The Tarot Card “The Devil”: Unveiling the Shadows of Desires and Materialism

In the simplest sense, the Devil card indicates that you are not very much in control of the situation at hand and may attract a lot of trouble upon yourself.

The Devil

The Devil suggests that somewhere, somehow, you have embarked on a path of self-destruction and degradation. It warns you that by indulging in your weaknesses, you are crossing acceptable boundaries. Or that there is an abuse of power (any kind, including erotic), which is also an indulgence in one’s weakness. Or there is a significant submission to someone or dependence on something, and it will not lead to anything good. The Devil points to an overwhelming situation where some personality or weakness gains too much power over us, depriving us of freedom and normal self-expression. This could simply be a negative external influence. Ultimately, we begin to do exactly what we shouldn’t. This is the Devil’s main trick – to make you behave in a way directly opposite to what is beneficial to you.

Of all the Tarot Arcana, the Devil is considered the most difficult to understand because it is unique to each person. Waite believed that the main manifestation of the Devil is fear, while other authors emphasized the arousal of base instincts, and still others believe it represents a dark past from which a person is somehow dependent. The common aspects for all may include a situation of dependence on someone or something, weak willpower, shameful failure of good intentions, and actions taken against one’s own beliefs. The dark side of all things, whatever they may be, will be revealed by other cards.

The Devil

The Devil is directly related to deviation from the path.

Tarot is a wise and insightful Friend. When the Devil appears in a spread, this perceptive friend warns that the current state of mind leads to disorder, directing one’s life in the wrong direction. There is a huge temptation to ignore the rules, to deviate from the true path under the influence of temptation, fear, or other pressures. Mainly, it’s about cutting off old direct routes, not practicing patience and hard work, and indulging in whims.

The Devil deviates from Temperance, and the affair ends with the Tower.

In one way or another, Devil shows that we are playing with fire.

Most often, the Devil signifies a feverish obsession with something (a strong passion that blatantly harms business obligations, loss of conscience due to passion, temptation of dishonest gains, and similar things). Generally, the appearance of the Devil itself can be seen as urgent advice to return to the true path and a warning that persisting in what this card symbolizes will result in severe consequences. Sometimes, it’s already impossible to turn back (like in the case of heroin addiction). As long as there’s still a choice – one should run away without looking back.

Personal state – “Obsession with a minor demon.”
Sometimes, other cards can shed light on different levels of intensity. A person is caught up in some obsessive idea, fear, or strong emotion that’s harmful. It’s like facing one’s own dark side, the aspects of ourselves we’d rather ignore or don’t know how to control.

The Devil suggests someone might be fixated on evil plans – seeking revenge, stealing, seducing, or causing harm without considering the consequences. It’s a sign of inner weakness and indulgence, being overly dependent on desires and impulses. In the worst case, it signifies falling into self-destructive patterns, like addiction, and making empty promises to change. It’s doubtful to trust someone described by the Devil. They may be controlled by their cravings and comfort, showing off or just trying to fit in.

On a Deeper Level

The Devil

Just as Lilith illuminates the dark or weak side of each Zodiac sign she enters, the Devil embodies the dark side of other cards (especially those adjacent in a spread): for the Magician, it’s black magic; for the High Priestess, it’s hypocrisy, greed disguised as sanctity; for the Lovers, it’s power struggles or relationships degenerating into lust without love; for Justice, it’s corruption or an inability to admit wrongdoing. He represents the reverse, dark side of Strength, excessiveness in contrast to Temperance, and rules over various realms of the Moon. But most of all, he’s a dark parody of the Fifth Arcanum (the Hierophant, the High Priest) – what, exactly, are you worshiping and serving?

This is the battle between Ultimate Good and Ultimate Evil (and they can look quite unconventional at this highest level!). Evil is a part of both human essence and life in general, and here the choice is not towards order, but towards chaos. Individualism, unwillingness to submit to the world order, the desire to go one’s own way – this is a path that leads nowhere.

The figure of the Devil symbolizes the magical forces of astral light or the universal mirror, in which divine forces are reflected inversely, or in their lower state.

