Vesta is the brightest asteroid in space. In the mythology, Vesta is the first child of Chronos. She refused to Poseidon and Apollo and vowed to remain a virgin. For that Zeus gave her a gift to stay in the center of the house. Vesta worshiped in all the temples. Vesta is the keeper of a sacred flame, protecting the home, city, country, and humanity.
In pre-Greek times, Vesta is worshiped the same as the Moon goddess. At first, the rituals were not associated with sobriety. The children born under the influence of Vesta were considered sacred and often became queens and kings.
A meaning Vesta is evident through its central symbol – the heart, the center of everything (Latin heart means focus).
Symbols of Vesta: the eternal flame, hearth, the torch, the altar, donkey (humility, patience, firmness, a sacrificial animal of Saturn).
Vesta Chastity is associated with the sign of Virgin and Scorpio. Assyrian zodiac did not have a constellation of Libra: Scorpio was the next sign after Virgo, and what became Libra were claws of Scorpio. Symbols of Virgo and Scorpio look similar, only one is directed inward, and the other directed out. Vesta combines chastity of Virgo, and marriage of Scorpio. The sign of Libra served an artificial division of female roles (virginity before marriage and sexuality after). The discovery of Vesta shows the opportunity to combine these two topics in one archetype.
In Rome, women under the influence of Vesta believed to appear as nuns, who did work at a religious service, whose lives were devoid of personal relationships. So we had an image of an old maiden. However, in the contemporary investigation of horoscopes, this interpretation is not working: we often find a good position of Vesta in sexually active women and men.
Vesta refers us to the ancient rituals, where women used their sexuality not to keep a husband, but to serve a goddess of the moon, and to bless those who are devoted to her. Their sexual idealism aims at achieving ecstatic states. Modern society still does not understand the purity of such motivation.
In an Olympic family, Vesta is considered Saturn’s eldest child. Her relationship with Saturn confirms the fact that they control the earth signs Virgo and Capricorn. Both of them express the principles of limitation, limit, focus, and mission. Sexual limitations reflected by Vesta, similar to intense aspects of Saturn to Venus and Mars. If Vesta has negative aspects with mars, it may lead to physical or psychological impotence and a person can be aggressive.
Negative aspects with Venus or Juno with Vesta can indicate frigidity of a person and inability to love. A person can show off simulated independence. Damaged Vesta suggests a failure to open up and share oneself with others (give oneself to another). A person may see any potential partner as a rude, demanding tyrant.
In general, the Vesta reflects the principle of sex as a means of spiritual service.
In Leo, Vesta’s sexual energy works as a creative principle of reproduction itself.
Vesta’s virginity means perfection in oneself, self-control and self-sufficiency. Therefore it is not a burden, but very fruitful to resume its purity and integrity, Vesta’s people are bathed in sacred springs and withdrawal. Transits to Vesta may represent time a need of inner purification and reintegration.
Vesta gives a person great ability to focus. A person accumulates energy to directs it to a single point.
When Vesta has a negative influence, this focus may be blurred and indistinct, or a person may only see a narrow and limited view of the world.
A man is capable of self-determination to devote himself to a mission.
Vesta indicates an area of obligations, as well as an area of restrictions.
- Vesta is the Fire Goddess and she was a way more powerful Pagan deity before the Romans diluted her into their Goddess.
- Vesta is about Tantric Sexuality and what makes us hot. She is the most important planet in love synastry. Sacred Sexuality.
- Vesta in the chart is where you give away sexuality and/or romance in order to be fiercely independent
- Vesta is unquenchable fires of passion and forceful self-actualization.
- Vesta is self-discipline and unwavering attention to a task. She is also a Prosperity Goddess, the Hearth symbolizes abundance.