Astrological correspondences: Cancer, Moon, Venus in water signs and water houses, in the 1st or 5th house
All Pages are “servants” and heralds of their suit, foreshadowing some events related to it.
The Page of Cups serves the “realm” of emotions, relationships and feelings and portends some events or chances in this area. As a rule, these are pleasant experiences – fresh feelings, new acquaintances. It can be something new in an existing relationship – a gift, a declaration of love, a marriage proposal or news of pregnancy … other cards of the alignment can give a hint.
Like the Knight of Cups, the Page of Cups brings good news, a tempting invitation, says a sincere compliment, or someone showing his affection, a person who will show us open friendliness and participation.
The ancient meaning of this Page of Cups is help, a service, a person who will help, will serve an important role in your affairs just from the goodness of his or her heart.
The Page of Cups is a young man or woman, someone perceived as a son or daughter, a younger brother or sister.
The Page of Cups is someone who shows a sincere disposition towards us or tries to charm us. In any case, his appearance in the layout is a good sign. Page of cup usually reports that we have a “support group”, people who readily empathize with what is happening to us and welcome our undertakings.
Sometimes the Page of Cups indicates longing for someone or a strong desire to be together. One of the ancient meanings of the card: “sweet dreams”, a surge for love feelings, a promising beginning of a romance, someone’s declaration of love.
Page of Cups can indicate the fulfillment of a cherished desire, receiving what your “soul asks”, something long-awaited and desired.
All Pages can designate children, and in the case of the Page of Cups, the image of a “little fish in a bowl” transparently hints at pregnancy and the appearance of a newborn. Sometimes “pregnancy” is symbolic – the card reflects a certain creative idea, an idea that the questioner dreams of realizing.
The feeling of a poetic languor and charm floating in your heart.
The Page of Cups trusts the intuition. He is a friendly, carefree and eminently charming personality. The Page of Cups is characterized by tenderness, grace and softness. He is a comrade playful, charming and seductive.
In the Venetian Tarot, it is Casanova himself. Without a mask. Real. His instinctive nature is characterized by purity, kindness and openness. This is a tender heart, ready to enjoy life and please others without a second thought. The Page of Cups wants to trust and pour out his soul to serve; he is a good listener and confidant.
The Page of Cups has an exceptional ability to provide moral and spiritual support by his mere presence, due to his kindness, receptivity and ability to tune in to another.
On Deeper Level
The archetype of the Page of Cups is a muse, an inspiring dreamer.
A curious fish peeping out of the goblet symbolizes the images of the subconscious, “peeping” from there into the consciousness (and trying to survive there).
The Page of Cups has the richest inner world, and he likes to dive into its depths for the next “catch”. For him, dreams are more real and more valuable than almighty reality.
Another archetype of the Page of Cups is the dreamy inner child. Page of Cups is the only Page who is more concerned with the inner world than with the outer one.
Page of Cups dreams of that kingdom of the Grail, of eternal ideal love. Therefore, the Page of Cups draws, plays music, reads, writes poetry and composes songs about love – this is how his soul lives, – while the Page of Swords learns to monitor others and “split” riddles, the Page of Wands – to impress and achieve success, and the Page of Pentacles – to master practical skills and do something “real and useful”.
Like other Figures of Water, the heart of the Page of Cups is selflessly given to something unattainable. According to tradition, the Page of Cup personifies an innocent child, a virgin princess, open to everyone and inaccessible to anyone.
At the level of consciousness, the Page of Cups corresponds to the ability to be a medium and symbolizes the gift of foresight. One of the archetypes of the Page of Cups is Eros, a divine child with a bow and arrow, capable of producing radical changes in the human heart, inflicting a “wound” on it and making it receptive to what previously left cold. In this sense, the Page of Cups is the messenger of the Wounded King, the King of Cups, the senior Figure of the “water” suit.
The Page of Cups is a trustworthy worker, a useful person, eager to offer his services and make efforts to achieve a specific goal. His old attestation: “hard-working soul.” It is only important that the deed be in tune with this soul. Then he experiences positively for everything, for every aspect, delves into and strives to improve.
Page of Cups is a card of willingness to cooperate. In general, Page of Cups patronizes rather non-commercial projects, but does not exclude business success, especially when confirmed by other alignment cards.
The Page of Cups represents all pursuits that require imagination and an aesthetic approach. Page of Cups can be an excellent florist, draftsman, event music specialist, wardrobe purchase consultant. Intuition, receptivity, sensitivity and taste help him to properly tune in to the customer.
Artistic creativity, humanities, various arts, including the art of divination, psychological counseling. The Page of Cups can decorate a stage or various events.
One of the ancient meanings of the card: “child love”
Page of Cup tends to take emotional risks, not always even realizing it and diving into the maelstrom of emotions with his head, and this is not the best base for building a strong relationship.
At the same time, the Page of Cups corresponds to a demonstration of feelings (a fish sticks out of a goblet, unable to remain hidden in it), a sincere love impulse, the beginning of a romance. It can be thoughtless flirting without thinking about the future, or a prologue to something serious – other cards can give a hint.
Page of Cups gets sick from unrequited, rejected or unfulfilled love, ranging from heart failure to stagnant processes.
The reversed Page of Cups resembles a small soap bubble. It is similar to the vanishing experience that we experience when we impulsively make an unnecessary purchase. This card may indicate that emotions are not deep, that everything is very unsteady, vague and will soon change.
Traditionally: promiscuity in love, sliding down an inclined plane. Deception, swindle, falsehood and flattery, treason, heartache. Other traditional meanings: loss of innocence, loss of trust, attraction to “the wrong person”, a feminine young man, easily influenced by others and at risk of being used.
One of the ancient meanings of Page of Cups are addictions that threaten to destroy a person’s life, pathological inclinations, very strong passions and temptations.
The card may indicate self-doubt, “buried talents” (like the reversed Page of Pentacles), and fear of love.
The reversed Page of Cups indicates some kind of “emotional hole” because futile attempts to “do everything as in dreams” are unsuccessful.
With the Two of Cups – marriage (from an old interpreter)
After the Page of Wands – a dangerous rival in love
Reversed with Nine of Cups – cooling, disappointment