This card also corresponds to the concept of astral light as a universal creative principle, astrologically corresponding to Mars (the planet exalted in Capricorn). ♑️

The reversed pentagram symbolizes the principle of active descent of spirit into matter, as well as the destruction of the spiritual element in humans.

The bat wings emphasize its affiliation with the nocturnal or shadow sphere, and the animal nature of humans is expressed in the form of male and female elements chained to the cube on which the Devil sits. His torch is false light, leading unenlightened souls to their own destruction. They are chained in loose chains – they can cast them off, but they don’t. These “lovers” are held by illusions, not real chains. This, by the way, is a source of hope – chains can be cast off. You just need to find the desire to do so. People don’t do this because they don’t want to.

Capricorn is associated with Pan – the ancient god of excess and frenzy; he wasn’t evil, but the sounds of his pipes excited people and led them into wild frenzy.

Ideally, a person should be able to see the Devil and not be afraid to interact with him (in psychological terms, one should recognize their shadow). The main trick of the Devil is to pretend he doesn’t exist. In the inner world, this looks like a sense of one’s own sinlessness, righteousness, and freedom from all base things, weaknesses, and dependencies. Throughout history, spiritual mentors of all faiths have warned: don’t think of yourself as sinless, don’t think of yourself as strong.

The Fifteenth Arcanum often presents the “superman complex,” a Luciferian theme of superiority, pride, self-assurance, and arrogance. It tempts with “self-realization” in various areas, self-assertion – wherever and however, as long as one is noticed, instilling the need to outdo someone, to triumph over someone, to prove one’s superiority.

Sometimes it also triggers the significance of excessive socialization, dependence on one’s ego, and the ego – on the opinions of others.

The Devil is the “prince of this world.” And the world largely binds people in chains. People become what this “world itself” accepts them to be, forcing them to fight for their existence in the likeness of the jungle.

The ancients taught that there is an order for the world, in which all living beings are capable of finding their best purpose. The divine law establishes and maintains this order. The Devil seeks to overthrow it. The true path in Tarot is to draw closer to divine power.

At this stage of development, the traveler is already strong and dedicated enough to become a valuable servant of evil forces. It is precisely at this point that a choice must be made: whether to continue on the path to the ultimate goal or to take a different path (which begins here… and ends here as well). At this moment, temptation is very great – temperance suggests patiently and modestly waiting for tasks to be completed, while the Devil points to a way to achieve the same goal without waiting and without effort. What is offered is immense, but the price is even higher. In reality, a person CAN achieve all of this without the help of the Devil.

What is being offered now is a quick solution to problems and satisfaction – without effort, waiting, morality, and so on. It reminds that impatience will lead to the collapse of all plans and hopes, and the dark forces of involution benefit from this. They are not interested in a successfully developing free individual; they are interested in stopping and entangling the hero in their nets. The power or pleasure offered by the Devil will come at a high price, and personal freedom will be the first to go. Everything is heading towards chaos and doom in life, leading to misfortunes, suffering, loneliness, and the most unfortunate circumstances. Those seeking shortcuts await devastation and downfall, disasters and self-destruction, even if they are currently offered mountains of gold.

The Devil

Regarding astrological associations: the number 15 (Fifteenth Arcanum) is associated with the full moon, the 15th lunar day. The Moon is the planet of the immortal soul. Dying and being reborn in the sky, it awakens in the human soul the idea of immortality and is associated with the image of the heavenly Eye, observing the Earth at night. But at night, everything earthly is plunged into sleep, and the ever-watchful Eye has no one to share what it sees, it only sees but does not speak. Yet its vision is sharp and penetrates into the darkest corners of matter, knowing its essence and foundation. Preserving the old at the birth of the new is the traditional function of the Moon.

And the sign of Capricorn is responsible for the dense matter where this memory is recorded. It can be said that if Sagittarius asserts a new vision of the world, then Capricorn, as its compensation, is tied to the old, to its most rigid and conservative foundations, so the Devil card (the astrological equivalent of which is the sign of Capricorn) is associated with serving matter, which brings internal (spiritual) emptiness.

