Ace of Wands – A New Beginning – A Green Light

The Ace of Wands is the first step to gaining meaningful life experience, it is a card of undertakings, initiatives and actions. Ace of Wands is akin to the Magician, – the magical Wand the Magician holds in his raised hand. The Magician card means not only fully conscious desires, but also sufficient power to implement them.

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands informs that new opportunities and unexpected events are on the way, and you should not to be afraid of new twists of fate. Risk is inseparable from self-realization. If circumstances are challenging – it makes sense to test your strength, show courage and enjoy it!

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a spark in a spread, it enhances the energy of everything that is manifested in it. The Ace of Wands clearly heralds a bright streak of life.

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands symbolizes – a new idea, a new way of looking at things, creative thought, invention, enterprise. Metaphysically, this corresponds to the stage of the birth of an idea. The Ace of Swords has a similar meaning, but there is a strong emphasis on conquest and victory, and the Ace of Wands is a symbol of a breakthrough to freedom, liberation, new growth. It is the first step towards renewal and revival.

Ace of Wands

Any Ace is first of all an Ace! This is luck and strength, a happy coincidence, some significant auspicious event. The ace is given “just like that”, like a gift. This is the beginning of activity, enterprise, understanding. Presence of Ace of Wands brings progress in business, a qualitative positive leap is planned or already taking place.

Ace of Wands

When asked about the fulfillment of your desire, the Ace of Wands gives a positive answer, hope for a successful outcome of any undertaking.

Adventures, vivid impressions, some bold ventures, the opportunity to travel to new places.

One of the meanings of the card is genus, genealogy, origin (apparently, by association with a phallic symbol).

Personal Mood

You feel liberated. Your personal power and energy is released, and you feel a manifestation of the fiery qualities of dynamism, enthusiasm, activity and fearlessness.

Entrepreneurship, courage, willingness to take risks, as well as inspiration, enthusiasm. Strengthening the will, beliefs and moral principles, self-confidence. Thus, in general, the Ace of Wands symbolizes life-affirmation, optimism, personal growth.

Ace of Wands

The peak of activity, the fullness of ardor. Illumination of thought (Promethean torch of the mind), the willingness to accept a challenge. A feeling of triumph, triumph, victory.

On a Deeper Level

Ace of Wands is a creative fertilizing power of Creator, pure demiurgy. An unfettered release of liberated energy. The initial creative act is associated with sexual energy, which comes into play whenever we strongly desire something.

A person perceives an idea descended from above, like fire, it is imprinted in his mind. It is a creative force and a divine gift. The birth of a concept, the beginning and acquisition of a previously inaccessible wisdom.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

The advice is simple: strike while the iron is hot! Keep your eyes and ears open so you don’t miss the moment. Take courage and do what you need to do.

The cons of the Ace of Wands stem from increased energy. This is an excessive desire and complete indifference to what is not within the sphere of your interest, lack of patience, following one’s own course, regardless the needs of others.


An inspiring start to a new business venture. Good ideas, smart plans, good circumstances. Profitable trips, promotion. Creativity, an invention, a new idea. Giving yourself to the cause with all your heat, revealing your full potential. The result is likely to be a well-deserved triumph.

Traditionally, the “career” suit of wands is considered to be related to the concept of social prestige. Ace of Wands can lead a person to universal recognition and glory, or to a deterioration in reputation.


House. Perhaps a legacy. Income. Usually, the Ace of Wands implies financial well-being as a result of career success (well paid job). A new source of income, a new job. The opportunity to earn money doing what you really like.

Personal Relationships

An initiative in love, joyful excitement, a flash of passion in an existing relationship, or a new bright hobby.

Ace is a chance that you can take advantage of. The Ace of Wands gives you an exceptional power of intention.

The Wands in combination with the “Sun” or “World”, predicts a successful marriage.

Ace of Wands indicates the strength of desire, the fullness of sexual experiences, bright temperament. The Ace of Wands promises an ardent intimate meeting, a passionate date, a stormy night.

Among the meanings of the Ace of Wands is conception, the birth of a child. In the meaning of “inheritance”, the card indicates good genes, inherited abilities.

In a stagnant relationship, Ace of Wands leads to an “escape to freedom”.<br />Ace of Wands could be interpreted as a slow, stable development of relations. The current trend will gradually deepen, the card emphasizes the seriousness of intentions.

Reversed Ace of Wands

Traditionally, the Ace of Wands reversed associated with a fall, collapse of plans, death, bankruptcy, ruin, and loss.

Anyway, this is a firm “No!” in response to the question asked – at present hopes will not come true.

Reversed Ace of Wands says a start is premature and obviously unsuccessful. The project was poorly thought out, lacking the information, resources, confidence to handle

Vain labor, delays, cancellation of all kinds of agreements, disruption of plans are possible.<br />Reversed Ace of Wands means the absence of new ideas, narrow-mindedness, unwillingness to accept anything new, delusions, inadequate perception of reality, loss of goal.

For men – Reversed Ace of Wands means problems with potency, for women – an indication of the absence of a man in her life. This card also indicates an inappropriate partner, incompatibility issues.

With the Two of Cups – love, dangerous to reputation.

Combination with Other Cards:

With the Ace of Cups – deep feelings, love, passion.

With the King of Cups – a creative achievement

With Strength, Ace of Swords reversed, great offspring.

With the King of Pentacles reversed, children will be wild and disobedient

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