Two of Wands: Opportunities; Flame of Desire

Appearance of two’s in a spread indicates a need to make a choice. Most likely, this choice requires cooperation, teamwork, patience, balance, tact, discipline and diplomacy.

The most positive interpretation of Two of Wands is a harmony between achievements of the past and plans for the future. In the positive card environment, Two of Wands is a conquest and power, as a carte blanche in gaining power. A questioner has enough power, influence and resources to carry out all that has been planned.

Two of Wands foreshadows the arrival of something unexpected; something we did not see coming.

This may be, for example, unexpected opposition from people from whom it was not expected, or a discovery of an existence of some rules that no one knew about, and so on.

The positive environment of Two of Wands can portend an unexpected but profitable combination of circumstances.
Most often this card indicates the presence of a new opportunity, and a questioner hesitates to use it or not. It is accompanied by indecisiveness and uncertainty. Sometimes a card reacts to people wants to change a residence in a geographical sense.

Another meaning of Two of Wands is  crossroads, some kind of a vital intersection. It seems a person is losing of further motivation for new actions, and that is why it is difficult to make a decision. A person is on a threshold of something, and he does not want to take a next step in a chosen direction. As if a person is looking at a turbulent flow that he needs to enter, and his leg is already brought in, but he is completely reluctant to make a step, and a person still wants to be on a shore.

This “threshold” may be anything that a person does not want to do and he makes “a sluggish statement of intentions in an absence of a sincere desire to act.”

And the problem is that no solution suits a person really and a person is delaying the final answer. Sometimes Two of Wands indicates that a decision is not so important, because, in fact, almost nothing depends on his choice.

Personal Feelings


Creative flight is delayed. “Oh, Muse, where are you?”

A person stands apart from what is happening, because he does not really know how to act now. He has a desire to stay away from everything and he does not want to make decisions, because he does not have a soul to anything. Discontent with what is happening. Feeling of vexation, lack of happiness. He sees everything, but what he sees does not make him happy … for some reason.

Two of Wands shows a strong influential person, a ruler, a conqueror, a realized person with great opportunities. He did not allow anything to take over him, for him a sea is knee-deep and a whole world is applauding him, but …. at the moment he is tired of himself. As in the previous stage of development nothing could distract him from accomplishing what was intended, so now he feels nothing can bring him back to this stage.

This is a person is knows-it-all and experienced-it-all – burning ideas and will power, desire to fight and willingness to take risks, and furious progress and spontaneous self-expression (and maybe even reckless aggressiveness and demonstration of one’s strength), but … at the moment strength of a flow has weakened And he has no desire to climb onto the trouble. Two of Wands shows an unexpected inner block (a loss of enthusiasm, inspiration and taste for life). His thoughts are hanging “somewhere out there,” and he is searching for something lost in parallel spaces.

There is a constantly persistent tension where indefinite inner suffering is hidden. Will balances between creative and destructive impulses, as well as between suppression and prohibition; between burnout and aggression.

At the moment it is more important for a person to express his power than to achieve a specific goal.

A person of Twin of Wands remains an individualist. He does not particularly listen to someone else’s opinion and always acts in his own way. It’s difficult to be with him because he is a dictator by nature, Solus Rex Incognito.

On a Deeper Level

This is a “depression of achievement.”

In an allegorical sense, Two of Wands is so-called “weeping of Alexander”  (“When Alexander looked around limits of his kingdom, he sobbed because there was nothing more to conquer”). You got everything you wanted, but you do not feel so much joy, as a decline of spirit on this matter.

“Sadness and loss of life forces from one who has managed to achieve everything desired, but no longer finds in himself the determination for new actions.”

Friction of the polar forces. A spiritual test of Two of Wands is ability to relate to other people. The world is lying at your feet, but it is hard to  perceive other people, their ideas and desires the same way. A person must turn his heart simultaneously turn into binoculars and a microscope. Therefore, Two of Wands symbolizes a person with pronounced ideas, desires, ambitions, who is compelled to seek a compromise with other people endowed with their ideas, desires and ambitions.

This is a new role for which a script is not yet written. It is uncertainty in a new situation due to the break with an old experience, the blindness of one’s own impulse due to inability to see oneself from a side. Therefore, to make a new right decision is important to rely on past achievements. Idea slowly gains its strength and expands. The idea will realized as soon as separates from a creator.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: temporarily move aside and calm down, maintaining a neutral position. Do not make a final decision until there is real certainty that it is what you want to do. Then decide what goals should be pursued first; and make an effort to transform tension into enthusiasm and deliberate actions.

Warning: do not hesitate too long to make a decision.

Main Meanings ​​of Two of Wands in a direct position:
1. Time to think – is it worth? Will there then be a disappointment from the success achieved;
2. A plan is feasible, but at a high cost;
3. Creative and intellectual work;
4. Balanced temperament;
5. Clarity of purpose and fervent intent;
6. Achievements in business;
7. Human kindness;
8. Interest in science and arts;
9. Indifference, there are no worries
10. neutral position;
11. union without heat;
12. joint project;
13. Financial benefits;
16. Unrealized potential;
17. Travel;
18. Waiting period;
19. Preparation for change;
20. Waiting for an answer.