Some authors consider the Devil in the spread to be a symbol of a test, a “challenge,” a sort of examination that a person must pass to test their strength and ascend to a new level of self-awareness and understanding of the world. This test or trial can be anything – a risky venture, a decision to escalate a conflict, or indeed alcohol, drugs, or marital infidelity.

The key is that the test must be consciously faced and overcome.

In its most positive interpretation, the Fifteenth Arcanum is Gern, the green deity of nature and the forest, the embodiment of human instinctual and sexual nature. Since humans began to mishandle unconscious forces, their manifestations have been considered demonic and dangerous.

Gern, however, subdues, tames instinctive nature, brings it back to earth, and teaches respect for it. Gern is primarily a male deity, wielding male sexuality and the ability to procreate. This is a very interesting, albeit rarely highlighted aspect of the Arcanum.

Gern is the father and god of fatherhood. He embodies the thirst for life and instincts that have allowed the human race to survive. It includes sexual instinct and the selfish belief that we are at the center of the universe and the desire to control everything in our own interests. Attempts to prove otherwise and suppress the forces of Gern are self-destructive. It has been noted before that the Devil is a dark parody of the Hierophant.

Gern carries a huge stock of life energy that should be enough for the survival of all. He guards life without relying on our shaky notions of its value. The temporary clouding of the minds of human children by instinctive impulses is very carefully and foresightedly provided by Papa Gern. It’s not for children to decide whether the human race survives from millennium to millennium. This is a serious matter, no time for squeamishness. Therefore, instincts, despite any resistance and suppression, declare their existence at a certain stage of life and demand to be heard and directed. And according to the idea, Papa Gern, standing by every cradle, should not be cursed for this but revered and thanked.


The Devil signifies that a person must undergo a test of strength and cunning to reach the heights in his/her endeavors.

However, more often it’s simply a situation where a person has “sold his soul” to something and become enslaved, unable to break free.

This can manifest in various ways, with the sphere of influence being almost anything. It could be show business, finance, science, or politics. There’s a significant dependency on another person or immense pressure. The situation forces actions that one will deeply regret sooner or later, and perhaps that moment has already arrived.

The Devil speaks of the risk of betraying one’s beliefs, falling into dependency, being compromised, subjected to clever manipulation, and the inability to act at one’s own discretion.

The Devil rarely describes a situation of open bullying – it usually appears under an attractive guise, outwardly appearing quite respectable.

Involvement in dubious ventures that can end badly. A tangle of dark machinations, a web of lies and intrigues, problems with violating professional ethics. This could involve falsifying data, engaging in circular loans, theft, shady deals, circumventing subordination, disclosing confidential information, corruption – in short, getting involved in something shady. Often, being caught in such a “web” of dubious dealings leads to ruthless exploitation or obsession with further advancement. Therefore, the Devil can be indicative of a workaholic who forgets about everything else in life.

Engaging in something unsavory – the range of meanings is very broad, it could involve black magic, prostitution, or any kind of fraud, from miracle cure courses to political advertising production. Professionally, the Devil is closely associated with politics and usury. Bad advice. Power struggles.

The Devil can also portend an unexpected failure in affairs due to someone’s machinations or a fateful turn of events.

Financial situation

When the main question of the spread is about financial well-being, the Fifteenth Arcanum appears relatively positively, promising its achievement, although most likely not by the cleanest means.

The Devil is a symbol of profit and commercialism, materialism, and charging interest. It speaks of focusing efforts solely on achieving material goods, a great thirst for material, purely physical well-being, being fixated on “the good life.”

However, as they say, seeing a pie, having a pie, and eating a pie are three big differences. And the risk of degradation in the pursuit of these things is evident. Through the Devil, profit at the expense of others is evident, enrichment at someone else’s expense.

Entering into a situation of dependence and submission (a typical situation for a kept man). In addition, it’s an unstoppable desire to chase after all new acquisitions. Financial machinations. Speculation.

