Anahata – The Heart Chakra

Anahata is located in the chest.

The colors are green, red and pink.

The Symbol of the chakra is the heart with we petals of the lotus and inside the lotus is a 6-angle star from which center is coming to the root, the male Yan.

I wonder if Jewish people use this 6-angle star as the symbol of their religion which comes from the heart.

Characteristics of Heart Chakra: feelings, compassion, tenderness, true love, calmness, faithfulness. The accent: Love
Development of a heart Chakra happens from ages 13-15. I believe that is why in Great Depression kids of 13-15 will commit a lot of crimes to make money – because their minds and need to live prosperous lives was already developed, but their hearts why to live ethical life was not. They just would do the right things taking into consideration only equation to use their brains to break laws and to make money, but they did not understand real values.
The Heart chakra is responsible for smell. That is why usually people who have an open heart chakra sense any flavor of smell.

Organs that cover the Anahata are the following the heart, the lungs, the blood vessels, the skin, and hands.
Imbalance in this chakra leads to sickness (flues), changes in blood pressure, heart pains, constant stress (tension), sleepless nights, and chronicle tiredness. – Well, the imbalance can be caused by many factors – from unresolved childhood issues, but mostly because of irreconcilable differences in oneself, and the inability to love oneself. Then the conditions can become chronic, and the only actual healing can be done with players and meditation, then lead a person to love oneself.

The betrayal of love can cause the other temporary afflictions – usually, this happens on an emotional level, so a person even may not know about betrayal but the body falls apart. If you suddenly got sick with pneumonia, it seems some love is dying, and you may die too at extreme cases. I believe that many people fall dead in old ages because they would not bear to live with the loss of a loved one. Nowadays, we live in an age, where there are fewer sicknesses because we have sufficient medicine that always here to help.

Aromatherapy for Heart Chakra is sandal and cedar.
Stones with colors of green and yellow reinforce the energy of the heart chakra.

The heart is a connection of the spirit and the mind.

The heart chakra is a source of love toward people, compassion, and application of empathy.
The condition of the heart chakra depends on the loyalty and ability to heal others. Developed heart chakra helps us to feel people on an intuitive level.

What we all tend to do wrong is when we try to adjust our behaviors to behaviors and needs of other people. This way we drain energy from the heart. If we look at that differently, we can see what happens when our heart is calm. In this case, no hesitation, we just know what to do, what to say, how to act, because we radiate the healing rays of happiness. People adjust to our joy. We radiate vibrations of peace and love, and everybody calms down. We can feel any person, and we can see what stops each person to be happy right at this moment, right now.

Thanks to the opportunity to establish contacts with people around us, we can connect to the power of the Divine and the energy of the universe.

Heart chakra helps us to see and feel the beauty of nature, to feel the real harmony of the universe. Balanced heart chakra leads us to the establishment of balance in all areas of our life.
We open heart and we read the art, poetry, music and sense the feelings of the bliss.
The heart becomes like a generator of happiness turning words into happy feelings of we write.


  1. past life regression | 10th Jul 19

    This seems like the other info I was looking at

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