Ace of Clubs represents desire for knowledge. Ace of Clubs is eager to search the knowledge, and at times it goes to extremes of prying curiosity. Ace of Clubs are independent, focused and driven. You put too much pressure on yourself to mater everything you do and you are perfectionist to the fault.
Born Ace of Clubs? Read on.
As an Ace of Clubs, you need a union to be happy. Soul Twin (2 of cups) influence makes you emotionally attached to have lots of friends. You need to know you are loved and admired for your knowledge and friendliness.
It all comes to Ace of Clubs self-awareness how you behave and represent yourself in the society. You may be self-centered loners with no patience, acting as know-it-all mercenaries. You may be just selfish babies who request attention at all costs. Or you can be open, honest and giving to others.
All Aces of Clubs are very curious and constantly seeking for new ideas to improve the quality of life. Even getting older does not stop you from being curious. You are truly the best student. You constantly learn new things and have desire to know more.
You are also very much interested to learn about love. Like all the Aces, you seek a perfect partner going from love affair to the other until one day you find a perfect match.
Ace of Clubs is Venus Card in a Mercury line displaces 2 of hearts.
In A Spiritual Spread, Ace of Clubs is a Neptune Card in the Venus line. This introduces idealistic characteristics of Ace of Clubs. Ace of Clubs like other Neptune cards is looking for the “soul mate.”
So you want to believe that your friendships and love choices are made in heaven. However, as Ace of Clubs you spend too much time analyze relations, which makes your life complicated. In romance, you never have patience. You often engage in co-dependent games to fight your points of view all night long just to prove yourself right and you always want to have the last word. Ironically, you just want to show your mental genius and show your are the best.
Ace of Clubs is a better card for a man or a woman. If women direct their energies into wrong angle, they listen to gossip. Women may want to switch their love partners far too often. Ace of Clubs women might be bisexual.
Ace of Clubs could be very emotional when they cannot control their energies. Women especially can be hard to diagnose if they get sick. Sickness comes comes from their inability to direct energy correctly. They are busy bees doing too many things at once and waste all every away. They need to keep up exercising and eating healthy to maintain the right balance.
Ace of Clubs people have a good change to make or inherit money, but you really need to be very careful to save money for older years.
With a crowd, they Ace of Clubs are very popular. Friendly and smart, Ace of Clubs make nice stories nd jokes. everybody feels comfortable and good around them because, like all Aces, Ace of Clubs make people around them feel special. Ace of Clubs are witty and sharp and great talkers.
Two seventh in their Uranus and Neptune bring either a huge money burdens or great spiritual success. So you need to extend your quest for knowledge with a quest for self-realization. Best for Ace of Clubs to travel which balances restlessness and satisfy the drive to learn new things. If you do not travel and stay too long in one place, it creates complications in their self-development.
“Ace of Clubs is in a Mercury Line and is the Venus card. This combination gives them a Venus in Gemini or Venus in Virgo nature, regardless what is in astrological chart. ” Robert Lee Camp
For all Aces desire of recognition is strong. So you need to accomplish something very important to be satisfied with yourself.
Ace of Clubs need to remember that you can be good at making money. You are capable at attaining wonderful results. Yet you need to establish their objectives, or Mercury influence is too quick and their focus get lost, and money are not made.
Ace of Clubs is Mercury Line, Venus Position and Neptune true place in a Spiritual Spread. So it means you can achieve anything if you have the right focus and set objectives. You will get all hero you need from others. You need to believe in your dreams yourself first.
Their material success solely depends on your spiritual growth. Instead of learning what makes universe tick, you need to look into your own souls and learn to be centered.
For all male Ace of Clubs, relations with mothers are nice and open. Your mother has taught you well of good values and benevolence. This is a good start for you to have easy-going relations with women further in life.
Ace of Clubs have a positive and happy mind. You like to associate yourslef with smart women.
You are great students, but they tend to argue with teachers due to their mars position. You have no patience for slowness and inferiority.
Ace of Clubs are restless and disconnected. You are constantly on the move. You want too many things at the same time and burn yourself into activities. You want frequent change in their location and activities. You may change your opinion if somebody finds better logic to convince you. You can make wrong choices if you are act on your emotions. You always want to be in the limelight and show off.
Ace of Clubs are born for greatness and success. You work well in groups. You like big ideas and dream of big businesses.
Women work for profitable business, they can be good business partners, they can run their own business.
Sometimes both men and women can say home married doing some freelance work. They often need to separate business and work.
Keep giving Ace of Club a nudge, or they might fall into a mediocre style of living.
Ups and downs in finances. You may stay in the business for 3-5 years, but if you stay longer you settle into a rut. You can manage to get by help and support of your family and friends and your random efforts.
Your sense of values are subject to change.
“I know one friend who was saying that he will never want children and then he wrote a long story about how he turned 40 and suddenly he decided to have a child is vital for him.”
It will be beneficial to you to work in tourism, moving and transportation company, artistic fields, writing and teaching.
You are born mystics and never admit it completely. You may have a desire to act in violation with the existing rules and regulations even you know how to make it right.
You are interested in medicine and sicknesses form a perspective of diagnostics. You are very interested in causes of desires. You have good intuition to see the causes of disease and alternative ways to treat it. A profession in medicine can be beneficial.
You never admit yet you can be very jealous.
You need to be very careful with whom you are dealing with. You apt to suffer from the injustice of others. You never have a good judgement regarding investments. Like every Ace, you cannot stay long in a subordinate position, because you need to lead and to be admired. You need to avoid working in real estate because you may lose money.
Travel is unsatisfactory despite considerable investments. You should avoid gambling and try to never act impulsively. You become peaceful and harmonious, when they recognize their true spiritual values in life and start meditation.
May 31 Gemini, Mercury is a ruler
Apt students. Learn fast. If you lose interest, you won’t work hard. Good journalists. You dislike and avoid sales. You can talk all the time, and make contacts. You have a talent for statistics, teaching and engineering. If the job is too boring, you will seek escape.
August 25 Virgo, Mercury is a rules
Highly intelligent. Any science is good experiment.
October 21 – Libra Ruler Venus
or Scorpio Ruler Mars and Pluto
You can commercialize you work even if you work in artistic field. You may change you occupation a few times in your life. You are secretive. You try not to share your disappointments and learn form experience. You are open to spiritual knowledge and have calm mind. You have plenty of friends and friends like you very much.
You often travel a lot for work and may not settle to have a family. You are expressive and convincing especially to the opposite sex. Successful in creative careers – singing, dancing, acting. You can be good lectures and motivational speakers. You need to cultivate self-discipline and you can rule the world.