Personal Relations

Certainly, attachment, strong attraction, a surge of passion. Oh, the Devil – it’s the card of relationships! But what kind, that’s the question. Usually from the series “temptation led me astray.”

The Devil often appears for those who are tempted to enter into an extramarital affair or have completely lost their heads because of someone. The desire and cravings are so strong that they completely overshadow the voice of reason, hindering the ability to realistically assess the person and the situation.

The partner is a fatal passion, a true shadow, an indicator of the dark side of the person. They tempt (not necessarily consciously) and carry with them primitive energy that makes one forget everything, lose oneself.

Symbolizing the art of seduction, passion, and charm, the Devil always indicates that all of this is traps and deception. It warns of the destructive consequences of relationships built on emotional dependence, tyranny, sadomasochism, based on the forces of darkness and tremendous fear of oneself.

Through the Devil, not only intense temptations pass, but also simply suppression from someone, negative influence – they control, intimidate, destroy the partner’s “self,” impose their way of thinking. In general, pointing to unhealthy destructive relationships is perhaps the most common role of the Fifteenth Arcanum in spreads!

Manifestations such as financial dependence, sexual obsession, blackmail, betrayal, physical, emotional, and sexual violence may occur. The problem of jealousy, control, and manipulation often arises.

The theme of “dishonor” is also typical. Sexual anomalies, any “ambiguous charm” are also under the jurisdiction of the fifteenth Arcanum.

There may simply be a stormy but extremely short-lived passion, accompanied by a feeling that it would have been better not to enter into this relationship after all.

Even after providing a couple of acute experiences, the Devil ultimately brings unhappiness and suffering. Yes, we can say: it was an experience, it taught me a lot, and yet, looking back on my biography in the twilight of days, we will at best grimace – there could well have been no stain on it. And at worst – we will have reason for regret, outstanding in lateness and hopelessness.

The Devil is an indicator of a connection in which a person has strayed very far from their principles, notions of honor and honesty. In temporary frenzy, they may seem conditional and unnecessary, but then conscience will noticeably remind them of themselves.

Sometimes the Devil points to karmically inevitable evil, something secret and predetermined. In addition to the meaning of temptation and violence against the light nature, the Devil (like astrologically Lilith) has a karmic significance – fate, doom, predestination.

The presence of the Devil in the spread makes the circumstances fateful, fatal, even if not inherently sinful. His appearance is a sign of fate prevailing over the situation.

Sometimes the Devil indicates that a deep and passionate bond existing between people originated in the past, and now there has been a connection of karmic predispositions. But the basis of this connection is grim, and in the past, between them, there were huge difficulties, perhaps hatred, violence, unfulfilled promises, fatal oaths, the use of some magical spells, or something similar. And now these two constantly pick at each other’s old wounds.

The Devil noticeably energizes the sphere of instincts. One of the reasons why it is difficult to extricate oneself from the described relationships of the Fifteenth Arcanum is the set of intense sexual experiences. Floundering in the depths of passion, a person may well realize that they are in deep trouble and it would be good to get out, but how to do it is not clear. Sometimes the card indicates that in the affair, magic spells were not without involvement, and this state of “possession” arose as a result of some manipulations aimed at binding someone to oneself. One partner plays with the other like a cat with a mouse, consciously or not, resorting to cunning tricks to bind, acquire, regain, dominate, revenge – the list of “dreams” can go on. The Devil can also indicate a relationship in which love and hatred are present simultaneously and in high concentration. Uncontrollable attraction and great hostility are present (desire to get rid of, fear of losing, freedom zero … in general, typical manifestations of Lilith). Hence the eternal struggle, peace only comes in dreams, if there is time for sleep. In these relationships, it is absolutely necessary to bring light and at least slightly free each other, because at the moment they are very sticky, painful, forceful in essence, with a strong emphasis on themes of power, control, inability to resist, and incapacity to stop in time. The danger emanating from them should not be underestimated.

