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Daily Archives: February 23, 2023

Shrovetide (Maslenitsa) Around the World

We know that Yule, and Ostara are celebrated in many countries of the world. What about Shrovetide? Crepes, dumplings, stuffed with meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, farmers cheese, potatoes and berries, cheesecakes, a scarecrow, ribbons – are a primordially Ukrainian tradition. Maslenitsa turns into Fastnacht, Myasopust, Leftovers, Crepe Week, Fat Tuesday…

The Astonishing History and Traditions of the SHROVE (Maslenitsa) – the Crepe Celebration

As cows began to calve, milk appeared in every house. Butter is a symbol of prosperity in the family, and a round hot crepe, the personification of the sun, are attributes of the holiday. Shrove Tuesday comes from earlier traditions first held by the Slavs, who believed that spring came…