved through meditation and contemplation directed inwards and leading to the higher Self.
From this point of view, the Six of Diamonds is a card of our inner sun, rising in the inner East in the rose-gold dawn of awakening.
ENERGETICALLY the card indicates the harmony of a soul and a body (Moon in Taurus).
After the catastrophe of the Five, symbolizing the destruction of order, the Six, thanks to its optimistic outlook on life, shines a light in the very center of the heart.
This is a card of abundance and wealth, reflecting your desire for material stability and security.
6 of Diamonds speaks of the awareness that only balanced relationships between opposite poles – (war and peace – Mars-Venus; and, abundance and
deprivation Mercury-Jupiter, etc.) can lead to spiritual development.
As soon as we underestimate or try to suppress this principle in ourselves, the entire structure loses balance and the natural process of growth slows down.
PROFESSIONALLY, six of diamonds, with its successful arrangement of stars, balances a harmonious combination of opposites.
Everything points to a successful completion of things: old problems are resolved and any undertakings have excellent prospects.
6 of Pentacles means a favorable period for development and growth, accompanied by the fulfillment of all your desires.
The card may indicate the beginning of a new long-term relationship with further positive development, or strengthening of existing relations.
Astrology: Moon in Taurus, Venus in the II House. Second decade of Taurus from May 1 to May 9.
Astrological equivalents: Taurus, Virgo, Mercury,
Jupiter in Pisces as a willingness to help,
Jupiter in Leo as generosity, Jupiter in Aquarius as tolerance.
Tree of Life: Tiphareth (middle) in the world of earth – material happiness.
I-Jing: 42 I – “Increase”; 55 Feng – “Abundance, prosperity.”
Analogies: the legendary wealth of King Solomon; seven years of prosperity for Egypt (Pharaoh’s prophecy about seven lean and seven fat cows –
Genesis 41.1-36).
Image: sweet pie.
Key words: generosity, understanding, acceptance.
Occult meaning of the card – SUCCESS, ABUNDANCE
6 of Pentacles brings you the gifts of fate (and just gifts), rewards, restored well-being, solving previous problems, getting what you want, fulfilled hopes, material gain. “You will be rewarded,” says 6 of Pentacles.
A suit of Pentacles always brings health and money. Old problems will be resolved, and new beginnings have good prospects.
6 of Pentacles always provides you a timely assistance
6 of Pentacles is an indicator of the “now”, the present moment. This is not the future, not the past, this is all relevant right now, “on a living thread.”
All sixes have their own special relationship with time, like two triangles of an hourglass.
The Six of Cups is a clear sign of the past.
The Six of Swords is related to the secrets of the past and the uncertainty of the future, again we are talking about the time factor.
And the Six of Pentacles describes the magical moment of the present.
Perhaps this idea is based on the symbolism of a six-rayed star, reflecting the interpenetration of opposite principles and the Hermetic principle “as above, so below” – all Sixes teach to see things in their integrity, interconnectedness and systemic continuity, that is, “through time” too.
The traditional meaning is a gift, getting what you want. Happiness and prosperity.
Personal state
Generosity and kindness of heart, the ability to give and take. Staying at peace with yourself.
Sixes usually describe a harmonious state, overcoming internal contradictions. You care for others, perform praiseworthy actions, manage resources wisely, and use your wealth to help those in need. Tolerance and understanding, responsiveness and nobility, support and sympathy are your main motives.
On a deeper level
Remember that only a balanced relationship between the two poles and harmony between “taking” and “giving” can lead to development.
The second decade of Taurus symbolizes the success achieved as a result of the right attitude towards matter. This is the most creative decade of Taurus, appreciating beauty and understanding art and your feelings: 6 of pentacles gives you the protection of the Moon, which rules emotions. This decade is characterized by sensuality, tenderness, and careful attitude towards what has already been created. This decade imitates nature and has its naturalness and ability to create comfort.
Internal balance of feelings and a correct assessment of the situation – weighing all the pros and cons – helping you achieve success in all his undertakings.
Professional situation
An excellent card if you are looking for a job – it says that everything will be fine, you will be able to get a successful job. Getting a higher position.
Recognition of merit. Fruitful team work, business partnership. A situation of division of labor: everyone gives what they can and does what they can. Productive interaction. Favorable business development. Good working conditions and decent salary.
Work in the budgetary, social sphere. Helping people in unfavorable circumstances.
In an organization, it can talk about a change in power, roles, positions, and about seeking approval from new key figures.
Requests for promotion and salary increases also pass through this card.
Interestingly, the 6 of Pentacles is considered to be associated with fashion and clothing, taste and elegance, and can be an indication of the work as a fashion designer.
Good health and speedy recovery
Reversed card
Misallocation of funds, injustice, abuse, and greed.
This is a card is of a financial pyramids, multilevel marketing, and all sorts of get rich quick schemes.
Misappropriation of money, unearned income. An illusory gain that cannot be effectively applied. Here you can feel the motif of a “bottomless barrel” – there are not enough investments, money evaporates, help and salaries are not enough.
Poor health, the possibility of illness (the body has lost balance; either you give more than you receive, without having time to recover, or, on the contrary.
This is a clear indication of the need to monitor your health more closely. If Temperance card is also nearby, it might be an addition to alcohol or drugs.
In ancient interpreters a meaning of 6 of Pentacles are illusions and forgery.
Combination with other cards
With the Empress – abundance, comfort
With World – wealth, prosperity
With the Seven of Wands – material reward, prosperity
With the Ten of Wands – difficulties making ends meet