The reaction to the gifts of the Devil largely depends on a person’s relationship with the “mirror” Arcanum – the High Priest, that is, on the presence of moral concepts. If they are underdeveloped, a person finds their teacher precisely in the Fifteenth Arcanum, perceives what is happening as interesting and “happiness,” and dives headlong into it, sometimes successfully fitting it into a philosophical-psychological framework (which once again confirms the old rule: the Devil is a parody of the High Priest). If conscience is developed, then what happens according to the Devil is unequivocally assessed as a dark streak and deprivation of one’s own will. A person clearly feels that all this – passion, mania, obsession, instincts – forces them to act against their own will. There is no identification with the shadow, nor its joyful acceptance. The Devil remains a violator and enslaver.

According to the Devil, complex feelings can accompany the dissolution of a painful bond – for example, divorce, during which relationships are brought to the extreme, exposing all unsavory


Sometimes the card indicates negative astral influence, black magic actions (for example, the presence of the Hanged Man).

Deterioration (or at least undermining) of health due to dependencies, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, self-neglect. Drug addiction, alcoholism.

Reversed Devil

The reversed card usually carries positive meanings: liberation from dependencies and fears, casting off shackles, overcoming obstacles, the beginning of spiritual understanding, dissolution of corrupt bonds. A person begins to dispel illusions or actively resists oppressive personalities, situations, or their own weaknesses. In the realm of spiritual enlightenment, the reversed card signals that a person has realized the limitation of material forms compared to the boundlessness of their own soul.

For a person typically embodying the traits of the Fifteenth Arcanum (tempter, deceiver, etc.), the reversed card can signify a complete disaster, exposure, retribution, or loss of power.

The Devil

Combination with other cards

It is believed that if the Devil appears surrounded by good cards, it may suggest a negative situation where one can successfully “dodge” retribution.

With the Fool – some authors believe that the Fool weakens the influence of the Devil, bringing freedom from dependencies and materialism.

With the High Priestess – a bad sign.

With the Chariot – new opportunities to achieve desired goals open up, direct dangers are not imminent, but when making a choice, one should carefully consider the consequences.

With Justice – not the time to search for “the whole truth”, some time must pass to restore justice, it cannot be achieved now.

With the Star – considered to significantly weaken the influence of the Devil. Overcoming fears, temptations, and doubts, not by willpower, but through genuine purity of nature and the patronage of higher powers.

With the Sun – indicative of a devilishly charming personality, capable of charming to the point of madness, eliciting instant and practically uncontrollable affection and willingness to serve their interests. Blindness with passion and enthusiasm, readiness to go to the ends of the earth for a very dangerous individual. The person is truly charming and not devoid of bright sides. And they are genuinely dangerous, in every sense.

With Judgment – devastating legal costs.

With the Four of Wands – it is believed that the card also brings freedom and weakens the negative influence of the Devil.

With the Seven of Cups – a bad combination, indicating excessive dependence on something (sex, alcohol, gambling, or the like), squandering money, unrestrained self-indulgence.

With the Ten of Cups – the card weakens, “negates” the influence of the Devil, bringing joy and peace.

With the Eight of Swords – ignorance, fear of the unknown, limitation, the person does not realize they are bound hand and foot.

With the Nine of Swords – complete despair.

With the Two of Pentacles – depression.

Fallen Angel

Baphomet, Typhon

Pan, Gern

Fate, Doom,

Temptation, Sin, Evil

“The dark side of power”.


path 26

Ain (From God to Tiferet, from Greatness to Beauty)

Letter Samekh


Pluto as a sign of dark power.

Full moon, Lilith

Dark repetition of “High Priest”

Occult meaning – ROCK


Pan Pangenerator (Universal progenitor)
Cern (Kern, Cernunnos)
Walpurgis Night (Witch’s Sabbath), Beltane, time of Cern
Fallen angels: Azazel, Lucifer, Beelzebub
Expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise
Temptation of Christ in the desert
Betrayal of Judas
Famous quote by Francis Bacon, whose bribery accusation cost him his career at the English court: “Those who believe that anyone can be bought with money have already sold themselves to someone.”
The character Milady from Alexandre Dumas’ novel “The Three Musketeers.”
The transformation of a Jedi to the dark side of the Force in “Star Wars.”