4. The House Lenormand Card Meaning and Combinations

The House Lenormand Card Meaning and Interpretation

When the House appears in one’s reading, questions of family and home life are being referenced. It can represent the physical space, the people within the house – all or specific family members. There is more abstract concept of home. Think of places where you feel like home, – places where you feel safe, where you feel protected, where you feel like you belong, where you feel cozy and comfortable.

Thé sense of belonging and comfort, first of all, creates stability and security – but it can be very difficult try new ways of doing things.

The house is a boundary between what is outside and what is inside – it is a bubble or a barrier which separates. It implies that there is an “us” and a “them”. This can mean keeping things away from the private eye, but also can translate to the feeling of close-mindedness.

The House Lenormand Combinations

1. Rider – home announcement, welcoming visitors to the home

2. Clover 🍀 – not taking traditions seriously, a lighthearted family member

3. Ship – moving away from tradition, leaving home

5. Treehome repairs, stability in health

6. Clouds – confusion about family life, lack of roots creates confusion

7. Snake – desire family, conflict between desires vs tradition

8 Coffin – loss of family, loss of tradition, burying the familiar

9. Bouquet – family social gatherings, gratitude for family

10. Scythe – an ending of a family relationship, ending of traditions

11. Whip – conflict inside family, shame and guilt inside family

12. Birds – a chaotic home, gossip about home life, worry about family

13. Child – a new family, conflict between new and familiar, child in family

14. Fox – suspicion about untraditional things, selfishness in family issues

15. Bear 🐻 i- parent, family leader, protecting family, tradition is influence

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