Like all Pages, the Page of Pentacles carries important news, and in accordance with the practical suit of the Earth, the news are likely to relate to study, work and income.
Page of Pentacles is favorable for solving everyday practical life issues. Overdue purchases, the beginning of classes in the gym, the conclusion of contracts … A rational and pragmatic approach to business is associated with Page of Pentacles. It is important not put off doing things until tomorrow what you can be done today.
Page of Pentacles brings good news about improvements in your financial situation and you will receive news about an offer and the opportunity.
Sometimes advisory, financial and other practical support comes from this card, but more often it is an opportunity to succeed on your own, mastering new occupation and finding application for your abilities.
In the scenario, this is an opportunity to acquire knowledge, successful study.
“I’m not a magician yet, I’m just learning.” Practicality of the type “better a tit in the hands than a crane in the clouds.”
The Page of Pentacles represents a practical friend, a reliable colleague. Historically,
the image of the Page of Pentacles is the image of a young man who is just “getting on his feet.” He is responsible, dexterous and hardworking, a diligent worker, a diligent student.
Usually the Page of Pentacles is “very pleased with itself.” The card can represent a person who has realized his abilities and is looking for a chance to apply them in order to come to prosperity over time.
The occasional minus of the Page of Pentacles is the complete preoccupation of his mind with practical considerations. Make, get, buy, eat, fix, cook, meet, hand over, accept … and so on non-stop.
At heart, the Page of Pentacles is an epicurean and hedonist, and also a collector. He usually likes to create a thoughtful collection of some things, each of which is qualitatively different from the rest and at the same time signifies something and in itself serves as an achievement.
If we look closely at the image of Page of Diamonds, we will see that the Page does not squeeze the Pentacle at all – it hovers between his palms, holding in the air as if by magic. The page of Pentacles slowly walks with this jewel around his kingdom, not looking around, insensitive to what is happening around him. His state is full concentration. His main achievement is the knowledge of the rules of action. It is the Page of Pentacles that masters the ability to break boards and bricks with one touch and weave Brussels lace, perform simultaneous translation and dance jive. He operates in the material world, being”here and now”.
Crowley writes of “the birth of the highest, purest light in the deepest and darkest of all elements.” The Page of Pentacles is the only one who does not hold the symbol of his suit in his hands. The pentacle hovers above his palms, it is he who “holds” and leads.
For the Page of Pentacles, a stable income and career advancement are very important. He does not pursue luxury, impressions, fame. Instead, he hones his skills without noise and dust, learns from his elders; he reads, observes and does not demand a salary increase – he knows for sure that sooner or later his finest hour will come. Then one day, Page of Diamonds believes he does something that amazes everyone and he jumps over the heads of colleagues on the career ladder.
He is like a promising young athlete, whom no one, of course, immediately sends to the Olympic Games, but they begin to think about it.
The Page of Pentacles personifies the desire to learn and receive new ideas, diligence, respect for knowledge. This card brings deep concentration and diligence in study, and as a result, good progress. The Page of Swords routinely rides on the ability to grab on the fly, but the Page of Pentacles is usually really talented (in this case, the Coin that he clutches in his hand symbolizes the Talent given from above).
The Page of Pentacles seeks to be aware of all events. He reacts sharply to new ideas, techniques and approaches. When dealt with the situation, the Page of Pentacles makes it clear that, acting by the old methods, we are unlikely to succeed and achieve our goals. Only with the help of new people and new ideas will it be possible to come to the realization of the plan.
Set realistic goals. Be as pragmatic and rational as possible. Collect your energy together and stay focused.
getting stuck in the role of an apprentice or being obsessed with one thing, ceasing to notice the world around.
Opportunity to “get back on your feet” financially. First earnings, initial profit. In general, Page of Pentacles is a favorable card for the financial success. Negotiations and the conclusion of new contacts, registration of transactions.
The business you start may well turn out to be profitable and give the expected results in the near future.
The Page of Pentacles is able to fully concentrate on another person, perceiving him as a precious asset.
The Page of Pentacles loves to cook and can make great food. The way to the heart lies through the stomach. With the Page of Pentacles it’s very cool within four walls. This is his kingdom. At the same time – yes, he is able to “kill” another refined and romantic nature in the midst of a prelude with a businesslike remarks.
Page of Pentacles will have enough practical skills in sex.
The Page of Pentacles is smart, observant, practical and savvy. It’s just that all his powers of observation, intelligence and ingenuity suddenly run into the chosen one, and this brain of a scientist and the hands of a master are entirely devoted to this “object of reality”. The “object”, as a rule, is not able to answer the Page of Pentacles … not even with love, but with the same supernatural, total concentration. As a result, he has a feeling of being studied and mastered along, across and diagonally, and deep down to the very bones, despite the fact that the Page of Pentacles itself remains rather mysterious.
May indicate pregnancy (one of the cards of motherhood is present).
The inverted Page of Pentacles symbolizes a vain person, hovering in the clouds, wasteful, sometimes unwilling to reckon with obvious facts. By contacting him, the questioner risks material losses. This is a hack, negligent in the performance of his duties and little able to learn from mistakes.
The desire to embrace the immensity, the inability to keep in mind one main goal. Something went wrong during the development of the process. Therefore, the process is either irreversibly broken, or the results you get are in no way up to expectations.
Sometimes an reversed Page of Pentacles brings bad news – plans are canceled, projects are curtailed, opportunities do not reach actualization.
Other meanings of the card are missed chances and “learning” from your mistakes.
The traditional meaning of the reversed Page of Pentacles is generosity, extravagance, waste (especially with the Wheel of Fortune),, immorality, craving for a luxurious life at someone else’s expense. Lost chance to make money.
With the Hanged Man – a difficult apprenticeship
With the Tower – the threat of miscarriage
With the Five of Pentacles – the wife’s infidelity, the presence of a young seducer
With the Ten of Pentacles – excellent career prospects